Pokémon Super Breeder

Chapter 170. Fighting Big Mouth Baby, Flower Arrangement Practice

"Lucario, use the bone strike."

Kerni wanted Lucario to use the bone strike, but Lucario rushed over and used the enhanced punch.

Grandpa Ake's Lucario jumped up, dodged the attack, and then knocked it flying with a bone blow.

"Lucario, use the wave missile."

The wave missile hit Lucario, and Lucario fell to the ground, changed back to his original appearance, and lost his fighting ability at the same time.

"How did this happen? Lucario, are you okay?"

Kerni ran over quickly and helped Lucario up. When Lucario changed back to his original state, he also woke up.

"This time you two really did a terrible job!"

"Grandpa. Lucario is just not used to power now. After a while, it will be able to control its own power."


Grandpa Ake erupted with a powerful momentum, and Cheng Cheng could feel his erupting strength. It could be seen that he was really angry.

"Do you really think it's just that the power is not well controlled? This is not just Lucario's problem, it's the two of you."

"Lucario, you are too confident in your own strength, and at the same time you don't listen to the trainer's orders. It was your arrogance that caused the power to lose control just now.

"And you, Cornie. When you commanded, you didn't consider the Pokémon's mood at all, and there was no way to make the Pokémon make the right choice. The bond between the two of you is still far away. It’s not enough, so you still need to continue to practice.”

"Grandpa, I know I was wrong. Lucario and I will definitely continue to practice hard."

"Okay, next you need a new practice. There is a trainer on Mount Muston, and I have been taken care of by her since I was a child. She is also a trainer who can super-evolve Pokémon. I think she should be able to Tell you, what is really needed for super-evolution? So you go to Mount Murston."

"Okay, I see, Grandpa."

"Okay, let's take Lucario to rest now!"

"It's grandpa."

Everyone came to the Pokémon Center to rest.

"Guys, I've found Mount Murston."

Sharina took out the map, and then found the location of Mount Muston.

"Thank you, Serena."

"By the way, Xiaozhi, where are you going next?"

"Next, we want to go to Mustun Mountain with you. Anyway, we can't challenge the gym without you."

"Okay, of course it's no problem. With you guys going together, the journey will be even more interesting."

"Cheng Cheng, do you want to go together?"

"Of course, I will learn about everything about super evolution."

So everyone decided to go to Muston Mountain together to find the Pokémon super evolution trainer who even took care of Grandpa Ake. Cheng Cheng was also very curious about who this person was?

Presumably she will know more about Pokémon Mega Evolution, and this will be a good opportunity to collect information.

After saying that, everyone headed towards Mount Muston. After a period of progress, we finally came to Mouston Hill.

Everyone came to Mu Sidun Mountain, but now Cheng Cheng had another problem. That is mountain climbing. But fortunately, like Cheng Cheng, there is Xitron who has no climbing talent. Cheng Cheng and Xitron were left far behind by Xiaozhi and the others.

"Cheng Cheng, Xitron, hurry up!"

"Okay, got it, got it."

Originally, Cheng Cheng could use Xanadu to instantly teleport to the top of the mountain, but Cheng Cheng still felt that climbing a mountain could be regarded as a kind of practice. Moreover, the scenery on this mountain is very beautiful, and walking all the way is equivalent to sightseeing.

After spending more than an hour, everyone finally came to a house. This house is built against a big tree, which has a very natural taste.

"Should it be here?"

"It should be. Hello, is there anyone? I'm Keerni from Sala City, and I came here because of my grandfather's introduction."

"The door was opened at this moment, and what appeared was not the owner here, but a Pokémon with a big mouth."

"Hello, where is your trainer?"

Cheng Cheng noticed that there was a super-evolution stone on the head of this big-mouthed baby, and it seemed that it was the Pokémon that could super-evolve.

Cheng Cheng also found that this baby with a big mouth was simply too strong. Even stronger than the Lucario of Grandpa Ake before.

"Hello, where is your trainer?"

Kerni continued to ask the big-mouthed frog.

"I'm here."

At this time, a voice came from behind them. It was an old woman driving a small car.

The old lady got out of the car when she came here.

"Oh, what a rare visitor. Hello, everyone, my name is Maple, and welcome to come here."

"Hi, my name is Kernie."

"My name is Xiaozhi."

"I'm Serena."

"My name is Citron."

"I'm Yurika, and this child is Dongdongshu."

