The old man was so angry that he was not very happy.

For what Taiyi said, Xiaozhi just nodded frantically, but it was unknown how much Taiyi remembered.

However, Taiyi did not expect Xiaozhi to remember everything. Remembering a little would make it easier to deal with this type of monster in the future.

As for letting Xiaozhi learn how to command Tortoise, don't make a fuss. Judging from Xiaozhi's usual command, it belongs to the fast attack type, and commanding the turret type is not suitable for him at all.

Taiyi did not expect him to learn it. Instead of letting Xiaozhi learn it, it is better to change Tortoise's current situation.

It just so happens that the reward won by Tortoise's victory just now is quite suitable for changing this situation.

The ability of the Transformation Stone is to allow the Pokémon carrying the Transformation Stone to freely choose their own form.

The so-called own form is to take Tortoise as an example. As long as he carries the stone of change, he can switch between his previous three forms of Squirtle, Forest Turtle, and Tortoise at will, without affecting his own strength.

Of course, the so-called no impact on strength only means that it does not affect the energy in the body and the skills and tricks. Defense, speed, and the like will definitely be affected, after all, the size is there.

However, Taiyi really does not want to use this thing on Tortoise, which has completed three stages of evolution and whose strength is still at the gym level.

After all, this thing gives Tortoise nothing but the ability to freely transform its own form.

However, if Xiaozhi has a Pokémon that has the ability to evolve but does not want to evolve, with this stone as the price, the Pokémon can maintain its current state and evolve, and its own energy level will also be terribly improved.

That's right, the Pokémon that Taiyi wants to give the stone of change to the most is Xiaozhi's veteran Pokémon, Bulbasaur.

Because Bulbasaur has reached the level of the king level by relying on its one-stage form without ever evolving. If it evolves two more stages, it may be able to break through this limit and reach the champion level.

Become the fourth champion that Xiaozhi can summon back anytime and anywhere.

It may even surpass Lizard King and Infernape and become the second champion ace in Xiaozhi's hand.

So Taiyi didn't tell Xiaozhi about this, but asked him to exchange Bulbasaur.


Xiaozhi, released the green garlic, no, Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur looked around and saw that there were no enemies, so he walked to Xiaozhi and became intimate with Xiaozhi.

Taiyi watched Xiaozhi and Bulbasaur play for a while before speaking.

"Bulbasaur, let me ask you a question. If you can stay the way you are now, are you willing to evolve to gain more power and help Xiaozhi win the world championship?"

"Seed (What you said is true, instructor.)" Bulbasaur was very confused about this.

As for the instructor, it is the name that all the Pokémon in the backyard of the Oak Institute of Xiaozhi now call Taichi.

After all, this person set up a tailor-made training plan for them, and even a training plan that is not dead, so that all the Pokémon in the backyard of Dr. Oak called him the hell instructor behind his back.

"It's true." Taiyi nodded, then took out the stone of change and introduced it.

"As long as you carry this stone with you, you can switch your form freely."

"I know you want to prove that you can become stronger even without evolving, and I can assure you that you are already very strong. Although you have not reached the top of the world, you have already touched the peak of ordinary Pokémon. Even many Pokémon will never reach your current level in their lifetime. If you take your current strength one step further, that is the level that only those legendary beasts can reach."

"And Bulbasaur, I believe in your talent. Under my training plan, you can reach that level in just one or two years, but now we only have about half a year. Maybe you can play at the end of the World Championships, but there are people who are as strong as you now, or even stronger than you, and you may not be able to help Xiaozhi too much."

"So I want to know your choice Bulbasaur, is to give up your previous idea of ​​becoming stronger without evolving, become stronger, and contribute to Xiaozhi's road to becoming a champion, and become the cornerstone of his becoming the world's strongest trainer, or still stick to your idea and keep the status quo!


After Taiyi finished speaking, he placed the Transformation Stone in front of Bulbasaur, and then quietly floated there and watched Bulbasaur's choice.

What Taiyi said just now actually had the meaning of moral kidnapping.

After all, all of Ash's Pokémon are willing to give everything for Ash.

In the past, Ash was just willing to respect their ideas and gave them a lot of room for choice, without forcing them too much.

However, Taiyi was not like that. He only cared about helping Ash win the championship. As for the Pokémon in Ash's hands, Taiyi didn't care too much about their wishes.

And even if they had the will, Taiyi would use the art of language to transform it like now.

For example, now, it is said that Bulbasaur can maintain the status quo, but to put it bluntly, it is better , or let Bulbasaur evolve, and finally turn back to Bulbasaur.

This is contrary to the original Bulbasaur who did not want to evolve and became stronger by his own strength.

However, Taiyi was right in one sentence. The current Bulbasaur has indeed proved that it can become stronger without evolving.

The King level is not something that ordinary Pokémon can achieve.

Looking at the entire Pokémon world, there are very few gym-level trainers with King level. Most of them have what level and what Pokémon they have. Even if there are Pokémon stronger than their own level, they will not be too much.

"Bulbasaur, it's okay. If you don't want to evolve, we won't force you. There are other companions who can play. You don't have to force yourself too much! "Ash looked at the confused Bulbasaur, picked him up and comforted him.

"Seed" Bulbasaur looked up at Ash, and had already made up his mind.

Bulbasaur radiated a brilliant light, and its body gradually grew larger, and then the light faded away.

A Bulbasaur that was much larger than Bulbasaur, and the bulge on its back had become a stamen that had not yet opened, and Ash's Bulbasaur was much larger than the ordinary Bulbasaur.

However, the Bulbasaur, which had just evolved, radiated a brilliant light again in the next second, and the light of evolution unfolded again.

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