The two of them were so busy that they had to fight.

"It's Pikachu!"

"It's Raichu!"

Ma Zhishi and Xiaozhi said at the same time, and then laughed.

However, after laughing, the eyes of both parties changed at the same time, becoming particularly sharp.

"Pikachu, flash of lightning" Xiaozhi took the lead.

"Raichu, let's use flash of lightning too" Ma Zhishi hurriedly commanded Raichu after hearing this, he wanted to take revenge on Pikachu for using speed to touch his Raichu.

But Ma Zhishi didn't think that the current Pikachu is no longer the fat otaku of the past, he has evolved into Pikachu, also known as Pikachu God.

So when Ma Zhishi gave the order, Xiaochun, Taichi and Pix were all surprised when they were sitting in the audience.

The first two knew how fast Pikachu was, and the latter had a certain understanding of Pikachu's speed because he was beaten by Pikachu in the previous battle, and he also knew how fast his captain Ma Zhishi's Raichu was.

So in their opinion, if the opponent dared to challenge Pikachu's speed, wouldn't that be looking for excitement for themselves?

Sure enough, as the three thought, Pikachu and Raichu on the field turned into a white flash at the same time, leaving a trail of afterimages on the field.

Then the speed of both sides became faster and faster, but in less than 4 seconds, Raichu could no longer see Pikachu's figure.

At this time, the field was full of Pikachu's phantoms. Except for Taichi and Xiaozhi, no one else could tell where Pikachu's body was.

The flash of lightning was used by Pikachu to create the visual sense of shadow clones.

"Is this the speed that a Pikachu can have?" Ma Zhishi looked at the Pikachu whose original body could not be found on the field, and he was a little confused by Pikachu's speed.

He knew that his Raichu had a flaw in speed, so he had been working on it over the years.

Finally, a year ago, he made up for the speed of Raichu to be the same as that of a normal Raichu, or even faster.

Although Raichu is much larger than Pikachu, Raichu crushes Pikachu by a lot in terms of regular racial values.

In Ma Zhishi's opinion, although Xiaozhi's Pikachu has some talent in speed, who can tell him how this speed that transcends racial values ​​comes from? Is it cheating?

Under the high-speed movement of Pikachu on the field, Raichu quickly changed, and it was dazzled. The whole mouse was a little dizzy, and the movements of its feet slowed down a few points.

The experienced Ma Zhishi knew that the situation was not good at a glance, and just when he was about to take countermeasures, Xiaozhi took the lead.

"Now, Pikachu, Thunder Punch"


Pikachu's small body appeared in front of Raichu, and then showed a sinister smile.

Then one hand emitted golden lightning, raised his hand, and punched Raichu's stomach, directly knocking it into the sky.

Ma Zhishi's eyes widened. Pikachu used to be very fast, but weak, but what kind of strange power is this now?

A Thunder Punch knocked Raichu away.

And who can tell me who is so crazy that Pikachu, a Pokémon with very short arms, can practice the skill of Thunder Punch.

"A-choo" Taiyi in the audience suddenly sneezed for some reason.

"Who is scolding me behind my back? Could it be those elves that Xiaozhi placed in the backyard of Dr. Daimon? They want to rebel. Go back and train twice as much today." Taiyi touched his transformed nose, looked around and said.

At this time, Xiaozhi's elves in Dr. Oak's backyard couldn't help but shudder.

They didn't know that because of someone's sneeze, their training volume was about to double.

"Pikachu, electric grid"

"Pika Pika, Chu Pika"

Xiaozhi didn't intend to let go of this opportunity and ordered an attack on Pikachu.

Pikachu gathered a grid of golden lightning from its Z-shaped tail, and then threw it into the sky, wrapping Raichu in it.

"No, Raichu, use the million-ton punch to break free." The experienced Ma Zhishi immediately realized that the situation was not good and hurriedly gave the order.

"Thunder..." Raichu struggled in the air. Because there was no force point, his head was still a little dizzy at the moment, and he had no way to use the million-ton punch.

However, Xiaozhi would not give him a chance to break free.

"Useless uncle, and you have no chance, Pikachu Shadow Clone plus Lightning Flash plus Thunder Punch will take care of him"

"Pika, Pika Pika Pika"

Countless Pikachu appeared on the field,

Then all the Pikachus collectively released a flash of lightning towards Raichu, and at the same time, golden lightning gathered in their hands.

Golden arrows of light appeared on the field, like thousands of arrows shot at the same time, hitting Raichu in batches, hitting Raichu against the gym wall, and even causing several cracks on the extremely hard gym wall.

When the smoke dissipated, Raichu's eyes rolled back and he lay on the ground, losing his ability to fight.

"Raichu has lost his ability to fight."

The referee Rotom flew to Raichu and saw that Raichu had lost this ability, and then said, while turning on the screen and a Poké Ball under Ma Zhishi's avatar darkened.

At this moment, Ma Zhishi was looking at Pikachu with a confused face, and then looked at Raichu lying on the ground.

His mind was now as if he was experiencing a brainstorming, who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Can anyone tell me why Pikachu has such power? Why is it so fast? Who else is so bored that Pikachu practiced the Thunder Fist?

And the yellow mouse in front of him, is it really called Pikachu?

Has the Pikachu in this world mutated? Is it stronger than the Raichu after its evolution?

Although Ma Zhishi had many doubts in his heart at this time, his strong professional ethics still allowed him to suppress his doubts.

Then he took back Raichu and sent out his second Pokémon, Electabuzz.

This is evolved from the electric monster he had captured before. As an electric gym leader, it is impossible for him to have only Raichu as a Pokémon, and it is impossible for him to have only Raichu as a trump card.

Based on his training in the past two years, this Electabuzz has the strength that is not inferior to Raichu.

But to be honest, Ma Zhishi has no confidence in the current Pikachu.

After all, the strength shown by Pikachu just now has proved to him that none of the Pokémon in his hand seems to be able to beat this Pikachu.

"Come back, Pikachu, let other partners play for a while" Xiaozhi directly took back Pikachu and planned to replace other Pokémon.

After all, he used to put Pikachu on the field without considering other Pokémon, and Taichi had already taught him a lesson.

Xiaozhi doesn't want to be taught a lesson by Taichi again, so he will let his old pets play when conditions permit.

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