Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

051 Amazing Receipt, Hundreds Of Millions Of PokéMon Coins! (Begging For Flowers)

【Defeat Rival and get 200 points. 】

The battle was won. Qin Yun watched Combusken's performance and was very happy.

"I got 200 points again. Today is a good day."

In the morning, burning fruits and strange seeds were refreshed. In the afternoon, Torchic also evolved. Qin Yun also got hundreds of millions of resources on this day, which is indeed a good day for Qin Yun.


Qin Yun was satisfied with today's results and glanced away.

Facing Qin Yun's eyes, none of the students from No. 1 Middle School dared to look at him, even A.J lowered his head.

Qin Yun's Combusken was too strong and directly disrupted all his plans.

"I'm afraid Qin Yun can only be suppressed if Xiu and May are present."

Looking at Qin Yun's Combusken, A.J's mind couldn't help but see May's Combusken, the Combusken that had stepped into the elite level a few days ago.

He didn't know which of the two Combuskens would be stronger. What he knew was that no matter which one he was, he was not the opponent's Rival.


"May, big news big news!"

Petalburg City.

May returned to Petalburg City the other day.

Although she is a student at Jiang Cheng No. 1 Middle School, she spends almost half of her time in Petalburg City.

Jiang Cheng's facilities are still a bit poor.

May is training the Wurmple she captured while in Petalburg Woods.

She felt that this Wurmple had great potential and was a good fit.

"Big news?"

May saw the news from his roommate, and there was a video, so he couldn't help but click on it.

"The picture of Torchic evolution is a bit interesting."

May's Earl Dervish Pokémon is Torchic, and naturally has a lot of affection for Torchic.

"This one from Combusken's Breeder is pretty good, I don't know whose Pokémon it is."

May continued to look down, when she saw that Combusken kicked the cunning tengu into a fire dog, and saw the figure of Wang Man, her eyes showed doubts.

At first she thought that her roommate was watching the video elsewhere, but after seeing Wang Man, she felt something was wrong.

"Jiang Cheng City? Whose Pokémon is this Combusken!"

May was very curious.

"May, you must be wondering who this Combusken belongs to, hehe, this is the one who rejected your father's invitation last time."

"Qin Yun?"

After the name appeared in May's mind, she couldn't help shaking her head, how could she think of Qin Yun going.

Qin Yun's talent is indeed very good, and he also got a medium Ralts, even his father is optimistic, but Qin Yun's strength can't be so strong.

"Qin Yun, did you reject your father's invitation because of me?"

"What a stupid decision."

Father will take a fancy to Qin Yun, May has no surprises.

After all, Qin Yun's talent is indeed very strong, and he is one of the most talented people May has ever seen.

But May is also very troubled by this arrogant character, she feels that this will hurt Qin Yun for the rest of her life.

May did not know that Qin Yun won the first place in the six-school joint entrance examination.

She rarely pays attention to Jiang Cheng's affairs on Normal.

"It's Qin Yun, this Combusken belongs to Qin Yun."

Then came another video, which showed Combusken lunging at Qin Yun.

After May saw this picture, the whole person was stunned.

"how can that be!"

"Qin Yun he..."

May couldn't believe the results at all.

"How could he have Torchic."

May hurriedly opened the Internet to search, and immediately learned about Qin Yun's information.

"Flash Fomantis."

"Medium potential Torchic."

"And a mid-potential Ralts."

Seeing this information from the website search, May was silent for a long time.

Obviously, she was frightened.

"How could this be true?"

"is that a lie."


Whether May believes in these things or not, the information found on the Internet is obvious.

No one knows about the potential of Qin Yun's three Pokémons.

Qin Yun's three Pokémons are all excellent potentials, especially Flash Fomantis, which is even more excellent and medium potential.

In addition to their own powerful potential, the three Pokémon have mastered powerful magical powers.

Kirlia who masters psychic power.

Master Fomantis in fairy mode.

Master the Combusken of burning fruit.

Each one is the best of the best.

Qin Yun stood on the ring, no one dared to challenge again.

"If there is no one to fight, then the place for the king of the ring will be determined."

Host swallowed. Today's battle was too shocking.

This battle can be regarded as the foundation of Qin Yun Jiang Cheng's name as the No. 1 high school student.

"Very well, then I announce that Qin Yun has won the title of the king of the ring this year."

"Now I have asked the school to give Qin Yun an award."

Wang Qiu looked at Qin Yun who was shining brightly in the ring, and he couldn't help trembling with excitement.

"Qin Yun he did it, he really did it."

"With my own strength, I stomped Jiang Cheng No. 1 Middle School under my feet. It was too violent!"

"From today, Qin Yun is my idol, whoever dares to disrespect Qin Yun is disrespectful to me!"

Wang Qiu even directly completed the change in his attitude towards Qin Yun. When he thought of his actions against Qin Yun before, he couldn't help but be shocked. How could he deal with such a pervert.

"Being alive is the best outcome."

Wang Xiao looked at Qin Yun who was shining brightly, and was shocked inside.

He suppressed the shock in his heart, and he knew that Jiang Cheng No. 3 Middle School was out again.

"Qin Yun, after watching your battle, I really feel old, haha, it will be your young people's world from now on."

The king's tone was full of emotion.

"The king's school is overrated."

Qin Yun is not proud at all, after all, to Qin Yun, this is just a little Jiang Cheng.

This world is very big and wonderful, Jiang Cheng is just an ordinary city in Petalburg province, and Petalburg province is just a province in Hoenn war zone.

In the Dragon Kingdom, there are nine war zones.

The world is too big, and there are too many things waiting for Qin Yun.

"This is what you should, and what happened in the past..."

"Nothing has happened before."

Qin Yun knew what Wang Xiao was talking about and responded with a smile.

Wang Xue was relieved after receiving Qin Yun's affirmation.

Although he said that he didn't want to care about Wang Qiu, Wang Qiu was his son after all, how could he really care about what he did.

His hopes were all pinned on Wang Qiu.

He doesn't ask how powerful Wang Qiu can be, he just wants Wang Qiu to fulfill his lifelong dream and become a professional trainer.

Qin Yun also took the reward from the king's school. After hearing the system's voice, Qin Yun smiled very happily.

[Get 1 million Pokémon coins and get a hundred-fold increase. 】

[Get new props: Pokémon coins * 100 million. 】

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