Pokémon Super Breeder

Chapter 149. Kanto Expo, the fire-breathing dragon is here

Early the next morning, after we had breakfast, we decided to continue our journey.

"Mr. N, where are you going next?"

"I decided to go near Fanba City."

"Oh, we're going to Fanba City too. Or we'll go all the way."

N was silent for a while, then glanced at Cheng Cheng again, and then agreed.

Then everyone headed towards Fanba City together.

On the way to Fanba City, they came to Liyong City. Here, they found a very interesting place.

"Wow, it's Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. These are all Pokémon from the Kanto area."

At this time, the Kanto Expo was being held in the city everyone came to, because Xiaozhi's hometown is in the Kanto area, so everyone decided to come and have a look.

"Wow, what a taste of hometown."

Xiaozhi saw these unique things in the Kanto area on the street, and felt the taste of his hometown.

"Are these from the Kanto region? They look so good!"

It was the first time for Alice to see things in the Kanto area.

"Yes, and there are many delicacies."

"Cheng Cheng."

Muzi pulled Cheng Cheng, his eyes glowed.

"I know, I know!"

Cheng Cheng knew that he would lose his wallet again today.

"These are all things from the Kanto area. I've never been to the Kanto area. There should be a lot of things to buy."

Muzi became very excited, but Cheng Cheng was a little helpless. But it's good to be able to taste the gourmet food of the Kanto region again.

We continued to walk along the street, and suddenly saw a place where many children gathered, and a screen was placed in front of them. The person on this screen is Dr. Oki, and Dr. Oki is telling everyone about the Pokémon Yusanjia in the Kanto area.

"Everyone, that's all about the three Pokémon in the Kanto area, everyone hurry up and catch the Pokémon!"

After Dr. Oki finished his most classic words, the whole video ended.

At this time, a person came out from behind the curtain.

"Hi everyone, do you like the three Pokémon from the Kanto area just now?"


At this time, the audience below the stage were very excited. Many of them saw the Pokémon in the Kanto area for the first time.

It has to be said that under the influence of Dr. Oki, the Kanto area can be said to be the most famous area.

"Then next, we invited one of the Pokémon from the Yusan family in the Kanto area, Charmander to meet you all!"


The audience erupted.

"Little Charmander, long time no see."

"Then let's invite Charmander next!"

At this time, the curtain opened, and a small charmander jumped out.

"Wow, so cute!"

Everyone was attracted by this cute little guy.

Indeed, Charmander's dumbfounded appearance is very cute. Cheng Cheng also likes Charmander when he sees it, but it is not a super-type Pokémon after all.

"Okay, do you want to see Charmander's fire trick?"


The enthusiasm below the field broke out again.

"Little Charmander, please use your best flame trick, sparks."


The little Charmander sprayed out sparks, and the sparks all over the sky burned in the night sky, which was very beautiful.

Then the little charmander began to spin, and the sparks turned into whirlpools, making it even more beautiful.

The little charmander turned and turned, and suddenly hit the support pole next to it, and then a board fell off and hit the little charmander.

"Little Charmander!"

Soon the little charmander was rescued.

"Everyone, now I have to take Charmander to treatment, so today's performance is over."

After speaking, the host took Charmander to the Pokémon Center. Xiaozhi also followed.

After everyone saw Xiaozhi following, they had no choice but to follow.

"Why does Xiao Zhi care about Charmander so much?"

"That's because Xiaozhi once had a Charmander, and then the Charmander evolved into a Charmander."

"Cheng Cheng, do you know the story about Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon?"

"I don't know much about this, you should ask Xiaozhi then!"

Everyone came to the Pokémon Center, and Charmander has already entered the treatment. Not long after, Charmander was healed. At this time, the previous host came out holding Charmander.

"Oh, are you guys who just watched the show? I'm sorry, Charmander is injured now, so there's no way to perform any more."

"It's okay, how is Charmander now?"

"Thank you for your concern. There is no problem now, and it will recover after a while."

"That would be wonderful."

"Thank you for your support, let's go first."

The other party left the Pokémon Center with Charmander in his arms. Cheng Cheng and the others sat down in the Pokémon Center and took some food.

"Little Zhi, did you have a Charmander before?"


"Then can you tell us the story of Charmander?"

"Of course!"

Next, Xiaozhi will tell the story about Charmander.

From meeting Charmander to recovering Charmander, and then traveling with Charmander. Then, after Charmander evolved into Fire Dinosaur, its temperament changed drastically, and it became a little disobedient. When the fire dinosaur evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, it became even more disobedient.

