Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

137 The fusion of two Shadow Balls! Shadow Spiral Pills (First Update)

Qin Yun didn't know that he was being missed by May.

Qin Yun is now fully fighting against Mo Manqi.

Mo Manqi's Vileplume is too strong, Qin Yun's Combusken did everything he could, and even used his Fire Fist, it was still not Vileplume's Rival, and after less than five minutes of fighting, Combusken fell to the ground Can't afford, lost the ability to fight.

"Combusken is incapacitated, Vileplume wins, and it will be a fourth match, again a tiebreaker.

Jiang Hongxuan and the others were not surprised by this result, but they were surprised that Qin Yun's Combusken could explode with such a fierce strength.

"Qin Yun, your Combusken is really excellent!"

This is the third time that Mo Manqi has praised Combusken. In the battle just now, her Vileplume did not use her full strength, and she was digging out the strength of this Combusken throughout the whole process, so that Combusken could explode its potential.

Combusken's last fire fist really amazed her. It's a very mature move, and its power is very good. It can be regarded as a secret recipe that belongs to Combusken.

"Thank you, but your Vileplume is so strong, it's so watery, I still can't find the entrance to break through."

Qin Yun took the Combusken back to the Poké Ball, and his tone was full of emotion.

Mo Manqi had been throwing water in the previous battle, Qin Yun could see it, otherwise, not long after the start, as long as Vileplume rushed over, he would have defeated Combusken.

The gap between the two sides is too large, even Attribute restraint is useless.

"It's amazing how powerful an elite mid-level Pokémon can be."

To be honest, Mo Manqi really appreciates Qin Yun more and more.

She is really an excellent young man. If she met Qin Yun when she was young, she would probably also be moved.

"Okay, you two stop complimenting each other and start the fourth duel."

Jiang Hongxuan said with a smile.

Qin Yun nodded, and immediately exited the Poké Ball.

"For the second Pokémon, it's you, come out, Lurantis!

【Pokémon: Flash Lurantis】


【Ability: Singing Opposition】

[Strength: Elite Intermediate]

[813 Potential: Quasi-epic]

[Skills: X-Scissor, Synthesis, Growth, Leafage, Sun Flame, Shave, Finger Gun, Sunny Day, Leaf Storm, Aromatherapy, Petal Blizzard]

[Special Ability: Immortal Mode, Wood Escape]

【Carrying: Strange Seed】

[Comprehensive: 39,100]

In terms of combat power, Lurantis is the most powerful Pokémon on Qin Yun.

Mainly because Lurantis is an evolved Pokémon that has evolved to its final form.

In addition, the potential of Lurantis is quasi-epic, which makes Lurantis' comprehensive Attribute into the highest Pokémon.


Mo Manqi is still very interested in Qin Yun's Lurantis.

This Lurantis is Grass Type, but able to use a power that seems to be more advanced than Grass Type.

The moves used are also very distinctive, which is very attractive to Mo Manqi.

If it wasn't because Qin Yun was a junior, she would have wanted to discuss with Qin Yun how this Lurantis was cultivated like this, and how those moves were cultivated.

If she can cultivate, she feels that her strength can go further and become a third-order professional-level trainer.

The rating of professional-level trainers is very strict, each level needs to go through various assessments, and only those who pass can be promoted.

Mo Manqi became a second-order professional trainer many years ago, and she was a smooth sailor with Tailwind before.

But after reaching the second level, she found that it was very difficult afterward.

She has applied for the third-level exams, and all failed.

"Flash Lurantis, I can feel something unusual about her."

The Gardevoir girl closed her eyes, and if anyone noticed her feet, they would find that her feet were floating about three centimeters above the Ground.


Xiaoya, who had been watching her, saw this admiration and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Gardevoir girl opened her eyes and glanced at her, her pupils showing no emotion.


Xiaoya swallowed her saliva and took a step back, this girl is so scary.

Psychic is a profession full of mystery.

Xiaoya doesn't know much about it, but she knows not to provoke Psychic people easily, because they are really scary.

Fortunately, the girl Gardevoir just glanced at Xiaoya and didn't pay attention. Her feet touched the Ground, and she was no longer in the floating Contest Condition.

"What an interesting boy.

The girl became more and more interested in Qin Yun.

The beautiful Kirlia has an unusual Combusken, and even this Lurantis in front of her is very strange.

She can feel that this Lurantis has the power to contact nature, and the connection with nature is very close.

She was curious about how amazing the power of this Lurantis would be.

"Battle begins!"

Mo Manqi didn't launch an attack, she was going to let Qin Yun show his full strength, and naturally she wouldn't disrupt Qin Yun's rhythm first.

Of course, this is also Mo Manqi's confidence in Vileplume, she doesn't think Vileplume will lose.

"Fairy Mode.

Lurantis entered the Contest Condition, his pupils turned green, and some mysterious patterns appeared on his face.

Lurantis' control of the fairy mode is getting better and better, and it is about to touch the third stage.

"That's the Contest Condition!"

Mo Manqi's eyes suddenly lit up, it was the magical Contest Condition, which seemed to be able to strengthen the attributes of grass-type Pokémon, as well as the power of his moves.

"Mu Dun · Hand of Big Forest!

"Woodun·Wood clone!'

