The aura emanating from Xiaozhi at this moment made Gengar feel a terrifying pressure falling on him.

"Geng" Gengar was stunned for a moment, looking at Xiaozhi who was emitting a strong aura in front of him, he couldn't help but choose to leave from the heart and disappeared on the spot.

After Gengar disappeared, a blue light emanated from Xiaozhi.

Under the detection of the wave power, Xiaozhi saw Gengar leaving the research institute, and it seemed that everything was fine now.

"Don't worry, everyone, Gengar has left, it's okay for the time being!"

Dr. Sakuragi and other researchers heard the words and instantly let go of their hearts. They were really afraid that Gengar would suddenly appear and give them a shadow ball, and directly hit them into the hospital. Then they wouldn't have to come to work for a short time, and they would be directly treated in the hospital.

"Xiaozhi, how do you know that Gengar has left?" Xiaochun asked with some doubt.

After all, Gengar can be invisible, come and go without a trace, and appear and disappear mysteriously. If you don't see through the skill, you can't be sure whether Gengar has left or where he is. Could it be that Xiaozhi can see through the skill?

"I have been practicing to control the power of wave recently. Now I can feel all the waves nearby. All life in the wave can. Although Gengar is invisible, his wave can't deceive me." Xiaozhi explained. This is the result of his hard training in recent days.

Taiyi next to him couldn't help but nodded, very much in agreement, and at the same time, he was thinking about whether to double Xiaozhi's daily training. After all, Xiaozhi's talent is really good. He has roughly mastered the power of wave in just a few days.

Xiaochun was shocked when she heard this. Since he met Xiaozhi, basically every once in a while, his worldview has to be refreshed, and sometimes even challenge her cognition of humans. Xiaochun didn't hear about the power of wave. Now she knows that there is such a power.

Dr. Sakuragi knew about the power of wave, so he blinked in surprise and said.

"I didn't expect that Xiaozhi could master the power of wave. That's a legendary power! It's rarer than superpowers, and I heard that if you want to practice this power, you must have enough talent, and your own qualifications are also very important. Even so, I heard that the secret has disappeared. How did you master it? Sorry, I still don't know some things and ask more!"

Dr. Sakuragi felt a little offended as he spoke. After all, it was his ability to master the power of wave. Even if there was a secret, it was his own opportunity. It seemed a bit bad to ask him about it.

Xiaozhi just smiled and waved his hand. "It's okay, Dr. Sakuragi. Taiyi taught me the power of wave recently. As for the specific operation, Taiyi said a lot at that time, but I didn't remember it. But he asked me to master the power of wave in my body every day, and I learned it over time."

"But it will also allow me to feel the wave of my former partners outside, such as Butterfree, Lapras, Infernape, Greninja, Tetragnathus, and Solgaleo. Although I don't know why, I can sense their wave and sense their location. I plan to find time to see them. Some of them have not been seen for a long time!"

As Xiaozhi spoke, his face showed a look of reminiscence. For example, Butterfree was the Pokémon he first captured. It has been almost 5 years since he released it. And it happened that in Xiaozhi's perception, Butterfree seemed to be on the way to the Kanto region.

When Butterfree comes back, Xiaozhi plans to take Pikachu, Xiaochun and Taichi to see this old friend who he hasn't seen for a long time.

But of course there are some partners that Xiaozhi can't see now, such as Tetragnathus and Solgaleo. They are on the other side of the Ultra Cave and can't be seen whenever they want.

Xiaozhi's words made Dr. Sakuragi on the side completely dumbfounded and stunned.

In addition to being surprised that Xiaozhi awakened the power of wave and developed so many functions, he was also surprised that Xiaozhi actually released so many Pokémon outside.

Wow, how many were released? And Greninja and Lapras are quite rare Pokémon, and Dr. Sakuragi has only vaguely heard of Tetragnathus and Solgaleo, which seem to be the legendary beasts in Alola. In other words, Xiaozhi captured the legendary beasts and put them outside. This is really willing!

Xiaochun is now very satisfied with her father

Dear, your shocked expression now, it can't be that she has been shocked all the time!

As for how many Pokémon Xiaozhi released outside, how many rare Pokémon, Xiaochun can only say that he got used to being shocked after being shocked so many times.

On the second morning after Gengar left, Xiaozhi woke up from his bed and began to be unlucky for no reason. No matter what he did, he was very unlucky, and even drinking water would get stuck in his teeth.

And Xiaozhi felt that his whole body was cold, as if something was attached to him.

Seeing this, Xiaochun said to Xiaozhi with some concern.

"Xiaozhi, could it be that you have been cursed by Gengar? I heard that Gengar can bring curses to trainers. Although you are not his trainer, if you attack him, you might also..."

Xiaozhi was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "Xiaochun, don't say that about Gengar. Ghost-type Pokémon are born like that. You can't blame them. Some people blame their bad luck on ghost-type Pokémon, but I think it may be because they are not good to their own Pokémon and doubt them, so they have bad luck!"

"And I don't believe in curses. If curses really exist, I will break them one by one, so rest assured, Xiaochun!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's serious look, Xiaochun didn't mention the curse anymore.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, you are unlucky today in the research institute. Do you want to go out and relax? Maybe your luck will get better." Xiaochun thought about all the bad things Xiaozhi had today, and all happened in the research institute, so he suggested.

"But I still have to train today!" Xiaozhi said a little disappointed.

He also wanted to go out and play, but he hadn't started the one-day training plan that Taiyi had set for him yet!

At this time, Taiyi floated in from outside, glanced at Xiaozhi, then looked at Xiaozhi's shadow, and then said, "Xiaozhi's training is cancelled today, let's go out and play!"

"Really?" Xiaozhi heard this, and in order to prevent himself from hearing hallucinations, he quickly opened his mouth to confirm.

"Yes, Xiaozhi, you can have a good rest today." Taiyi nodded and affirmed, and at the same time added in his heart, if you don't find anything wrong with you today, I will triple the training tomorrow.

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