Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

166 Gardevoir's powerful fighting ability, take one step and think three steps (third more)

Misty couldn't help but sigh when he saw such a powerful Gardevoir.

"This Gardevoir looks like me."

When Qin Yun heard Misty's words, there was a look of doubt in his eyes, is it true?

Qin Yun looked at it several times, but couldn't understand what the two were like.

Misty continued.

"They're all beautiful girls with strength and beauty!"

Misty's face seemed to light up as he spoke.



Cerulean Sisters: 66... ​​ 

Gym Apprentice:

"Haha, do you think I'm right?

However, Misty still looked very confident, which made Qin Yun even more speechless.

Although there seems to be no problem with what Misty said, Misty is pretty and strong.

But shouldn't someone say that?

Just like Gardevoir, silently praise.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with you, the next is the strongest Pokémon."

Misty's eyes became serious.

"This time, I won't lose easily to your Gardevoir.

"Come out, Gyarados!

As Misty spoke, he threw a Poké Ball directly, and with a flash of light, Gyarados appeared in front of everyone.

Gyarados, is Misty's representative Pokémon, and her strongest Pokémon.


When Gyarados came on stage, he was full of pressure.

Qin Yun's eyes became solemn when he saw the message from Gyarados.

【Pokémon: Gyarados】

【Attribute: Water + Flying】

【Ability: Overconfidence】

[Level: Level 15]

[Potential: top class]

【Props to carry: Leftovers】

[Skills: Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Bounce, Substitute, Earthquake, Twister, Rain Dance, Destruction of Death Light, Hydro Pump]

Overconfidence, this Ability is the same as Qin Yun's Heracross, it is an attack that can increase one's own level after defeating Pokémon.

Because of this Ability, Misty gives it the Leftovers, which can continuously restore Gyarados' stamina.

Under normal circumstances, Misty's Gyarados cut into the middle of the battlefield, harvesting the injured Pokémon on the opposite side, thereby accumulating attacks and winning in one fell swoop.

"At level 15, this strength should soon reach the elite intermediate level~".

According to the classification of levels, Qin Yun's world level corresponds to the real world.

Levels 1-3 are entry-level.

Levels 4-6 are entry-level intermediates.

Levels 7-9 are late entry.

Level 10 is the peak of entry, but after reaching level 10, the difficulty of upgrading is greatly increased, and level 10 will stay for a long time.

After that, according to Qin Yun's estimation, it should be five hurdles.

Level 11 Elite Beginner, Level 16 Elite Intermediate, Level 21 Elite Late, Level 26 Elite Peak.

At level 31, it should be about to enter the professional level.

"Gardevoir, let's upgrade too.

Qin Yun gave Gardevoir a part of the experience he had gained before, and directly raised Gardevoir's level to level ten, which is the peak of entry.

【Pokémon: Gardevoir】

[Entry Peak (Level 10:0/40000)]


To upgrade from level 9 to level 10 requires 8100 experience points.

However, when level 10 is raised to level 11, the experience becomes 40,000, which is almost five times the difference.

From level 1 to level 10, the experience required is not 30,000, and this level is 40,000 experience, one can imagine how difficult it is to obtain.

Qin Yun's tentative idea is to upgrade all six Pokémon to the entry-level peak first, and the follow-up will be watched.


Gardevoir felt that his strength increased again, and there was a faint light in his eyes.

"Gardevoir is ready to fight!"

Gardevoir nodded, and the battle officially began.

Gyarados directly danced the mysterious Dragon Dance, Dragon Dance, which can increase the user's attack and speed by one level, and the effect is very good.

"Gardevoir uses Teleport.

Gardevoir directly teleported to Gyarados' side, and without Qin Yun saying anything, an Energy Ball appeared in her earnings, and the way of cohesion was different from the normal way of Mikey's Energy Ball.

It condenses the energy of nature in the way of rotation, and has a taste of spiral pills.

"Gyarados resist the attack, continue the Dragon Dance! 35

Misty is clearly confident in Gyarados' defense, and would rather resist an attack than give up Dragon Dance.

Soon, Gardevoir's Energy Ball hit Gyarados, and the powerful force exploded directly on Gyarados.

However, Gyarados' persistence was worth it. Dragon Dance was successfully used at the last moment, and the speed and attack were both increased by 50%.

Gyarados was directly repelled by this enormous force.

Gardevoir saw this without any hesitation.

How could Gardevoir miss out on beating the Reservoir Dogs.

Five Shadow Spiral Pills condensed directly on the side, and teleported to Gyarados in front of him.

"Gyarados uses Twister. 99

Misty saw this picture and shouted quickly.

Gyarados heard Misty's words and hurriedly threw it out with a Twister.

In a hurry, the power of this Twister is normal, not very strong.

In this case, Gardevoir is not good to use Twister indiscriminately, otherwise it is very easy to hurt.

Gardevoir could only use his telekinesis to condense the energy barrier in front of him, walking directly in the Twister, and quickly approaching Gyarados.

At this time, Gyarados also barely slowed down, waving his huge tail and smashing directly at Gardevoir.


A shadow spiral ball flew directly up, causing a huge roar.

The explosion blocked Gyarados' attack, and Gardevoir was calm.

Perhaps influenced by Qin Yun, Gardevoir's character is more and more like Qin Yun, especially the fighting style, every step is carefully calculated.

Without waiting for Qin Yun's command, Gardevoir moved again.

In fact, in the Pokémon battle, in the early days, Pokémon did not know much about the battle, and most of them rely on the specific instructions of the trainer to fight.

When Pokémon's battle experience and strength have improved, the trainer's main task is to give a more comprehensive command and command the overall situation, not on the details.

Like in an environment like Twister, by the time the trainer's shout reaches Pokémon's ears, it's a little too late.

Qin Yun is training (very well) on Pokémon's ability to handle various combat situations on his own.

Gardevoir approached Gyarados with the remaining four Shadow Spirals.

Gyarados was about to step back and pull away when he saw Gardevoir suddenly raise his hand and release an extremely powerful suction.

"Vientiane Tianyin! 9

The suction was so strong that Gyarados couldn't hold it, so he sucked it directly.


Misty was instantly shocked when he saw this picture. This ability was used by Gardevoir, but Misty didn't care at that time.

In fact, even if you care, it can be prevented with Misty's ability.

The other four shadow helix balls had already been prepared, and when Gyarados approached, they all slammed into Gyarados in one breath.

The power of the Shadow Spiral Ball is extremely strong. If it was only one or two, Gyarados could barely carry it, but in the face of four, Gyarados was a little powerless, and directly lost the ability to fight.

[Defeat Gyarados at level 15 and gain 10,000 experience points. ].

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