Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 93 You come to assist

The melee lasted for half an hour.

The Dark Crow couldn't stand Gala Gala's absolutely powerful shooting down attack. After losing a large number of companions, they finally couldn't help but flee.

Ming Zheng looked at the Dark Crows all over the ground and did not take any more finishing blows. He even took the initiative to let Shuttlecock Flower use Green Grass Field once.

After all, it was Ming Zheng who took other people's things. Although he wouldn't give them back, he could still treat them.

Then, ride the metal monster and continue flying deeper into the cave.

If you stay where you are, the extremely hateful Dark Crow might come back at some point, so it's better to leave first.

The intricate caves are just right for them to hide their traces.

Mingzheng had also checked the information before and found that the caves inside Dianyuan Mountain are very developed, and many roads have even been cleared by humans as daily transportation routes.

With Gala Gala, I can clearly identify the direction even in the crypt.

Therefore, Mingzheng decided not to climb over the mountains, but to walk inside the mountains.

And judging from the continuous experience just now, there are many elves in the mountain, which may be more valuable for experience.

Not long after, the metal monster took Ming Zheng to an open space next to an undercurrent water source.

"Just take a rest here!"

Mingzheng ordered and released all three other elves at the same time.

Shuttlecock Hua was still in a daze, but immediately came over after seeing Ming Zheng.

Mingzheng understood its uneasiness, squeezed it gently, and then started to prepare to eat.

The metal monster took Flame Rabbit to patrol the surrounding areas. Although their attributes were not in harmony, their relationship was unexpectedly good.

Maybe it's because his personality is more or less reckless.

Gala Gala was unstoppable and sat far away from the water source, quietly maintaining the thick bone rod.

After successive battles with the Scorpion King and the Dark Crows, the thick bone rod suffered a lot of damage.

Seeing this made Gala Gala feel very distressed, so she immediately applied two more layers of maintenance oil and plated it carefully.

Soon, Metal Monster and Flame Rabbit returned, bringing a few extremely rare Thousand Spicy Fruits along the way.

"Where did you find it? This is a good thing!"

Mingzheng observed it carefully and found that the quality of the Qianxiangguo in front of him was very good.

This tree fruit is extremely rare and often grows beside undercurrent streams. It likes shade and humidity. Long-term use by elves can effectively improve the water attribute resistance, making it very suitable for Gala Gala and Yantu.



The two elves were talking over each other, causing Mingzheng's ears to hurt.

"Okay, okay, I'll go take a look after dinner later. If there's anything good, I'll add chicken drumsticks for you!"


Flame chicken legs?

Yantu'er and Metal Monster looked at each other and thought, is this stuff delicious?

Well, it must be, and I waited for the meal next to me contentedly.

An hour later, one person and four pets were full of food and drinks, and their faces were full of contentment.

The frightened Shuttlecock also recovered a lot and was willing to follow the metal monster and the others to play.

But seeing that Ming Zheng had finished cleaning up, Yan Tu'er immediately jumped over and tugged on his trouser legs expectantly.

"me too!"

"Come on, let's go take a look!"

Ming Zheng took action, and the elves immediately followed.

The metal monster also knew what he was going to do, so he quickly flew over to show that he could pass by clearly.

"me too!"

Yan Tu'er was very angry and said that everyone should go together, otherwise what would happen if his share of chicken drumsticks was gone?

Ming Zheng stopped the two elves with a smile.

"Let's go over there and eat!"

After Mingzheng set the tone, the metal monster said no more, and his eyes flew back to stick to the shuttlecock flower.

After adding super attributes, the metal monster is obviously no longer so "steel", and he still cares about Shuttlecock.

Yantu'er seemed to realize that he was excited just now, and he was embarrassed to go to the metal monster.

Mingzheng saw it and didn't ask much.

It is naturally a good thing for the elves to coordinate and coexist, and they should try their best to resolve minor frictions by themselves.

As a trainer, you can't let your friends feel treated differently.

This is difficult.

With this in mind, Mingzheng and the others quickly arrived at the place where Qianxiangguo appeared.

It happened to be a small pool formed by the convergence of undercurrents before.

Beside the pool, there are some small Thousand Spicy Fruits hanging here and there, but they are not as good as those brought back by Metal Monster and Flame Rabbit before.

"It seems you have picked off all the big ones."

"me too!"

But Yan Rabbit shook his head and quickly jumped to the edge of the pool. He clearly remembered that there were many here before...


Behind him, Ming Zheng's voice sounded, and Yan Tu'er retreated instinctively, and the pool in front of him splashed a huge amount of water.

A red shadow emerged from the water, its huge size was very intimidating.

Fortunately, Yan Tu'er was born with quick reflexes, and he had been practicing continuously during this period, and finally managed to avoid the opponent's attacks.


At this time, Yan Tu'er also saw clearly who was coming.

The whole body is red, with a yellow five-pointed star on the top of the head, and two huge shrimp claws making clicking noises.

Iron-clawed lobster, water + evil system, advanced and junior!

"Yan Tu'er, let..."

Mingzheng suddenly got stuck mid-sentence.

He turned his head and glanced at Shuttlecock Flower, whose eyes were full of worry.

"Shuttlecock Hua, come and assist Yan Tu'er! Yan Tu'er, your opponent is stronger than you and is a water type. Do you dare to fight?"

"me too!"

Yantu'er did his job, wiped his bandaged nose and stood in front of the clawed lobster. Don't be too excited.


Shuttlecock Flower didn't hesitate and stood up immediately.

It just waved its short hand and released the tailwind at the first time.

Gara Gara and Metal Monster retreated tacitly to prevent the Iron Claw Lobster from not daring to fight because of the large number of people.

This is indeed the case. Seeing that the opponent is only Flame Rabbit and Shuttlecock Flower, the Iron Claw Lobster suddenly became arrogant.

In terms of size and appearance, the Iron Claw Lobster is obviously more domineering and stronger!

The next moment, the Iron Claw Lobster said nothing, the shrimp claw flashed blue light and extended a water blade, and rushed towards Flame Rabbit.

Skill, Shell Blade!

Mingzheng felt relieved, and the threat of the Iron Claw Lobster, which could not use the crab claw hammer, was reduced a lot.

"Lightning flash, approach it!"

Flame Rabbit obeyed the order, and with the blessing of the tailwind, it came to the side of the Iron Claw Lobster in almost the blink of an eye, and then hit it hard!


The Iron Claw Lobster was hit by the lightning flash, but because of its tonnage and defense, it only moved half a meter sideways and stopped.

But at this moment, a dark green seed gently fell on the lobster.

Instantly, the seed took root and grew wildly, and in an instant, it completely wrapped the lobster.

The shuttlecock flower made a move, and the parasitic seed was released at the perfect time!

"Two consecutive kicks, kick the five-pointed star on its head!"

"Mi Rabbit!"

Flame Rabbit screamed, and with a strong kick of its legs, it flew directly to the top of the lobster.

The lobster subconsciously wanted to clamp Flame Rabbit, but the vines surrounded it, making it difficult to move for a while.

Bang! Bang!

Two consecutive times, Flame Rabbit accurately hit the five-pointed star of the lobster, which was its weak point, and it screamed in pain.


In the air, the shuttlecock flower moved again!

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