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Then, in the surprised eyes of Xiaoyao and Sirona, Lucario, holding the scepter, turned around and knelt on one knee towards Luo Yi.

Kneeling on one knee is a ceremony of submission, which is the most sacred etiquette of the Lucario clan!

Lucario raised the scepter in his hand over his head and handed it to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi turned his head and saw this scene. He blinked, and without being pretentious, he reached out and grabbed the scepter.

The scepter was easy to accept. Luo Yi looked at the scepter. At the top of the scepter was a spherical stone, which was polished very smoothly. A blue stone was inlaid on the top, like a blue crystal.

Lucario's mega evolution stone!

Luo Yi stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the stone.

Snap, at the moment the mega stone fell, a crack appeared in the middle of the spherical shape on the top of the scepter, and then it split apart.

Revealing the things wrapped inside.

A piece of... Evolution Yue Stone.

Luo Yi's face showed an expression of"as expected". Sure enough, in the scepter, there was not only Lucario's mega stone, but also the Evolution Yue Stone that Luo Yi needed.

You know, it's not enough to have Lucario's Evolution Stone. Luo Yi must have the Yue Stone to achieve Lucario's super evolution.

So far, all the conditions required for Lucario's mega evolution have been prepared.

Luo Yi took out the two pendants that he had prepared long ago from his backpack. After stringing them together, he gave the mega stone to Lucario and hung the other one around his neck.

Just when Luo Yi wanted to put away his backpack, he found that another pocket of the backpack was revealing a trace of blue light.

"What? Luo Yi was stunned and opened the pocket.

The blue light was emitted from the mysterious blue Poké Ball he had obtained before.

At that time, Gu Yi, who was near the ancient ruins, found a stone that could block Lucario's wave power at a flea market. In the stone, the Poké Ball was wrapped.

However, Luo Yi was unable to open it.

"Master, it was this Poké Ball that strengthened my wave power and put me into a deep sleep."When

Lucario saw the Poké Ball Luo Yi took out, he immediately used the wave power to speak to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows. As early as when this Poké Ball could block the wave power, Luo Yi suspected that this Poké Ball might be related to the Lucario family.

Now it is even more certain that it can cause Lucario to sleep and evolve, and the blue light will be emitted in the valley of the Lucario family. It is definitely closely related to the Lucario family.

""Lucario, can your wave power detect the things in the Poké Ball now?" Luo Yi asked.

Lucario tried, but still couldn't do anything.

"Let's go down the mountain. Maybe the old guy down there knows the origin of this thing."

Luo Yi stood up and walked down the mountain with Lucario.

As for the three guardians, they followed Lucario respectfully and went down the mountain together.

Soon, Luo Yi arrived at the foot of the mountain. Xiaoyao threw herself into Luo Yi's arms and hugged Luo Yi's neck tightly, unwilling to let go.

Shirona also ran over excitedly and took Luo Yi and Xiaoyao into her arms.

Coincidentally, Luo Yi's head was just against Shirona's chest.

Feeling something strange behind his head, Luo Yi couldn't help but turn his head and rubbed it with his face twice.

Soft... so soft...

Shirona blushed in shame and let go of Luo Yi. Her eyes were full of shame and anxiety. She stomped her feet, turned around, and ignored Luo Yi.

Luo Yi scratched his head, with a look of pity on his face.

Xiaoyao raised his head inexplicably, feeling that the atmosphere was a little wrong, but he didn't see what happened just now.

""Okay, Xiaoyao, there's one more thing to do." Luo Yi patted Xiaoyao on the shoulder and said.

Soon, Luo Yi brought Xiaoyao, Sirona, and his own elves to the old Lucario that he saw at the beginning.

Now, this old tribesman knelt down on his knees and collapsed there, as if he had lost all his strength.

"You know this thing, right?"

Luo Yi waved the blue Poké Ball in front of its eyes and said.

The old Lucario, who was originally lying on the ground, suddenly burst into a strong spirit after seeing the blue Poké Ball, and jumped up from the ground.

Luo Yi was shocked. The old guy looked like he was dying a second ago, but after seeing the Poké Ball, he was like a chicken blood. His reaction was too strong.

The old Lucario stared at the Poké Ball in Luo Yi's hand with wide eyes, and his voice was unusually hoarse.

"Key... How could the key be in your hand!!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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