Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

204 Qin Yun's Bad Taste (Second Update)

Hearing this, Qin Yun couldn't help but nodded.

The monthly salary of tens of millions of Pokémon coins sounds very high, a figure that Qin Yun did not dare to imagine before.

Even now, Qin's father and Qin's mother can't save so much money without eating or drinking for the rest of their lives.

You can imagine how huge this number is.

But this money is relatively normal for a professional third-level trainer, and it is not much.

Tens of millions of Pokémon coins are only part of the resources for them.

At the first level of the profession, most of them use medium-grade energy blocks, and occasionally use high-grade energy blocks to replenish energy, which is still possible.

At the second level of the profession, the middle-grade and high-grade energy blocks are basically used in half.

At the third level of the profession, basically, the upper-grade energy cubes are mainly used, and the middle-grade energy cubes are occasionally used.

No way, the energy provided by the mid-level energy block is not enough for Pokémon of the level of "one six seven".

Let them eat only medium-energy cubes, not to mention the improvement of their strength, it is difficult to maintain their ability.

Only high-grade energy cubes can meet the needs of professional third-level Pokémon, and they need a lot of them. According to the strength of Pokémon, at least 30 pieces per month, and even more than 200 pieces.

For this value, a single Pokémon will cost 6 million Pokémon coins, and if there are more, a Pokémon will cost 200 million Pokémon coins.

In addition, there are basically six of them, and this cost starts with 36 million Pokémon coins a month. From this, you can see how difficult it is to become a good trainer.

Especially the third-level professional trainers, many trainers who have reached the professional level will choose to explore the secret realm because they really have no money for Breeder Pokémon.

The secret realm is full of treasures, but also full of countless crises.

But for the sake of Pokémon's Breeder, there's really nothing they can do.

Qiu Wushuang also wanted to go to the secret realm, but she had a younger sister, and she had no way to go, so she could only choose to stay here to work and bring her own sister along the way.

Less than a professional level trainer, the consumption of Pokémon coins will be much smaller, because they are mainly medium-grade energy blocks, and the price of middle-grade energy blocks is much cheaper. One only needs 10,000 Pokémon coins. Only 100,000 Pokémon coins a month will be enough for Pokémon.

Because they don't need to eat mid-level energy cubes every day, one piece every three days, and some low-quality energy cubes in the middle is very useful.

All in all, being a Pokémon trainer is extremely resource-intensive, especially a good Pokémon trainer.

"8 million Pokémon a month.

Qin Yun thought about it for a while, and felt that it was better to use another way.

Qiu Wushuang's expression changed slightly when he heard Qin Yun's words, if it wasn't for Zvqi in this place, she would have turned around and left.

Zvqi's expression didn't change much. Although he didn't know Qin Yun for a long time, Zvqi felt that he knew Qin Yun very well.

Qin Yun is not the kind of person who pushes prices.

As long as Qiu Wushuang did a good job, Qin Yun would not treat her badly.

"Plus, the active block cost of all your Pokémons."

Qin Yun couldn't help but smile when he saw Qiu Wushuang's appearance.

That's right, Qin Yun did it on purpose.

This Qiu Wushuang was too cold, out of the evil taste in his heart, Qin Yun wanted to see the change in her expression.

Sure enough, similar to what Qin Yun thought, Qiu Wushuang showed a look of surprise on his face after hearing Qin Yun's words.

"What did you say?"

This was also the first time Qin Yun heard Qiu Wushuang's tone full of surprise.

The corners of Qin Yun's mouth rose slightly.

"I mean, as long as it's your Pokémon, I'm reimbursed for all active blocks consumed. 55

Qiu Wushuang frowned and his face became a little cold, which made Qin Yun a little strange.

How to reimburse her, but let her become like this.

"Qin Yun, the number of active blocks outside is limited to ten blocks per person per month."

Zvqi reminded him on the side, and Qin Yun suddenly realized.

No wonder Qiu Wushuang showed such an expression.

The price of an active block is 200,000, and ten blocks is only 2 million, which adds up to 10 million Pokémon a month.

Qiu Wushuang just changed his face and didn't curse, it was already very good.

Qin Yun said quickly.

"I'm sorry, the package I said is all packaged."

"No matter how many active blocks your Pokémon consumes, I'll pack it for you."

Qin Yun took out a box from his body, which contained ten active cubes.

"I don't have much with me. If you agree, I'll give you three or five hundred yuan first?"

Three to five hundred yuan is worth less than one hundred million yuan.

But being able to take out so much at this time still surprised Qiu Wushuang and Qin Yun's ability.

Originally, Qiu Wushuang couldn't believe it, but Zvqi was right next to it. This active square was Zvqi's. She saw that Zvqi didn't object, so this thing should be true.

"If I can guarantee my active block, then I can agree.

"It's just that I can provide this active block to my sister, she needs it more than I do."

Qiu Wushuang thought for a while, and his tone had a negotiating tone.

Her strength is basically fixed like this, although she is a little unwilling in her heart, but she can't help it.

Impact Elite?

She thought too, but she really didn't have the resources.

She doesn't have any confidence, even with the infinite active blocks provided.

So she doesn't want to waste resources on this.

If you have this resource, it is better to give these resources to your sister, let her become an excellent trainer, raise them from the basics, strive for their enemy's family, and become their enemy's first Elite-level trainer.

Let those people know that they can live well without them.

Thinking of this, Qiu Wushuang clenched his fists.

"Is your sister Qiu Li'er?"

Zifuqi told Qin Yun about Qiu Wushuang yesterday, and Qiu Li'er is also a genius.

He is a student in Rustboro-2.8, and his grades are in the top ten, which is very good.


Qiu Wushuang was not surprised that Qin Yun knew her sister's name.

She looked into Qin Yun's eyes very seriously, she wanted to see Qin Yun's inner thoughts.

But Qiu Wushuang failed, Qin Yun was more sophisticated and stable than she imagined, she couldn't understand Qin Yun's inner thoughts at all.


Qin Yun thought for a while, then nodded.

If you only give Qiu Li'er active cubes, it will definitely save money. After all, Qiu Li'er is only an elite-level trainer. According to the data, although there are six Pokémon, one of them has entered the professional level.

But if it consumes this, it is estimated that six Pokémons can’t be consumed for 100 yuan a month, which is less than 20 million Pokémon coins.

But if it's for Qiu Wushuang, it's really good without three or five hundred yuan, and the gap is still huge.


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