"Sunshine Flames!"

"Woodun·Tree Boundary Wall!"

Lurantis tried his best to fight against Vileplume, but under Vileplume's terrible strength, Lurantis was very passive.

The battle lasted nearly ten minutes before it ended, and Lurantis fell on the Ground, incapacitated.

The consumption is too high, this battle consumes Normal for Vileplume, but it is not the same for Lurantis.

"Thank you, Lurantis!"

A ray of light enveloped Lurantis, and Lurantis returned to the Poké Ball.

"Lurantis lost the fight, Vileplume won, and the fourth duel was over.

"In the fifth game, the tiebreaker between the two sides begins."

It's not that the strength of Lurantis is not good, but the gap between the two sides is really too big.

Facing Vileplume, Qin Yun felt powerless for the first time in the battle.

This sense of powerlessness made Qin Yun only fight with all his strength, not thinking about the outcome.

"Pro-level Pokémon is worthy of being a professional-level Pokémon, and the gap between the elite level and the level is really big. 35

Qin Yun knew that the gap was not purely in attributes, but in terms of power, and there was a huge surprise.

(abbh) "Qin Yun, come on!"

Xiaoya sees Qin Yun's two consecutive defeats, and cheers Qin Yun with some distress.

"It turned out that the boy's name was Qin Yun.

The girl Gardevoir felt very happy when she knew Qin Yun's name, and a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"If he wants to win, only that Kirlia can evolve."

The Gardevoir girl could see clearly that although Qin Yun's Combusken and Lurantis were extremely good, the strength of the elite intermediate level limited their upper limit.

"Come out, Kirlia!99

Qin Yun doesn't want to lose, no one likes to lose.

If you want to win, Kirlia has some hope.

Although this hope is still very slim, there is always a chance.

"This Kirlia is amazingly beautiful."

Although it was not the first time that the people present saw this Kirlia, they still had to sigh.

"Senior Karuni, the owner of the world's No. 1 Gardevoir, I was fortunate enough to see it up close once. I am afraid that only the senior Gardevoir of Kardevoir can compare to your Kirlia during the Kirlia period."

Mo Manqi said with emotion.

"Karluni-senpai's Gardevoir?

"If I'm lucky, I would also like to see and see."

Kaluni is the current champion of the Kalos warzone and is extremely powerful.

It is said that her Gardevoir is called the No. 1 Gardevoir in the world, both in terms of strength and beauty, it is a must!

Anyone who can get the world number one title on a Pokémon should not be underestimated.

There are several world number one Pokémon in the Dragon Kingdom.

For example, Dragonite from Yulongdu, Metagross from Steven, and Garchomp from Cynthia are the number one Pokémon in the world.

These people represent the peaks of the various war zones of the Dragon Kingdom, and they are all supreme figures who can enter the Hall of Fame in the world.

Whichever one comes out, stomping on the Stomping Tantrum will make the dragon kingdom, and even the entire world, of Earthquake's characters.

"With your talent, there should be this opportunity.

Mo Manqi looked at Qin Yun and said very seriously.

Qin Yun's talent is very strong, stronger than her.

In particular, these Pokémon of Qin Yun seem to have great potential. If Qin Yun can feel the essence of professional level, it will only be a matter of time before becoming Elite in the future.

"Come on, let's begin."

Mo Manqi's words changed, and now is not the time to chat, but a Pokémon battle, a tiebreaker between the two sides.

This game is very important for both of them, and whoever wins will directly win the game.

"Hmm. 35

"The battle begins! 99

"Kirlia uses that."9

From the beginning, Qin Yun was going to let Kirlia try the Shadow Spiral Pill.

Qin Yun asked Kirlia to try it in the morning, and there seemed to be signs of success.

It's just that experiments on the roof are not very good. If the roof is blown up, Qin Yun will cry without tears.


Kirlia nodded.

"That trick? 35

In Mo Manqi's mind unconsciously appeared the picture of Kirlia recruiting two Shadow Balls in the final.

"Is it possible to continue that trick?"

That move failed, but the power was not low. If it succeeded, it might cause damage to Vileplume.

"A little bit looking forward to it.

Just as Momanqi thought, two Shadow Balls with opposite rotations appeared in front of Kirlia's eyes.

"Two Shadow Balls with different cyclones, what is he trying to do?"

The Gardevoir girl was full of curiosity.

"Do you want to do something?'

Mo Manqi looked at Kirlia's movements, a little curious.

Vileplume has experienced the first two battles, and it also has a certain consumption, and it is not a perfect Contest Condition.

After all, the previous Vileplume let Lurantis and Combusken fully use their strength to defeat them.

Such a battle will consume a lot more Vileplume than a normal battle.

"Forget it, let's see what kind of tricks it will turn out."

Of course, Mo Manqi was also prepared, as long as he found something wrong, he would immediately let Vileplume launch an attack.

"Fusion. 35

This fusion is not a simple fusion, whether it is the angle, or the speed of the fusion, or the fusion time and the speed of the Shadow Ball's rotation, they are very particular about it.

If Qin Yun was not a scholar himself, he might not be able to figure it out.

Telepathically, Qin Yun and Kirlia's hearts are like Normal connected together.

The two Shadow Balls with completely opposite directions of rotation were fused together like this.

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