Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

024 Quadruple Restraint, Victory In The First Battle (Seeking Flowers)

"Come out, Geodude!"

Liu Qin threw the Poké Ball, and with a flash of light, a Geodude appeared in front of everyone's eyes, looking nervous.

At the same time, Geodude's information also appeared in Qin Yun's eyes.

【Pokémon: Geodude】

【Attribute: Rock+Ground】

[Ability: Strong (Even if you are attacked by Rival's moves, you will not be knocked down by one hit. The one-hit kill move has no effect.)]

[Strength: Beginner Intermediate]

[Potential: Medium Potential]

[Skills: Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Rock Throw]

[Introduction: Geodude, Rock Pokémon. The defense is very high, and it has excellent durability against physical attacks. 】

Qin Yun moved suddenly after seeing Geodude's message.

The rules of the game are three-on-three, which is just right for Fomantis to come on stage and try, even if it loses, it doesn't matter too much.

It just so happens that it can also exercise the actual combat ability of Fomantis.

"Come out, Fomantis."

With a flash of light, a purple Fomantis appeared in front of everyone.

Purple Fomantis, very eye-catching, this one looks like Flash.

"Other-colored Fomantis? This Qin Yun is so lucky. Not only did he get a medium-potential Ralts, but he also got a different-colored Fomantis!"

Seeing Fomantis, they didn't have much emotion other than shock and envy.

After all, most of the people who can score here have a Pokémon with medium potential.

And their family background is basically not bad, Qin Yun can be the poorest one in the family.

Of course, this is just the reaction of the player area.

In the audience, everyone exclaimed when they saw the Flash Fomantis, which also attracted the attention of many audiences.

Even the drone gave this Flash Fomantis a close-up of more than ten seconds.

Shiny Pokémon is very rare. According to the statistics of relevant personnel, among the common Pokémon, the probability of appearance of different colors is lower than that of high potential.

A professor has done relevant statistics with Catterpie.

He spent more than ten years, spent a huge amount of resources, invited countless people, and with the help of Alliance, he counted tens of millions of Catterpies.

Among them, there are 9.8 million Catterpies that are not in the stream, accounting for 98% of the total.

There are 190,000 primary Catterpies and just over 3,800 Catterpies left.

Among these 3,800 or so, more than 3,700 are of medium potential, only seven are of high potential, and only two are Flash.

Both of Flash have medium potential.

From here, we can see how low the probability of Flash is. The probability of one in 5 million can be imagined how low.

"The battle begins."

There was also a look of surprise in the referee's eyes, but Shiny Pokémon was not much stronger than Pokémon with the same potential, except that his potential was low and medium, and he didn't care too much.

After all, in the world of Pokémon, only strength matters.

"Geodude, use Defense Curl!"

Geodude's body is curled up in Defense Curl, and the defense has been increased by 50%.

In addition to improving defense, Defense Curl also has a special ability, that is, when using Rollout or Ice Ball skills, the power of the move will be doubled.

"Fomantis uses Leafage to attack."

The corners of Qin Yun's mouth rose. The first game was very lucky. Fomantis had a strong restraint on Geodude.

Grass type restrains Ground, Rock and Water type.

Geodude happens to be a Pokémon of the Ground+ Rock Type, which means grass-type skills can deal four times as much damage.

Leafage's power is not strong, only 40, but with the same Attribute and four times the damage bonus, it is very impressive, and the power is equivalent to 240 points directly!

"Geodude uses Rollout to avoid attacks!"

Liu Qin naturally knows this. If Geodude is directly hit, even Geodude under Defense Curl may be instantly killed.

No way, quadruple restraint is so brutal.

Geodude rolled over to the side and avoided the attack. It could be seen that Liu Qin's Geodude training was very good.

If he met the other trainers, he might have won, but unfortunately he met Qin Yun.

"Fomantis continues to attack with Leafage."

Everything is under Qin Yun's control. Against Geodude, Fomantis can win as long as he keeps using Leafage.

"Get out of the way, Geodude!"

Qin Yun's method is really simple, but the effect is very good. A cold sweat broke out on Liu Qin's forehead. If this goes on, he will lose, and he will lose without any resistance.

He didn't want to lose like this, because his parents and family were watching, it would be too embarrassing to lose like this.

"Damn, I don't believe it anymore."

"Geodude we used Rock Throw to fight back as soon as we avoided the attack!"

If this goes on, he will lose, and he must fight back.

"Have you fought back?"

"It's a pity you underestimate my Fomantis."

Qin Yun's voice was so low that no one could hear his words.

"Fomantis, take it down."

Qin Yun's expression was calm. Rock-type skills could only deal half damage. Qin Yun believed that Fomantis could handle it.

Fomantis was a little flustered at first, but after hearing Qin Yun's order, she obeyed without reservation.

"Pseudo Praying Man!"

Fomantis yelled, and there was no fear in that lovely face.

"What, how did he get Fomantis to resist the attack."

Qin Yun's decision completely messed up his rhythm. He originally planned to use Rock Throw to disrupt Qin Yun's rhythm, but was trying to use Rollout's special effects to superimpose Rollout's effects, so he could directly understand Rival.

The Rollout skill has a very special effect that makes its power extremely terrifying.

After using it continuously and hitting the opponent, the effect of the power will continue to double.

When the superposition reaches the limit, that is, the fifth attack, its basic power can reach 480 points. With the same Defense Curl and Attribute, this power can reach 1440 points, which can be said to be an extremely terrifying value. .

Of course, it's hard to stack this effect, but Rival won't let you hit all the time.

As long as there is one miss, it will start over.

In the last game, his Geodude was superimposed three times, and the power of 360 points broke out directly, which determined the final victory in one fell swoop.

But Qin Yun's decision made him dumbfounded.

"Fomantis keep using Leafage!"

While Liu Qin was in a daze, Qin Yun launched an attack.

Leafage hit Geodude, and the quadruple restraint effect exploded, directly knocking Geodude into the air, completely losing his combat ability.

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