"My name is Cheng Cheng."

"Well, you are welcome. What are you doing here?"

"It's like this. I'm from Sala City. After being introduced by my grandfather, I came here to ask about Lucario."

"That's right!"

Maple also saw the evolution key in Kerni's hand, and the super evolution stone in Lucario's hand.

"Of course you can, but first, I have to test your strength first."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

"Everyone came to an open space, and then they were ready to start the battle."

Pokémon: Big Mouth

Attributes: Steel, Fairy

Grade: 87

Ability: Intimidate

Racial value: 380

Combat power: 11020

Skills: Provoke, Scream, Fairy Wind, Startle, Fake Cry, Bite, Sweet Aroma, Clamp, Feint, Catch, Crunch, Iron Wall, Pounce, Store, Swallow, Squirt, Iron head, frolic.

Learning skills: hold on, landslides.

"Lucario, super evolution."

"Big mouth baby, super evolution."

Both sides underwent super evolution at the same time.

"Lucario uses bone strike in one go."

"Big Mouth, make a feint."

Big Mouth Baby dodged the attack, and then punched Lucario's body.

"Big Mouth Boy, use an iron head."

The iron head hit Lucario and knocked Lucario into the air.

This process was so fast that even Cheng Cheng almost didn't realize it.

At this time, the breath in Lucario's body became chaotic again.

"Lucario, wake up!"

Corny tried to wake Lucario up, but it didn't seem to work.

"Lucario, use the bone strike."

However, Lucario rushed over and punched the Big Mouth Frog with his Enhanced Punch.

"Big Mouth Frog, use Bite."

The big-mouthed frog bit Lucario with its mouth.

"Use Fairy Wind Fairy Wind."

Fairy Wind hit Lucario at close range, and Lucario was sent flying and fell to the ground. Soon Lucario directly changed back to his original state.

The whole process took less than two minutes, and Lucario lost directly. The strength of this big-mouthed baby is really terrifying, and with its fairy-type attributes, it can almost destroy all dragon-type Pokémon except mythical beasts, right?

"Okay, the battle is over here."

"Grandma Maple, I'm really sorry."

"Okay, it's okay, everyone go into the house with me."

"By the way, help me move the flowers in the car."

Cheng Cheng and Xiaozhi moved the flowers in the car into the house.

"Grandma, these flowers are really beautiful."

"Yes, these flowers are so beautiful."

"I just picked these flowers, they are very beautiful. Come here, everyone."

Everyone entered a room. There were many flowers and some vases in this room. There are many flowers in the vase.

"These are great!"

Cheng Cheng felt the very natural atmosphere in these flower arrangements. These flowers and vases are very suitable and natural, as if blending together.

"Grandma, these flowers of yours are so wonderful, they have a natural flavor."

"Do you know how to arrange flowers?"

"No, it's just that I can feel a very good fit."

"Okay, Kernie. What I want to teach you today is flower arrangement."

"Flower arrangement? I want to practice super evolution."

"Flower arranging is also a kind of practice. Why don't you all come and see what kind of flowers you can make."


Everyone is eager to try.

"Then let's all ask our partners to come out and arrange flowers together!" Chenchen said.

Cheng Cheng planned to let Shanaiduo come out to arrange flowers, but after Cheng Cheng told Shanaiduo about it, Shanaiduo directly refused. It seems that treating it as a girl's thing cast a big shadow on her. Cheng Cheng had no choice but to let Feng Lingling come out to help.

"Come out, Fenglingling."


Feng Lingling was more than happy to come out to help.

"Fenglingling, please."

"Lingling~" Where's the person?

Cheng Cheng looked at all the flowers, and then he chose a small blue flower. This kind of flower has many flowers on one branch, and it doesn't look particularly conspicuous. But Cheng Cheng thinks this kind of flower is very beautiful.

Cheng Cheng searched among the many small blue flowers, and found the one he wanted after searching for a long time.

Cheng Cheng inserted the flowers into the vase and arranged them a little.

"Wind chime, healing chime."


Feng Lingling's healing bell rang, and Cheng Cheng could feel the bouquet of flowers. However, this flower did not seem to have changed at this time. But Cheng Cheng knew that this bouquet of flowers had changed, a very big change.

After inserting this flower, the town did not continue to arrange flowers. This flower is all his works.

After half an hour, everyone arranged the flowers they chose. At this time, Granny Maple came over and commented on everyone one by one.

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