Then when I came to the fire-breathing dragon valley, I found that there are many powerful fire-breathing dragons here. The fire-breathing dragon wanted to become stronger, so he left the fire-breathing dragon here and let it practice.

"Sounds great, I want to see this charizard too."

After listening to Xiaozhi's story about the fire-breathing dragon, Muzi was very interested.

"I really want to see the Charizard, Xiaozhi, can we meet it?"

"Now the fire-breathing dragon is in the valley of the fire-breathing dragon, and I haven't seen it for a long time."

"Xiaozhi, or you can take the fire-breathing dragon over." Cheng Cheng suggested that he also wanted to take a look at this fire-breathing dragon.

"Okay then, I'll ask Dr. Oki to help contact the Charizard Valley, and then ask Dr. Oki to send the fire-breathing dragon over."

Xiaozhi connected to Dr. Oki, and then asked Dr. Oki to help teleport the fire-breathing dragon.

"Now that the fire-breathing dragon has been teleported, I will teleport it to you right away. Which Pokémon do you want to teleport?"

"I decided to send the booming pheasant."

"That's really great. I believe the Pokémon here will welcome the new members."

Xiaozhi put the elf ball of the thundering pheasant on the teleporter, and soon the fire-breathing dragon was teleported over.

"Xiaozhi, hurry up, we want to see the fire-breathing dragon."

"Okay, no problem, let's go outside and have a look."

Everyone came to the open space outside and released the fire-breathing dragon.

"Come out, my Charizard!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared loudly as soon as it came out, which was very deterrent and made people feel that it had a very powerful force. Cheng Cheng also read the information on this fire-breathing dragon. This fire-breathing dragon is very strong, even after Xanadu has super-evolved, he may not be able to beat it. It is indeed Ash's first-generation Pokémon.

At this time, Cheng Cheng looked at Pikachu, and felt that Pikachu was too hot.

"Wow, is this a fire-breathing dragon? It's amazing!"

Alice was very happy after seeing the fire-breathing dragon.

"Everyone come out!"

Xiaozhi released all the Pokémon and let them meet the Charizard.

"Then let's all come out."

Alice also released her Pokémon.

When Alice's fast dragon came out, the two Pokémon were right.

"Oh, this is terrible, is it the collision of the strong again?"

The fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon are approaching each other, and they are about to fight.

"Don't do this to the fire-breathing dragon, Kuailong, you should also be quiet."

"Okay, Xiaozhi and Alice, since the two Pokémon have met together, let them fight, I don't think you can stop them." Cheng Cheng persuaded from the side.

"Alright then! Alice, let's have a battle."

"No problem, I also want to see how strong the fire-breathing dragon is."

"Charizard, prepare to fight."


"Charizard, use jet flame."

"Quick Dragon, we also use flame jets here."

The jet flames on both sides collided, and the temperature on the field suddenly increased.

"Quick Dragon, use Dragon God to dive."

"Charizard, use Cleave."

The fire-breathing dragon's split hit the dragon god's diving attack head-on. The two sides collided together, and then quickly bounced off.

"A charizard uses a dragon tail."

The fire-breathing dragon's tail hit Kuailong directly, knocking Kuailong to the ground.

"The fast dragon was seriously injured, but it still wanted to continue fighting the fire-breathing dragon."


At this time N stood up and stopped the fight.

"Quick Dragon, Fire-breathing Dragon, I believe that you have already understood the strength of the other party, and I believe that you all recognize each other, so let's end today's battle here."

The fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon looked at each other, and then both relaxed.

"Really, your fire-breathing dragon is very strong, it is worthy of being a dragon-type Pokémon."

"Alice, what are you talking about, Charizard is not a dragon Pokémon at all."

"How come? The Charizard has dragon claws and a dragon tail, how could it not be a dragon-type Pokémon!"

"Of course not, if you don't believe me, take a look."

Xiaozhi showed the Pokémon illustrated book to Alice, and Alice discovered that the Charizard was not a dragon-type Pokémon, but a flying-type and fire-type Pokémon.

"How could this be, it should be Longxi's Pokémon?"

Cheng Cheng also smiled when he saw this, and he also thought that the Charizard should be a dragon-type Pokémon. However, there is no way to do this, after all, the fire-breathing dragon has no dragon attributes. But it can use dragon tricks.

Cheng Cheng thought of the two super-evolved forms of the fire-breathing dragon. Fire-breathing dragon X and fire-breathing dragon Y plus flying. Both charizards are very powerful. I don't know if Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon can super-evolve in the future?

With the fire-breathing dragon, the power of this trip is also greater, and the white ruins are getting closer and closer.

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