Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

015 Evolution, Kirlia With The Best Potential (The Fifth More Flowers)

Two days passed in a flash, and the time came to Thursday.

In the past two days, Qin Yun saw that the Pokémon with the highest potential was the primary potential. After Qin Yun defeated Ralts, he did not subdue it.

Qin Yun's worst goal is to get a mid-potential Pokémon, so that he can increase to a high-end talent and barely keep up with Ralts.

No, it should be Kirlia by now.

Kirlia's progress is very fast, and she became Kirlia yesterday, and her strength has also been upgraded to the entry-level intermediate level.

The evolved Kirlia is like a six- or seven-year-old Stephanie Normal, holding Qin Yun's hand and strolling in the forest.

Because of Kirlia's evolution, her potential has also been boosted.

The difference between high potential and high top potential is that the latter has a certain probability to increase the potential to the ultimate potential during evolution, and has the potential to become an Elite.

【Pokémon: Kirlia】

【Attribute: Super + Fairy】

[Ability: Telepathy]

[Strength: Beginner Intermediate]

[Potential: Need for Beginners]

[Skills: Charming Voice, Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Psychic, Finger Gun, Shaving]

【Carrying item: Twisted Spoon】

[Introduction: It is said that Kirlia, who is often exposed to Trainer's cheerful emotions, will grow very beautifully. Trainer's cheerful emotions are the source of spiritual strength, and she will spin and dance when she is happy. Will use the developed mind to manipulate the spiritual power. 】

Psychic is a skill comprehended during evolution, a super power system, with a power of 90.

With the addition of the same lineage and Twisted Spoon, it can explode the power of 162, which is the strongest skill Kirlia currently has.

Overall, Kirlia's strength is really much stronger than before.

Although it is only an entry-level intermediate level, Qin Yun believes that even a Pokémon at the peak of entry level is not necessarily her Rival with the skill mastery of this Contest and basic abilities.

"Kirlia, we're going home after training today."

Touching Kirlia's head, Kirlia squinted her eyes, she liked Qin Yun's intimate gestures towards her the most.


"We appropriately reduced training today, mainly to fight Pokémon to strengthen the ability to fight in actual combat."

A few days ago, Qin Yun was training his abilities, and the number of actual combats was very small.

Kirlia nodded.

"Today we are heading in this direction."

Qin Yun took Kirlia's hand and walked for more than 20 minutes. When he reached the lush forest, he took out Pokémon incense. He was going to attract some Pokémon to fight Pokémon.

Pokémon incense smells great, especially for grass-based Pokémon, which they will love.

The reason Qin Yun uses this is to attract grass-type Pokémon. Grass-type Pokémon are relatively safe and will not attack humans from Solaceon.

Not long after the incense was put down, there was movement in the grass.

It was an Oddish at Rest who was attracted by the smell of incense.

【Pokémon: Oddish】

【Attribute: Grass + Poison】

[Ability: Chlorophyll (In Sunny Day or big sunshine weather, the speed ability is doubled.)]

[Strength: Beginner Intermediate]

[Potential: Elementary]

[Skills: Absorb, Growth, Acid]

[Introduction: During the day, he will bury his face under the ground and not move much. At night, he will walk and spread seeds. 】

"Oddish of elementary potential, so-so."

Qin Yun is not a Pokémon hunter, and trading Pokémon is also prohibited on the market, and can only be traded at the Alliance Center.

Or after you capture Pokémon, use it yourself and give it to friends and family.

Of course, if the latter are required to register information at the Pokémon Center, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

The Pokémon world has many laws related to Pokémon, mainly to protect the safety of Pokémon.

Many Pokémon are very pure and loyal, they basically only recognize one trainer in their life, and if they are abandoned, they will be very pathetic.

For this reason, Alliance has designated such a strict law, prohibiting the trading of Pokémon, just to prevent some unscrupulous trainers from using Pokémon to make money.

There is also Alliance that prohibits trainers from abandoning Pokémon. If found by Alliance, they will directly deprive them of their qualifications as trainers and impose a huge fine.

If it's a Pokémon you decide to catch, it's your family and you need to take good care of it.

Only Pokémon hunters who walk in the dark will sell Pokémon and trade them on the black market.

"Oddish, let's play Pokémon, if you win, this power cube is yours."


The power cube was so attractive to Pokémon that Oddish was instantly energized.

"Then you agree, let's start fighting."

"Kirlia, use the shave!"

After Kirlia got the command, she instantly stomped the Ground more than ten times, using the reaction force to move, and the speed was faster than Quick Attack.

Oddish was suddenly shocked. He didn't expect Kirlia's speed to be so fast. In a hurry, he could only root in Ground and use Absorb.

Absorption is a grass-type skill, and its power is not strong, only 20, but this skill has a very good effect, that is, it can convert half of the damage caused into HP for recovery.

Of course, this is the real world, and there is no such thing as blood volume.

"Finger gun attack!"

During the movement, Kirlia's fingertips gathered a powerful force, which was the first time to use the skill of the finger gun in actual combat.

Oddish felt a lot of pressure from that hand, and suddenly panicked.

The promised Pokémon battle turned into a crush.


The power of the pointing gun did not let Qin Yun count on it. As soon as he pointed it down, Oddish lost his fighting power and instantly killed him.

“Kirlia did a great job!”

The effect is better than Qin Yun imagined, Qin Yun is very satisfied.

However, Kirlia had just mastered this skill not long ago, and her poor control of power caused Oddish to suffer serious injuries.

Qin Yun took out the Pokémon healing spray and healed Oddish.

After Oddish woke up, Qin Yun apologized.

"I'm sorry to hurt you, this energy block is compensation for you."

Oddish was very happy to accept it.

Because of the Pokémon incense, it attracted a lot of Pokémon, and they were all defeated by Kirlia.

Through actual combat, Kirlia's mastery of skills has become more perfect.

(PS: The second Pokémon will appear soon, guess what Pokémon it will be?

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