The truth is that you may not want to believe it now, and humans may not want to believe me either!"

"But that doesn't matter to me, because I believe in you!"

"You are not a cursed elf who knows nothing about battles. On the contrary, you are a super strong ghost-type Pokémon."

"And I just need a ghost-type Pokémon as strong as you to help me become a Pokémon master, so Gengar, be my partner!" Xiaozhi said to Gengar with a sincere face.

"Gengar" Gengar looked at Xiaozhi's sincere eyes, then closed his eyes with a smile, and gently nodded his body. He agreed to become Xiaozhi's Pokémon.

"Haha, then Gengar, please give me more advice in the future." Seeing this, Xiaozhi took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and gently tapped Gengar's body. Then Gengar turned into red light and entered the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball did not struggle, but made a crisp sound, implying that Xiaozhi succeeded in conquering Gengar.

"Great, I conquered Gengar"


"Congratulations, Xiaozhi, for successfully conquering Gengar!"

"Haha, great, Xiaozhi conquering Gengar is equivalent to conquering a general in the future. On the road to participating in the Eight Masters Tournament in the future, there will be another partner!"

Taichi and Koharu immediately sent their blessings to Xiaozhi for conquering Gengar.

Taichi was especially happy.

After all, Taichi is a system, and it is a system without any main tasks. It is a system that aims at the dream of partnering.

Accomplishing his own goals is his life philosophy, and now Xiaozhi's goal is to participate in the Eight Masters Tournament and win the world championship.

Therefore, the stronger the Pokémon in Xiaozhi's hand, the more guaranteed he will win the championship, and what Taiyi has to do is to assist Xiaozhi to become the champion of the Eight Masters Tournament.

Therefore, Taiyi is of course happy to have a potential, at least champion-level Gengar join, after all, that will give him more guarantees during the battle.

Because Xiaozhi, to be honest, has not had a ghost-type Pokémon in his hand so far, and Gengar just makes up for this lack.

In addition, Gengar's current strength is quasi-king, and it is not like Xiaogang, but a quasi-king who has crossed the threshold of the king.

According to Taiyi's speculation, this Gengar may have been at the quasi-king level three years ago. In other words, if it had not been abandoned in the house where the research institute is located for three years, this Gengar may have already broken through the king level or even become the champion.

But it doesn't matter, this Gengar has a very good foundation, and Taiyi can be sure that Gengar will reach the champion level within a year.

This is what Taiyi is most happy about, after all, Xiaozhi's champion level is still a little small at present.

In the afternoon after Ash captured Gengar, Professor Oak sent a message to Ash saying that the locator had arrived and asked him to go back and get it.

With Taichi’s help, Ash got the locator almost the next minute after Professor Oak’s message arrived.

With the help of the locator, all the 10,000 or so contestants of the World Championships in Vermilion City appeared on Ash’s phone as light dots.

As long as Ash touched the light dots, he could get their information and their current specific location.

Originally, Ash didn’t care who he challenged, after all, it didn’t matter who he fought against, right?

With more than 10,000 or so trainers, how powerful he could meet? The elite level was already the most powerful, and these gym-level trainers were probably the kind of guys who had just touched the threshold of the gym, not that powerful.

But this morning, Ash had a target he really wanted to defeat.

Soon, Ash found the information and specific location of the yellow-haired guy today.

"Nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-second, name Huangla..."

Although Xiaozhi's current ranking is outside the top ten thousand, fortunately it is not more than 1000, which is within the range that Xiaozhi can challenge now.

After determining the location of Huangmao, Xiaozhi took Xiaochun to find Huangmao who was walking on the street.

And with the help of the locator, he was found quickly.

Now Huangmao has returned to his original high-spirited appearance, as if the person who was scared by Gengar this morning and sat on the ground was not him.

When Xiaozhi appeared in Huangmao's sight, Huangmao's body instinctively trembled, and then looked at Xiaozhi. There was no purple figure following behind him, so he breathed a sigh of relief and recovered

He looked like he was asking for a fight.

"Why are you looking for me again? Didn't I tell you? If you want Gengar, just go and capture it yourself. Don't bother me. I don't want that guy anymore!"

Taiyi couldn't help but look up at the trash in front of him.

What's the name of this guy compared to the one who threw away Charmander? It's been so long that Taiyi has forgotten a little. Anyway, they are both trash, and they are much better.

"I'm here to fight you!" Xiaozhi directly pointed out the purpose of his coming.

"Fight? What's your ranking?" The yellow-haired guy was scared by Gengar before, so he didn't notice that Xiaozhi could actually launch a wave missile with his bare hands, so he looked down on Xiaozhi.

After all, Xiaozhi's age is there. In the eyes of the yellow-haired guy, how strong can he be?

"Ranked 10,752nd." Xiaozhi said his ranking.

That's right, the difference between his ranking and that of the yellow-haired guy in front of him is exactly 999 places. If he goes up two places, Xiaozhi won't be able to challenge the yellow-haired guy in front of him.

"Ranked 10,000? Haha, kid, are you kidding me? The rankings in the tournament are very different even if there is only one place difference. Do you know what my ranking is? I am 9,070th, and the difference between you and me is about 1,000 places. Are you sure you want to fight me?" Huang Mao said with contempt on his face.

"Of course, is there any need to say it?" Xiaozhi said very calmly.

The one ranked first in the World Championships had lost to Xiaozhi in 1v1 battles before. He would still be afraid of this 9,000-plus rubbish.

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he took out the Rotom mobile phone illustration and started to register the battle ranking.

Xiaozhi was very calm, and when Huang Mao saw the red mobile phone in Xiaozhi's hand, he instantly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The World Championship is a competition without a threshold. As long as you are a trainer, you can participate.

However, every battle must be registered on the mobile phone, and the battle must be based on the rules of the World Championships.

Most people register on their mobile phones for reconciliation and registration.

When both parties submit their applications at the same time, a special Rotom referee will come to preside over the battle and determine the outcome and fairness of the battle.

Of course, there are very few people who have Rotom Illustrated Books, which are both mobile phones and Illustrated Books.

Those who have the means are either new trainers, or have a backstage, or are very powerful. In short, not everyone can have it.

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