The first time, the first time, the first time.

One day, Xiaozhi and Xiaochun came to Yuanzhu City.

The reason is that it has been circulating on the Internet recently that the King of Phoenix can be seen near Tuzhu City, so Dr. Sakuragi sent Xiaozhi to investigate.

In addition, Xiaozhi has been targeting Phoenix since the first day he set out, and he has always wanted to have a Pokémon battle with the King of Phoenix, so he agreed and brought Xiaochun to Yuanzhu City.

But of course Taichi denied the things circulating on the Internet. After all, the King of Phoenix completely gave up on humans in his heart hundreds of years ago and has not appeared in front of humans for hundreds of years.

Of course, this is everyone except Xiaozhi.

As for Xiaozhi, he is the Rainbow Brave, a person recognized by the King of Phoenix, so the King of Phoenix is ​​willing to appear in front of Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi and Xiaochun came to the Burnt Tower, also known as the Bell Tower, where the Ho-Oh was seen most often on the Internet.

According to legend, before the Ho-Oh was completely disgusted with humans, he had been living there and receiving offerings from humans, and at the same time blessing them.

Until the war completely destroyed the original Bell Tower, which is now the Burnt Tower, three unknown Pokémon died and were swallowed by the flames.

When the flames finally went out, a shining rainbow fell from the sky, and the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh appeared in front of people and resurrected the Pokémon that died in the fire with the power of the rainbow light. Later, people called these three Pokémon Suicune, Entei, and Raikou.

However, people feared the power of Pokémon that manipulated life and tried to suppress it with violence.

The Ho-Oh never retaliated against humans in return, but voluntarily chose to leave this land, as if saddened by the reaction of humans.

It is said that when the Ho-Oh can trust people again, the Ho-Oh will return.

Taiyi didn't know whether it was true or not, but the only thing Taiyi knew was that under the records, the number of times that Ho-Oh appeared in front of humans was only the one with Xiaozhi. As for whether there would be other times, Taiyi was not sure at the moment.

"According to the news circulating on the Internet, the place where Ho-Oh was seen should be around here." Xiaochun looked at the phone and compared the surrounding environment.

"Really? I really want to see Ho-Oh soon. I remember that the last time I saw Ho-Oh was a few years ago." Xiaozhi said excitedly. Xiaozhi seemed to be always like this. When facing Pokémon, he was always so excited and happy.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, you said you saw Ho-Oh a few years ago? Is it true?" Xiaochun was surprised to hear this. After all, except for the large number of people who had seen Ho-Oh on the Internet this time, basically no one else had seen Phoenix for about a hundred years.

"Of course it's true. Xiaozhi saw Ho-Oh since the first day he set out." Taiyi said with a very affirmative tone.


"Yes, but when I moved to the Hoenn region later, I saw Ho-Oh once again, but I haven't seen Ho-Oh since then." Xiaozhi scratched his head and said.

Xiaozhi and Xiaochun searched for a long time near the bell tower. Just when they were about to give up, Taiyi suddenly said.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaochun, I think I found where those videos circulating on the Internet came from."

"Well, you found Ho-Oh, Taiyi."


"So you mean that the videos circulating on the Internet are fake?"

"Well, the Ho-Oh in the videos circulating on the Internet should be fake. If you don't believe it, look up at the sky."

Xiaozhi and Xiaochun looked up at the direction Taiyi pointed at, and sure enough, a figure similar to Ho-Oh appeared in their sight.

"Is that Ho-Oh?"

"It looks like the one in the picture!"

"No, didn't I say that before? That's fake, it's a Toucan with a Charmeleon on it, disguised as a fake Ho-Oh!"

"Really? Let's go and take a look, Koharu, Taichi, Pikachu."

Satoshi said and ran in the direction where the Toucan landed.

Taichi, Koharu and Pikachu had no choice but to chase after it.

The group soon came to a house not far from the Bell Tower.

There they met Toucan and Charmeleon disguised as Ho-Oh, plus their owner, a teenager who was trying to make his grandfather happy.

After understanding, Satoshi and Koharu learned that because his grandfather had obtained a rainbow feather of Ho-Oh before, he embarked on a journey to find Ho-Oh,

But after so many years, he hadn't seen a single shadow of the Ho-Oh. In addition, because of the people around him, he became more and more negative. In order to make his grandfather happy, the boy asked his Pokémon Toucans and Charmeleon to dress up as the Ho-Oh, hoping to make his grandfather happier.

After listening to the boy's story, Taiyi smiled and said, "It is indeed difficult for others to see the Ho-Oh, but if the Rainbow Hero wants to see the Ho-Oh, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"What is the Rainbow Hero?" the boy asked.

"That is, what is the Rainbow Hero? I have heard of the Wave Hero and the Sea Hero, but this is the first time I have heard of the Rainbow Hero." Xiaozhi also asked with curiosity.

But Taiyi was really speechless about Xiaozhi's question. The Ho-Oh has been around for so many years, and the heroes he selected don't know that he is the Rainbow Hero. I really don't know what the Ho-Oh has been doing in the past few years?

Taiyi introduced the Rainbow Hero to the people on the field.

"The Rainbow Hero is a hero chosen by the Phoenix King. According to legend, as long as the Rainbow Hero passes the tests of the Flame Emperor, Thunder God, and Water God, he can go to Tianqing Mountain and meet the Phoenix King there. At the same time, the Phoenix King can satisfy one condition of the Rainbow Hero."

"Really?" An old voice sounded from the side. Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw an old man in his fifties with a cuckoo on his arm, looking at Taiyi with a shocked face, but with a shining look in his eyes.

"Grandpa." The boy looked at the old man in surprise, and this voice also told the other people on the field that the old man in front of him was the grandfather of the boy.

"I ask you, are you telling the truth? Can you really see the Phoenix King in Tianqing Mountain?" The old man seemed to be in a trance. He did not hear his grandson's call and looked at Taiyi anxiously and asked anxiously.

"I guess so, but there are two prerequisites. The first is that you have to be the Rainbow Warrior, and the second is that you have to pass the test of the three sacred beasts. If you can't meet either of these two requirements, you won't be able to see the Phoenix King even if you go to Tianqing Mountain."

"Really? Really?" The old man left in a daze after hearing this. Although he heard about the whereabouts of the Phoenix King, the old man didn't know who the Rainbow Warrior was, and he didn't know the whereabouts of the three sacred beasts, let alone whether he could pass the test of the three sacred beasts. In addition, he had searched for nearly half of his life and couldn't find the trace of the Phoenix King, so the old man had long lost confidence in finding the Phoenix King.

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