Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 70 The Hardest Job in the World

On the other end of the communicator, Dr. Yamanashi put down the test report of Magneto's evolution, waved and called Uesugi next to him, and turned on the hands-free.

"Give me the location, I'll let Uesugi come to pick up these elves, they will be well taken care of in the institute.

Of course, I will collect some data if they don't reject it."

"That's really great, I'm in Baidai Forest now, is it convenient for Mr. Uesugi to come?"

"I'll come by helicopter and will be there tomorrow, thank you for waiting there for one more day."

Uesugi's voice came from the communicator, and he didn't even ask what he was going to do.

"No problem, we'll keep in touch."


After hanging up the phone, Mingzheng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Leafeon.


Leafeon blinked, and its big banana leaf tail swayed gently, and its mood improved.

At this time, most of the elves had almost left.

But with Leafeon, Mingzheng still had more than 20 young elves left by his side.

It can be seen that the capture of these three elf hunters is very purposeful.

Young elves are easy to tame, so they are naturally more expensive.

Among them, Leafeon is an extremely rare elf, and it will be sold at a sky-high price no matter where it is taken.

Fortunately, they met Mingzheng, which was also a fate.

Looking at the hungry little faces, Mingzheng rolled up his sleeves.

Dinner will be busy!

Fortunately, enough supplies were replenished in Huayuan Town so that the little guys would not starve.

Just as Mingzheng was busy cooking with the elves, Dr. Yamanashi also briefly recounted the story.

"Well, although Mingzheng's identity is problematic, it is rare that he has not completely fallen."

Uesugi commented and approved of Mingzheng's behavior.

"Let's take a closer look. If there is a chance, help him!"

After Dr. Yamanashi finished speaking, he continued to pick up the information and study it.

But a light sentence has already determined the nature of the matter.

Uesugi nodded and turned to call for a helicopter.


The next day, Mingzheng was awakened by the noise outside.

When he walked out of the tent, he saw that the elves had already gotten up and even gathered in a circle, watching something.

Mingzheng was curious and walked over, only to find that it was actually Gallagher and Leafeon who were sparring!

Because it was a sparring, neither side was using their full strength.

Gallagher waved his bone stick like a flower, launching an airtight attack on Leafeon.

Leafeon was not bad either, with the green leaves between his eyebrows and his tail turning into two leaf blades, and with a strange double-blade style, he barely blocked Gallagher's attack!

At this time, the watching Shuttlecock Flower noticed Mingzheng getting up and happily ran over to cling to him.

Other elves noticed the movement and turned their heads to look at Mingzheng.

Then, a brave Pachirisu also took the initiative to run over and jumped onto Mingzheng's shoulder.

On the other side, Shuttlecock Flower saw that Pachirisu was also clinging to Mingzheng, and her face bulged and she was about to get angry.

But the next second, Mingzheng was surrounded by other elves.

They all tried to climb onto Mingzheng, either by grabbing or pulling.

There were too many "rivals" and they were all children. Jianzihua didn't know who to be angry with for a moment, and was so stunned that she forgot to puff up her face.

The reason why Mingzheng was welcomed by these young elves was nothing more than a life-saving grace + a delicious dinner.

Well, the latter may account for a larger proportion.

Gara Gara and Leaf Eevee also stopped and ran to Mingzheng together.

Leaf Eevee felt a little embarrassed, thinking that he had disturbed Mingzheng's sleep.

Mingzheng had worked very hard last night.

"It seems that everyone has recovered well. Someone will come to pick you up to a better place today!"

The elves nodded one after another, but they were not worried much.

Because they trusted Mingzheng, and it was a collective action.

Then, Mingzheng saw those pairs of eager eyes again.

Well, it seems that I have to take care of breakfast.

Mingzheng resigned himself to cooking, and Gara Gara and Metal Monster also came to help.

After an hour and a half of tossing and turning, Mingzheng shook his sore right hand, feeling relieved.

Sure enough, taking care of children is the most difficult job in the world.

Finally, it's time to get down to business.

"Leopard, come here."

Mingzheng called Leafeon aside while the elves were still eating.

"Do you want to go with everyone later?"

Leafeon was stunned, and then he suddenly realized that he was not a child and had enough survival ability in the wild.


Leafeon looked at the group of young elves who were wolfing down their food, and fell into hesitation.

Mingzheng saw this and had an idea in his mind.

"If you want to go, go together, and you must be more popular than them!"

Mingzheng's words made Leafeon come back to his senses, and he tilted his head to express his doubts.

Ah, it's really cute!

Restrain yourself!

"Regular research institutes, such as the one you will go to next, basically do not force elves to do anything.

But humans there will need to regularly collect some of your data, such as how tall you are, how heavy you are, what skills you can use, etc., which are relatively simple,"

Speaking of this, Mingzheng paused for a moment, and then said: "But you are different!"

"Ye Yi?"

"You evolved from Eevee, but most people outside don't know, so they will be more curious about you and want to know how you evolved."

Yebo blinked, then suddenly stood up and motioned Mingzheng to follow it.

"Where are you going?"


"Jianzihua, gala gala, take good care of these children, Metal Monster, come with me!"

Mingzheng quickly ordered, and then chased after it with Metal Monster.

Yebo swiftly shuttled through the forest. Mingzheng, who was behind, was a little tired of chasing, and then patted the Metal Monster beside him.


The Metal Monster rolled his eyes, but still flew low to let Mingzheng sit on it.

Yebo looked back and ran even faster, his agile figure seemed more agile and elegant.

After turning around, Yebo finally stopped.

The surrounding environment was also very different at this time.

The towering ancient trees blocked all the sunlight nearby. Under the mottled shade of the trees, a huge rock covered with moss exuded a magical smell of vicissitudes but freshness.

Yebo called softly, then gently came to the side of the boulder and looked at Mingzheng.

At this time, Mingzheng had a guess in his mind.

The moss-covered boulder in front of him was most likely the mossy rock that could allow Leafeon to evolve.

He just didn't expect that Leafeon would bring him here like this, without any defense.

"You really are..."

Mingzheng felt sad, and even didn't want Leafeon to go to the research institute for a moment.

Yes, an important reason for him to rescue those Pokémon was Leafeon!

When Mingzheng saw Leafeon for the first time, he was already thinking about how to tell Dr. Yamanashi the evolution method in a logical way.

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