The battle was won, and the battle was over.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the gym floor was exposed.

And the Electabuzz that had lost its ability to fight.

The previous digging of the hole had already caused a lot of damage to the Electabuzz, and then taking on this zero-distance dragon star group directly made its health return to zero, and it lost its ability to fight.

At this moment, Ma Zhishi was looking at the Electabuzz that had lost its ability to fight with a dull face.

At this moment, he didn't know what to say, after all, he was really stunned. In two consecutive games, he didn't even have the ability to fight back and was easily killed.

And he was killed by the little devil he had taught a lesson before.

On the other side, Xiaochun, who was sitting in the audience, was also numb. At this moment, she just reacted from the defensive state of holding her head with both hands.

After all, the dragon star group just now was too terrifying, like a world-destroying attack.

As for Taiyi's disdainful look at Ma Zhishi and Pix next to him, you said that Xiaochun had never seen a big scene, which is understandable. After all, she is just a student, but you two, a gym leader and an acting gym leader, have never seen this world, so it is easy to be disliked.

Xiaozhi now looked at his mobile phone and saw that he had reached the 2012th place, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Uncle, it was really a very pleasant battle, hahaha."

Ma Zhishi: ...

Do you think my expression looks very happy? Boy, I suspect you are mocking me, and I have evidence.

Originally, Ma Zhishi wanted to fight a very good revenge battle, but it turned out to be a bloodbath, and now the whole person is very bad.

After Xiaozhi exchanged pleasantries with Ma Zhishi for a while, he was about to take back the round land shark and leave with Xiaochun.

The round land shark began to emit a bright light, which was the light of evolution.

As the round land shark began to glow, his figure began to change.

When the light faded, what appeared in front of everyone was a body that was rounder than before, becoming very slender, and the originally small tail behind it became particularly strong. Fang-like spikes appeared all over his body, making him very aggressive now.

This is the second stage evolution of the round land shark, the fang land shark.

Taiyi on the side immediately turned on the detection and looked at the data of the fang land shark.

(Fanged Land Shark)

(Classification: Sonic Pokémon)

(Attributes: Ground, Dragon)

(Features: Sand Hide)

(Strength: Gym Level)

(Moves: Dragon's Fury, Dig, Dragon Stars, Impact, Sand Kick, Quicksand Hell, Fire Fang...)

(Carrying Items: None)

Taichi looked at the data and nodded. Although it was a late bloomer, Pokémon would show some of their strength after evolution, but it was still quite rare to be gym level at the first stage of evolution.

How to say strength? It doesn't mean that once you evolve to a certain stage, you will have a certain level of strength.

This mainly depends on how the Pokémon is cultivated. Some Pokémon are well cultivated, even if they don't evolve, they are also at the level of the king. Here, point out Xiaozhi's Pikachu and Bulbasaur.

And some are poorly cultivated. Even if you evolve to the third stage, it is only the elite level, and it is more likely to be just the ordinary level.

It all depends on the strength you have cultivated. When the hard strength reaches a certain level, the strength in Taiyi's scan will be arranged at the specified strength.

And sometimes if the unexpectedness is high, it is also possible to jump the level. This depends on whether the trainer can use the characteristics of good Pokémon.

For example, Xiaozhi's alien Sharptooth Land Shark, if used well, it is no problem to trap a wave of quasi-king-level Pokémon.

After Xiaozhi saw his round Land Shark evolve into Sharptooth Land Shark, he ran over excitedly, and then Xiaozhi was bitten on the head by the Sharptooth Land Shark.

"Ahhh, let go of my Sharptooth Land Shark, your teeth are sharper!"

This scene made everyone on the field, except Taiyi, speechless.

This way of greeting is indeed unique and rare, the kind that is basically not seen.

"Captain, is your friend's head made of iron? So hard." Pix walked to Ma Zhishi and asked.

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Ma Zhishi shook his head and said.

After saying that, he followed Pixar's gaze and focused on Xiaochun.

Xiaochun didn't say anything, but

Shaking her head.

She really didn't know that Xiaozhi could be so stubborn.

Of course, it was mainly because when Fanged Land Shark was still Rounded Land Shark, he was used to playing with Xiaozhi, and he could control the strength well.

Otherwise, if Xiaozhi didn't use the power of wave, Xiaozhi would definitely be bitten by Fanged Land Shark no matter how stubborn he was.

But in short, Xiaozhi got a lot out of today. His ranking in the World Championships improved, and Rounded Land Shark also evolved into Fanged Land Shark, double happiness.


Xiaozhi didn't go to battle for the next few days, but started to perform his mission as a special researcher.

In fact, there was no big task, just to look at the Pokémon and investigate some Pokémon.

As a result, Xiaozhi's ranking has dropped during this period. After all, Xiaozhi's points did not increase, but others won points and increased, which would also suppress Xiaozhi.

But of course, there is no need to panic about this kind of thing. After all, there is still a long time before the end of the season. Even Taichi suggested that Xiaozhi take a break during this period, do some training, and relax.

After all, the training Taichi had given Xiaozhi was so tough that Xiaozhi completely mastered the use of wave power in less than half a month. It was very easy to release the wave force, such as the wave missile wave island barrier, without any pressure.

So it is better to relax during this period of time and prepare for every battle in the future.

For example, Xiaozhi accepted a task to find Ditto today.

The reason for this task is that Ditto, an actor in a crew, disappeared.

The acting of that Ditto is very good, but when he is nervous, his transformation will not be perfect.

During a director's reprimand, Ditto ran away.

Now the director has a new play that needs Ditto. If Ditto performs well, he may be promoted to a formal actor and embark on the road to the entertainment industry.

Therefore, Ditto's agent asked Xiaozhi and Xiaochun to find Ditto as soon as possible.

However, Xiaozhi and Xiaochun searched the streets and alleys, but could not find any trace of Ditto.

In the end, it was Taichi who went to Ditto's agent and asked for items with Ditto's scent or his Poké Ball to locate Ditto.

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