Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 98 What should I do? My trainer has become stronger again?

If he hadn't just resigned from Professor Mustard Orchid, and the latter obviously had no intention of keeping him, Mingzheng really wanted to go back and stay in seclusion for half a month.

The kind that won't go out until the superpowers are awakened!

But he just thought about it. After reading this book, Mingzheng was confident and didn't need to rush for a moment.

Next, Mingzheng found a quiet place in the morning to practice mental transformation, and started to hurry after lunch.

The elves didn't feel bored either. They rolled up as much as Mingzheng, and even secretly practiced more.

In the past, the elves put pressure on each other, but now the trainers are too strong, which puts pressure on the elves.

Gala gala, they are bitter in their hearts, but they don't say it!

Just roll up!

In this way, Mingzheng's speed of progress is slower, but the strength of the elves is faster.

Half a month later, Metal Monster naturally broke through to the senior intermediate level.

The unyielding Shuttlecock Flower then broke through to the senior advanced level, leading the whole team again, which made Flame Rabbit very excited.

It also wanted to break through to the senior level.

And it is not impossible.

With the power of the dream world and the phantom moon, Enma Rabbit's daily training time is basically two to three times that of the past Gala Gala, or even more.

Mingzheng is afraid of forcing things to happen, and has planned to send it to Dr. Yamanashi for a thorough checkup when he arrives at the next city.

If there is no problem, then Enma Rabbit is only one opportunity away from the senior level.

But time flies, and a month has passed.

Mingzheng is still wandering in the wild, because he feels that he... is finally going to awaken his superpowers!

In the quiet valley, Mingzheng sat cross-legged on a smooth boulder.

Beside him, the metal monster was suspended in the air, and the blue light on his body flickered slightly.

Gala Gala, Shuttlecock Flower and Enma Rabbit stood around, silently without disturbing him.

Suddenly, the blue light on the metal monster shook.

Then, a faint blue light appeared on Mingzheng's body, flickering, as if it would disappear at any time.

The metal monster closed his eyes tightly, and the blue light on his body was shining, and part of the energy even attracted Mingzheng.

The blue light on Mingzheng became clearer and clearer.

Soon, the dead leaves and gravel around floated up, attracting Galagala and the others to watch intently.

The next moment, a strong superpower wave spread from Mingzheng, sweeping away all the floating dead branches and gravel.


Mingzheng opened his eyes, and the bright blue light covered his eyes.

Mingzheng gently raised his right hand, and a ten-centimeter stone not far away was wrapped in blue light, and then floated up.


Mingzheng waved his hand again, and the stone flew away from the original place in an instant and hit another stone.


The two stones collided with each other and then broke apart.

Mingzheng's mouth curled up, at this moment he seemed to have returned to his dream world, and he could turn the world upside down with a wave of his hand.

Then, his eyes looked at a tree as thick as a person.

The blue light covered it again. Mingzheng exerted a little force with his hand. The tree could not bear the weight. The sound of the tree roots breaking kept coming from the ground.

The next moment, the tree was pulled up, and there was still a lot of fresh soil on the roots.

Mingzheng smiled wildly, and with a clench of his right hand, he wanted to knead the tree into a ball.


At this moment, the metal monster opened his eyes and roared loudly from behind Mingzheng, shaking Mingzheng's whole body.

In an instant, the blue light in Mingzheng's eyes dissipated, and the tree, which was no longer under control, fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust.


After waking up, Mingzheng looked at the damage he had caused, his eyes full of surprise and seriousness.

No wonder both Nazi and Cattleya were prone to superpowers going out of control.

This kind of power extended from one's own mental power naturally has the side effect of amplifying the emotions of the superpower.

As long as the desire for destruction in the heart is not controlled, the effect of superpowers will be various destructive events.

"Thank you, Metal Monster!"

Mingzheng patted his companions, and then looked at the gathered Garagara.

"In the future, if I get out of control like I just did, don't hesitate, beat me or scold me, you must wake me up!"

The elves looked at each other.

It's not easy for them to stop the power of pulling out the tree just now, right?

My trainer has become stronger again, and he wants us to stop him from going berserk?

Waiting online, very urgent!

After successfully learning how to use superpowers, Mingzheng felt very happy.

I just felt that the world was so big that he could come and go freely.

But this delusion only lasted for a while, and Mingzheng woke up.

Superpowers are not omnipotent, and the mainstream of the elf world is still elves.

There are still many people who can defeat him!

Thinking like this, Mingzheng became calmer and recalled his previous arrangements.

He took the initiative to collect his superpowers, and even made his powerful mental power look ordinary, no different from ordinary people.

In this way, he would not use it unless it was necessary, and it would be used as a trump card!

Three days later, Mingzheng, who was concentrating on his journey, finally arrived at the new city with Garagara.

Audru City, a large city east of Mount Dianyuan, is located in the north.

Because it was once the capital of a small Sinnoh country, it has a unique and long history.

Although it was destroyed before the establishment of the Sinnoh Alliance, its unique city style and culture have been preserved and continued, full of exotic customs.

Coupled with the impact of modern information, people walking in this city always feel a sense of time being torn apart.

Fortunately, Devon Group has all the necessary Pokémon Centers, so Mingzheng naturally chose the latter, which is more comfortable.

After tidying up as usual, Mingzheng came to the videophone and dialed the number of Yamanashi Research Institute.

Soon, Uesugi answered the phone, and a smile immediately appeared on his decadent face after seeing Mingzheng.

"Did you have a good trip? It's been a long time since I calculated it!"

"I was focusing on training in the wild and forgot the time. I just came to Andrew City.

Are you and the doctor okay? Why do I feel a little..."

Mingzheng compared his face, indicating that you look a little depressed.

Uesugi yawned and waved his hand casually.

"It's not because of you that I found this job. The research on the evolutionary type is not going well. The most important catalyst has not been extracted...

Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you. Anyway, don't worry about us. The doctor is also very good."

Uesugi said a lot of gibberish and yawned again before speaking.

"Odru City is a great place! The Odru Arena there is very interesting, you can go and have fun!"

"Odru Arena?" Mingzheng nodded to indicate that he would take note, and then quickly took over the conversation and talked about business.

"Recently, Enma Rabbit has grown a little too fast, and is about to break through to the senior level.

I am worried that the short growth cycle is not good for Enma Rabbit, can the doctor help to do a check?"

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