Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

The difficulty of 200 civilian trainers (first more)

Elite Pokémon and Elite Trainers are easy to achieve, provided there are enough resources.

Pro-level Pokémon is actually not that difficult.

The main difficulty is to become a professional-level trainer at a limited age.

If there are no resources in the early stage, after that age, it will be difficult to become a professional-level trainer in the future.

After becoming professional-level training, you will find out what is difficult.

Although there are only three levels of occupational level, occupational level one, occupational level two, and occupational level three.

But each level is very difficult.

Especially aiming to become an Elite-level trainer, he must fix the Pokémon's rating at A+ in every realm. If he does not become A+, it is almost impossible to become an Elite.

In fact, the grades of A+ are all good, that is just the basis for becoming Elite.

Many trainers who are confident in themselves are preparing to get their Pokémon to reach an S-level rating, so that they can advance Pokémon steadily, and make themselves an excellent Elite-level trainer.

And it is extremely difficult to improve the Pokémon's score, especially in the later stages.

It's really hard, and when you reach the limit of Pokémon itself, every step of improvement is as difficult as the sky.

It is said that Pokémon can raise the Pokémon's rating to S rank at the elite level, and raise the rating to S rank at the elite level, then Pokémon can reach A+ easily and without pressure after reaching the professional level. score.

As for the subsequent improvement of strength, it will not be difficult.

Yang Tong is very confident that he will become a third-level professional trainer, and he is also very confident in training Pokémon to an A+ score. If the A+ score can make Pokémon break through to the Elite level, he has no confidence.

There is no way, there are too many people who are not better than him at that level and realm, so it is normal for him to have no confidence.

So he must pursue success.

"Next time I'm on the field.""

Yang Tong didn't speak when he saw that it was his turn.

Although their Yang family is very strong, they are considered a wealthy family in Rustboro City, but whether it is for Rustboro Gym or Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd., their Yang family is a normal existence.

If Dewen Company wanted to kill their Yang family, they would be able to block the Yang family with a single sentence, even the Elite-level powerhouse could not be spared.

It is estimated that no one and no forces will cooperate with them, and they will lose resources.

The price of losing resources is the inability to move.

What Yang Tong didn't know was that Qin Yun was already one of the behemoths in his eyes.

If he knew, he would probably be scared to death.

Yang Tong's strength is indeed very good. The two professional-level Pokémons are all A+ ratings, with a combat power of 284,000 and 282,000 respectively. His Rival is in front of him, and he has not even survived for ten seconds. Instant kill.

After Yang Tong solved Rival, Taunt looked at Qin Yun with contempt in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Jiang Cai'er, he probably wouldn't care about Qin Yun.

What's the use of being amazing now, you'll know the pain later.

Qin Yun noticed Yang Tong's eyes, it was a little strange, what kind of muscle is wrong with this person, maybe he is sick.

Is this deliberately running to draw hatred?

Qin Yun was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of sand sculpture.

It didn't take long for Li Xing to go up.

Li Xing's personal strength is not bad, especially the cooperation of Pokémon, and the tactics are really good.

The opponent's strength was similar to his, but he was easily defeated by him.

The reason why they lost to Qin Yun in the front was entirely because Qin Yun's strength was too perverted.

This is like in LOL, there are five level 18 heroes on the opposite side, and all of them are level 5 rubbish who go out with shoes, even if the skill is strong, it is very normal.

"Qin Shen, I've advanced to the top 64!!"

Li Xing stepped down with a very excited tone.

To be able to advance to the top 64, the number of active blocks in his personal prize pool directly doubled, from 16 to 32.

For 32 pieces, even if he fails, he will get 16 pieces.

If these sixteen pieces were sold on the black market, it would be equivalent to five million Pokémon coins.

As for using it?

forget it.

Occasionally using this high-end product is not very useful, but it just feeds Pokémon's appetite.

With these five million Pokémon coins, wouldn't it be nice for him to buy medium power cubes?

Five million, that is a medium energy cube that can buy five hundred yuan, enough for him to use for a long time.

Although his family owns Tory City, his monthly income is basically 50,000-60,000 Pokémon. After deducting some expenses, his father can only give him 30,000 Pokémon.

The rest is earned by him doing school tasks and participating in various competitions.

Pokémon trainers, like him, most of the elite trainers, their family background is similar to Li Xing, or even worse.

There is not much help they can get from home, most of these resources are only enough to get them to the elite level, and there is no extra money.

The rest of the resources need to be obtained by themselves.

The way to get it is basically to do tasks, participate in competitions, and get corresponding resources from various competitions.

As far as Li Xing is concerned, he has participated in three competitions this month.

The first game earned 30,000 yuan, and the second was more than 10,000 yuan.


These resources, he wants to raise three Pokémon, and he is also preparing a fourth Pokémon.

It's really hard, so to speak.

This time, being able to directly get five million resources is a great improvement for him.

Maybe you can get a medium-potential resource, exercise more, and let Pokémon evolve to high-potential.

The high-potential Kabutops in front of him are the ones he cultivated from the middle-potential.

As for the Shuckle, he accidentally got it in the wild, and he got it from Explosion.

It is by these two Pokémons that he can get more resources and get a virtuous circle.

"Performed very well.

Qin Yun said with a smile, if this Li Xing is trained well, he might become a strong man in the future.

Qin Yun had the idea of ​​cultivating some people very early, and it was inconvenient for him to appear alone on many things.

Like a lot of logistical stuff.

It was too early and had no identity.

Now, he is backed by Dewen Group, the third largest shareholder of Dewen Group, with assets of 5 trillion yuan.

No, this five trillion is the beginning of the shareholding.

Qin Yun believes that after the outbreak of this active block, it may not take long for the market value of the entire Dewen company to skyrocket several times, even dozens of times.

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