The battle was over, and the result was already decided.

Taiyi was in no mood to pay attention to the battle between Xiaozhi and Ye Yue, after all, the result was already determined.

Xiaozhi took out his main Pokémon, all three of which were guaranteed to be champion-level Pokémon.

How could Ye Yue win with this lineup? Unless he also took out three champion-level Pokémon, the chances of winning were slim.

So Taiyi didn't pay attention to the battle, he was thinking about how to make money next.

And the fighting spirit of Snorlax on the field had been completely ignited at this time. This kind of crazy fighting spirit for food, as long as he stood here, there was a full sense of oppression.

Even Boskortora, a Pokémon as heavyweight as Snorlax, couldn't help but take a step back.

After all, the aura of Snorlax was really strong at this time.

"Boskodora, don't give up! Take the initiative and use the impact!" Ye Yue noticed Boskodora's fear. It was not a good sign to be afraid before the battle, so he quickly ordered Boskodora to attack.

"Roar" Boskodora took his huge steps and began to charge forward, although his speed was not fast because of his size and weight.

But heavyweight Pokémon generally do not compete in speed, but in who is more durable.

The same is true for ordinary Snorlax.

But in general, heavyweight Pokémon will compete with each other to see who is the most durable, but he met Xiaozhi's Snorlax.

When Boskodora was about to approach Snorlax, Xiaozhi gave the order calmly.

"Snorlax, get out of the way and use 100,000 horsepower."


Facing Boskodora that was charging at him, Snorlax jumped flexibly and dodged Boskodora's attack.

Then, with a palm carrying a strong ground energy, it slammed heavily on Boskodora's armor on the side, and blasted it away.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Boskodora has the attributes of steel and rock, and is restrained by ground skills four times.

And Snorlax used 100,000 horsepower, which is quite powerful.

Boskodora was directly knocked away and rolled on the beach for several times, raising a lot of sand and dust.

It stopped only when it was close to the sea.

Ye Yue was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

He didn't even see the reaction speed of Snorlax clearly.

That weird speed, is it the reaction speed that a fat man weighing nearly 800 kilograms can achieve?

Why didn't I see this Snorlax so fast back then? Could it be that this Snorlax has been practicing his speed over the years?

"Roar" Boskodora slowly climbed up from the beach, and cracks appeared on the armor on the side of his body.

If it weren't for his thick skin and flesh, if it weren't for 100,000 horsepower, it wouldn't be Snorlax's original skill.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to take on Snorlax's 100,000 horsepower, and now he has lost his combat ability.

"Alas, Snorlax has just learned 100,000 horsepower, and hasn't mastered it completely yet. I have to practice more when I go back!" Taiyi looked at this scene and couldn't help sighing.

The champion level fought against the king level, and used restraining skills, but Boskodora was not killed instantly. Taiyi was a little dissatisfied with this, and planned to let Snorlax practice more when he had a chance.

But to be honest, it is really difficult to get Snorlax to exercise. He usually lets Snorlax complete certain targets before giving him extra meals, otherwise he will cut his food, so that Snorlax can get up for a short period of time every day to train.

If you want him to train more, that is another price.

Ye Yue was speechless for a while after hearing Taiyi's words, and his face looked a little ugly.

So the power of the move just now is still the 100,000 horsepower that he has not mastered? In other words, does it mean that once Snorlax masters 100,000 horsepower, his Boskort will be killed instantly by Snorlax?

However, the move just now also let Ye Yue know that Xiaozhi's Snorlax is definitely above his Boskort.

Otherwise, even among the same level, even if it is four times restrained, it is impossible to beat Boskort like this. After all, Boskort's defense is considered to be the strongest among all Pokémon.

"Boskodora, heavy attack!" Ye Yue planned to test Snorlax's speed again.

He wanted to know if Snorlax's speed just now was just a short burst, or if Snorlax's speed was just that fast.


After all, Snorlax's strength has already crushed Boskador, and Boskador is his strongest Pokémon besides Blaziken.

So Ye Yue wants to know how fast Snorlax is? To get some information for the next battle.

Heavy impact is not only that Boskadorx's main skills will be used faster, but the charge attribute of the skills themselves will also bring Boskadorx a faster speed.

Snorlax should not be able to dodge this speed, right?

But Xiaozhi soon answered Ye Yue's question.

"Snorlax jumps up and uses Tarzan Pressure!"

"Snorlax!" Snorlax slightly bent his huge body, then suddenly jumped up and jumped ten meters high.

Ye Yue's eyes almost popped out when he saw this scene, and he looked at Snorlax flying in the sky with some disbelief.

Snorlax's speed just now was not a flash in the pan, nor was it his illusion.

Xiaozhi's Snorlax is much faster than ordinary Snorlax.

And not only that, it seemed that he was going to lose this first duel.

With such a huge momentum, the charging Boskodora missed.

When he stopped charging and prepared to avoid the behemoth that was about to fall from the sky, it was too late.


Snorlax, which weighed at least a thousand pounds, fell from the sky like a meteorite, and its huge belly carried a spiral-like white airflow, hitting Boskodora heavily!

A deafening sound rang out on the beach, followed by a burst of sand and dust.

A huge pit was smashed into the good beach.

When the dust settled, Snorlax stood up from Boskodora and patted the dust on his body.

Boskodora was smashed into the beach by Snorlax, and half of his body was sunk in.

At this time, Boskodora was completely unable to move and lost its ability to fight. There were also many cracks on its hard armor.

Snorlax's pressure was really not something that ordinary Pokémon could withstand.

Even Boskodora, which was famous for its defense, could not stop it.

Xiaozhi vs. Ye Yue, in the first game, Snorlax took the lead in helping Xiaozhi win a victory.

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