Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 91 Tyrannical Scorpio King

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the cold air was gradually rising on the mountain.

The metal monster in charge of night watch lay outside the tent, like a lifeless iron lump.

In the tent, Mingzheng and the other three elves slept soundly, and at the same time they were training hard in the dream world.

It was impossible for everyone to sleep soundly in the wild, so the elves needed to take turns to watch the night.

It was the metal monster's turn tonight.

Suddenly, the metal monster opened his blood-red eyes and looked up at the sky.

But the surroundings were very quiet, even the chirping of insects only sounded in the distance.

The metal monster blinked his wise eyes to confirm that his feeling was correct.

There was really movement just now!

But after a long time, there was no abnormality around, and the metal monster lay back silently and stopped moving.

If there was a plan, there would be another move.

It was not in a hurry.

But after a night, there was no abnormality.

There was a hint of doubt in the metal monster's wise eyes. Was it really scared away by its majestic body?

This is good!

Then, the metal monster put the matter behind him and happily joined the breakfast competition.

After breakfast, Mingzheng collected all the Pokémons except Garagara and continued to climb the mountain.

In the sky above Mingzheng, a sesame-sized black dot was circling and slowly following Mingzheng's footsteps.

After walking for a whole morning, the man and the pet were sweating a little before they reached a small open space again.

Mingzheng was considering whether to rest here, but Garagara pointed diagonally in front and shouted softly.

Mingzheng looked over and saw a cave facing south.

A cave in the mountain?

The man and the pet looked at each other and walked forward silently.

The cave entrance was not small, and a large Pokémon like the Ivory Pig could easily enter.

Now that they were here, how could they not explore it?

Mingzheng took out a flashlight with his left hand and put his right hand on the battle belt, ready to support at any time.

Entering the cave, light was constantly refracted from the gap, making it very bright inside.

Putting away the flashlight, Mingzheng held a knife in his left hand and made a mark on the wall from time to time.

Just five minutes after they entered the cave, a large black shadow suddenly appeared at the entrance and followed them in.

At this time, Mingzheng and Galagala also encountered the first native in the cave.

A huge dragon king scorpion, with senior intermediate strength.

Mingzheng didn't expect that there would be a dragon king scorpion here, but seeing that the other party had already rushed over, Galagala naturally had no reason to admit defeat.

Bone boomerang!

Throw it out!

The dragon king scorpion subconsciously dodged and stretched out two large pincers to clamp Galagala.

But the next moment, it was hit on the head by the flying thick bone stick, and the whole eyes were full of stars.

Seeing the situation, Galagala rushed up directly, caught the bone stick and hit it again, and directly broke the left pincer of the dragon king scorpion.

The roar sounded, and the dragon king scorpion became ruthless, swinging its tail pincers and the left pincers to hit Galagala again.

Mingzheng was watching from behind and shook his head. The fighting style of this dragon king scorpion was too brutal. It was impossible for it to beat the technical Galagala.

Sure enough, Galagala's bone stick flew horizontally, easily repelling the attack of the tail pincer, and at the same time, he jumped lightly to avoid the sweep of the left pincer.

The next second, the thick bone stick hit the dragon king scorpion's head again with a weird rotation angle.

Galagala's specialty, headshot!

The dragon king scorpion was severely injured and stood trembling in place.

It realized that it might not be the opponent and wanted to escape.

But Galagala would not stop, the dragon king scorpion was worth a lot of points.

Suddenly, an abnormally strong wind blew, and Mingzheng subconsciously retreated to the wall.

Galagala stuck the bone stick into the ground to stabilize his body, and looked at the direction where the wind was blowing.

A huge black shadow flashed by, passed Mingzheng and Galagala, and flew directly to the dragon king scorpion.

A white light flashed, and a huge purple pincer clamped the head of the dragon king scorpion and stabbed it into the ground, stirring up a large cloud of dust.

When the dust dissipated, a huge Scorpio King sat on the limp body of the dragon king scorpion with a grin.

And the dragon king scorpion had been torn apart!

"Gu Laiyong!"

The Scorpio King laughed, not caring about the existence of Mingzheng and Galagala, clamped the neck of the dragon king scorpion, and began to chew it.

Purple blood flowed out of the neck, and was filled into the stomach by the Scorpio King's tongue.

Not to mention, even if Mingzheng had experienced the army of corpses, he felt that the scene in front of him was even more disgusting.

But it was just disgusting.

Mingzheng frowned, he rarely saw such a violent elf.

After the Scorpio King ate the whole neck, he looked at Mingzheng and Galagala.

The next moment, the wind was howling, and the Scorpio King rushed directly to Galagala!

"Shoot it down!"


Facing a flying elf, what's the point of hesitation?

Gala swung the bone stick, and several energy rocks flew out, hitting the Scorpio King at different angles.

But the Scorpio King was so arrogant, so he naturally had a strong fighting power.

After dodging many energy rocks in succession, he was only slightly hit by the last one.

The shooting down effect did not take effect, and the Scorpio King had already completely knocked Galagala to the ground!

"Sharp sound! Bone stick attack!"

Mingzheng shouted loudly, fearing that Galagala could not hear it.

But fortunately, Gara Gara was strong enough to make a sharp sound immediately, followed by a series of knocking sounds, and he managed to knock out a way out of the Scorpio King's suppression!

"Gu Lai Yong!"

The Scorpio King was angry, and his bloody mouth flashed with cold light. He shook his head and was about to bite Gara Gara.

Ice-type trick, frozen teeth!

"Iron head! Shoot down!"

Ming Zheng saw the opportunity and ordered in time.

Gara Gara instantly understood Ming Zheng's meaning, and the cold white skull wrapped in silver energy took the initiative to stretch into the Scorpio King's mouth.


The icy teeth shattered, and the Scorpio King screamed in pain!

Its frozen teeth have not been strengthened to the point of condensing virtual ice teeth, but only use its own teeth to wrap ice energy to attack.

Gara Gara took the opportunity to retreat and completely got rid of the Scorpio King's suppression.

Then, the Scorpion King was hit again. Before the Scorpion King could recover from the pain of broken teeth, the next second, the energy rock hit his wings, instantly smashing several big holes!

Garagala did not hold back at all when facing the Scorpion King who wanted to eat him!

The Scorpion King, who had dominated the area for a long time, was furious with broken teeth and wings destroyed.

It blew a strong wind and wanted to take off with the wind, but the broken wings could not hold the wind at all.


Garagala took advantage of the situation and stepped on the Scorpion King with his right foot!

A series of ground energy waves continuously hit the Scorpion King, causing it, which was not good at standing on the ground, to fall to the ground.

Then, the bone boomerangs were fired one after another, aiming at the Scorpion King's big head!

One, two...three, four!

Mingzheng did not stop Garagala's actions.

Seeing that the Scorpion King was lying on the ground without any movement, and even a large part of his head had sunken, Garagala stopped.

The next moment, Gala Gala roared suddenly, and the aura circulated around his body, and he instantly broke through to the senior intermediate level!

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