Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

270 The tilt of the balance! The irrational Qin Yun (first update)

However, Liu Feng's Raticate is obviously not an ordinary Raticate, and the Attribute is still very Contest.

With a combat power of 361,000, the potential of the best medium is really different from the ordinary Raticate Mikey.

In addition to these, this Raticate's moves are also very good.

Liu Feng summoned Raticate so confidently, which shows his confidence in Raticate.

"Qin Yun, summon your Bangira, otherwise you will have no chance."

Liu Feng and the others discussed Qin Yun, and in their eyes, the only Pokémon Qin Yun can watch is Bangira.

Only that Bangira could pose a threat to them.

For this Bangira, even their strongest person this time is full of praise, and Liu Feng can only see that Bangira.

Liu Feng estimates that his strongest Pokémon is on par with that Bangira, and his Pokémon may be weaker.

However, he has several powerful Pokémons. These Pokémons are all very strong, and they will not be too weaker than this Bangira. These are his trump cards, and they are also the trump cards that he thinks he can beat Qin Yun.

"as you wish.

Qin Yun also knows his current situation, and indeed the rest of the Pokémon except Bangira are more normal.

If it is in the rest of the 01 side, it is fine, but in the face of the strength of these Rivals, it seems a little powerless.

Of course, these people do not include the young man in front of him.

Although the strength of this Liu Feng is very good, Qin Yun thinks he can still fight.

"Bangira was actually dispatched."

Seeing Bangira appear, a dignified look appeared in Liu Feng's eyes.

Although he didn't look down on Qin Yun, he would still pay attention to this Bangira.

The battle begins.

Bangira directly showed the demeanor of a desert tyrant, a brutal stroke.

In the face of Raticate's attack, he directly resisted, using the power of the shaking fruit to shred Raticate.

It was only at this time that Raticate really understood the fear of Bangira, the constant Struggle.

Bangira's strength is stronger than before, and it can be described as improving every moment.

Liu Feng was a little stunned when he saw this scene, and this Bangira's strength seemed to be stronger than expected.

"How is that possible. 35

He couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it.

Raticate is losing ground, not Rival at all.

"Raticate hold on, come on."

Raticate could only rely on its own strength to keep defending, but the good times didn't last long, and a fatal flaw was revealed under a mistake or Bangira's pressure.

Bangira's speed suddenly accelerated, and when Raticate didn't react, he gave Raticate a heavy blow, directly taking away Raticate's fighting ability.

"Raticate is incapacitated, Bangira wins."

The referee was also very surprised when he saw this scene. This Bangira's progress was really fast, and his perception of the battle was also very keen, so he could instantly seize the opportunity in the battle.

If it weren't for this, the opposite Raticate would still be able to hold on for a while, consuming more of Bangira's stamina.

"Damn, how did Bangira's strength improve so fast."

Liu Feng Rage Road.

Liu Feng is really Rage, Qin Yun's strength is so strong that he has lost face in front of his senior brothers.

He was not reconciled.

"Qin Yun, you won't have a chance next time!"

Liu Feng took a deep breath, he didn't dazzle Rage, he was still very Smelling Salts.

He knew what he was doing and he couldn't lose.

"The second Pokémon decides it's you, come out, Linoone!"

Another Normal Pokémon with a combat power of 360,000 appeared.

There was a hint of surprise in Qin Yun's eyes, the strength of this Petalburg gym is really good, it's just that the weakest one in this competition has such a strong strength.

Qin Yun knows that this is definitely not Liu Feng's strongest Pokémon, it should be one of the three main players, and it has the same status as the previous Raticate.

In addition to these two, this Liu Feng should have the strongest Pokémon, and that Pokémon is Liu Feng's Trump Card.

Similar to what Qin Yun thought, Liu Feng does have the strongest Pokémon.

And according to Liu Feng's idea, he was going to use this Pokémon to defeat Qin Yun's Bangira.

Even if there is no way to defeat it, he will die with this Bangira, and only in this way can he have the advantage in the following games.

If Qin Yun's Bangira still exists on the court, relying on Bangira's terrifying recovery ability, he will be in trouble.

At that time, Bangira will be able to recover a lot of fighting ability after taking a break from the game, and he will be able to fight with him.

Even so, he didn't think he would lose, but it was very troublesome.

The second inning started.

Liu Feng still underestimated Bangira's strength and was directly defeated by Bangira.

And the Contest Condition looks pretty good.

When Liu Feng saw this admiration, his mentality was a little broken.

In the third round, Qin Yun took Bangira back, and Liu Feng sent his strongest Pokémon.

In this round, the Pokémon Qin Yun used was Blaziken, and with the powerful explosive power of Blaziken, he slightly suppressed Liu Feng's strongest Pokémon.

Of course, this suppression was only short-lived, and only caused some consumption to Liu Feng's Pokémon.

In the fourth round, Qin Yun played Gardevoir. Gardevoir is very mobile. Even in the face of a Pokémon with 430,000 combat power, he can force a wave and use the strongest lore, the spiral Shadow Ball. Dozens of Shadow Balls hit 787 Liu Feng's strongest Pokémon Slaking, causing serious damage to Slaking.

Of course, the final result was that Gardevoir failed due to excessive consumption, but Slaking's Contest Condition was not very good, and Slaking had to quit.

In the fifth game, Heracross Mega broke out and forced a draw.

In the sixth game, Lurantis seriously injured Liu Feng's Pokémon.

The current situation on the field has become that Qin Yun only has one Bangira left.

Liu Feng has three Pokémon, the Contest Condition is not very good Slaking, one is seriously injured, and the other is a Pokémon that has never played at all.

The situation is very unfavorable for Qin Yun.

"If Qin Yun loses this round, Qin Yun's consumption is so high, I'm afraid it may be difficult to get a place in the upcoming resurrection match.

"If this is the case, then we will be left with Chu Guang."

Jiang and Mo Manqi raised their hearts. If it wasn't for the players who couldn't be disturbed on the court, they both wanted to rush up to let Qin Yun retain his strength and stop playing.

Qin Yun's Bangira recovered very quickly, let Bangira rest for a while, until the next game, he still has the strength to fight.

It would be perfect if the rest of the Pokémon could also recover some.

It's a pity that they can't get in, so they can only look at Qin Yun worriedly, hoping that Qin Yun will be more rational,

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