The old man was very angry.

Xiao Hao, how should I describe him? He is selfish, easy to give up, not serious about Pokémon, and he is a mindless capturer. He also likes to snatch the wild Pokémon that others want to capture.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with capturing wild Pokémon. The problem is that Xiao Hao doesn't care about others at all. Others finally caught the Pokémon and were about to capture it, but they were caught by others.

Of course, there are many more besides these.

Anyway, Taiyi's perception of Xiao Hao is not very good, especially when he thinks of the evil deeds he will do in the future.

Taiyi thinks he needs to get rid of harm for the people.

It's just that Taiyi is a system, and there are some rules that he must follow.

If he casually attacked Xiao Hao, the cause and effect would definitely be enough for Taiyi to bear.

So he was also thinking about how to completely kick Xiao Hao out without bearing the cause and effect. Even if he didn't die, he had to make him disabled.

While Taiyi was thinking, Taiyi suddenly seemed to notice something, and a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on the sphere.

"Oh, you black dog, you are quite lucky."

He also noticed that the energy generated by the tens of millions of volts and air explosions that he had knocked away before was constantly falling here.

And from the current situation, that energy is very likely to hit the black-skinned boy who was running wildly.

In Taiyi's eyes, which were watching the show well, the energy fell rapidly, and the black-skinned boy who was running wildly did begin to slow down his pace.

Taiyi was shocked when he saw the scene, and he ran, why didn't you run, you would hit it if you took a few steps forward!

The dark-skinned boy was panting and holding his stomach. He looked exhausted and couldn't run.

Of course, if he stopped now, the energy would only hit him in front of him and would not hurt him.

This was something Taiyi would not allow to happen, so he used his supercomputer-like computing power to quickly calculate how to make the dark-skinned boy unlucky.

So Taiyi fell quickly, picked up a small stone from the ground, and threw it at the feet of the dark-skinned boy.

At this moment, the dark-skinned boy was out of breath and didn't notice when a small stone suddenly appeared at his feet.

He tripped over the small stone, and it happened to be a downhill section, so he started his rolling time.

At this time, just as Taiyi calculated, the energy ball in the sky was falling down quickly.

The energy and the dark-skinned boy had a very intimate embrace on the hillside, and then the spark of love broke out.

Boom, the spark of love was really big, and it created a pit with a diameter of about two meters on the entire road.

As for the black-skinned boy, he had completely become a charcoal boy at this time. He lay in the pit, motionless as if he was dead.

"Pikachu, did you hear any explosion just now?" Xiaozhi seemed to have heard something, looked around and didn't find the source of the sound, so he asked Pikachu beside him.

"Pikapi" Pikachu put on an expression that he didn't know, and shook his head at the same time.

"Really?" Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu like this, and thought he had heard it wrong, so he focused on the beautiful girl in his arms.

At this time, Xiaochun was still in a state of confusion. It might be because he was a little scared when he was blown to the sky before, which caused Xiaochun to hold Xiaozhi's collar tightly and refused to let go.

And the whole person was tightly pressed against Xiaozhi's chest, as if this could bring him a sense of security.

Xiaozhi didn't know what to do at this time?

It was not until Taiyi flew over from a distance that the awkward situation was interrupted.

"I said, are we still friends? Are we still partners? Why don't you wait for me?"

Taiyi snatched the collar of Xiaozhi from Xiaochun and shook it madly.

"Sorry, but this kind of thing doesn't seem to be something I can do! And you can fly, you are so powerful, how can you be afraid of this." Xiaozhi was a little dizzy after being shaken by Taiyi, but he still hurriedly explained.

"Hmph, don't think I will let you go if you say a few nice words, it's just that I don't feel like making trouble with you." Taiyi snorted coldly, but completely exposed the matter.

After all, this matter cannot be settled no matter how it is calculated.

As for Xiaozhi, the main responsibility should be on Lugia.

Lugia turned his head and glanced at Taichi, as if he realized at this moment that he had indeed forgotten about him just now, but since he could fly now, it seemed that he didn't need to worry too much.

So Lugia didn't think much about it, and took Xiaozhi, Xiaochun and Pikachu into the sky, keeping pace with the clouds.

He even used his powerful force to directly break the sea water and took them to travel in the sea.

In just half a day, Lugia didn't know how many places he took them to travel.

And in the middle of this, Xiaozhi and Xiaochun also got to know each other very formally.

But when Xiaozhi learned that Xiaochun was a little afraid of Pokémon, he was particularly surprised.

"Why are you afraid of elves? Many of them are so cute. Look, you met a lot of cute elves today! Isn't it interesting?"

"Well, it's interesting, but I, I was attacked by elves when I was a child... and I was abandoned by my companions." Xiaochun told Xiaozhi what happened when he was a child.

He had never told his parents about these things, but for some reason?

He felt that it was no big deal to tell the boy in front of him, so he told everything in detail.

After listening to Xiaochun's narration, Xiaozhi was particularly angry.

"That person named Xiaohao is too hateful. How could he abandon his companions and run away."

"That is to say, Xiaozhi, stay away from that person named Xiaohao in the future, and don't make friends with him." Taiyi nodded aside and said to Xiaozhi.

Although Taiyi wanted to say that Xiaozhi would not be able to see that person named Xiaohao for a long time, he thought about it and gave up.

Because if you say it out, it will be very troublesome to explain it.

After all, Xiao Hao might still be lying in the pit on the hillside at this time. According to the injuries at that time, he might not die, but if he was treated early, he would only lie in bed for a few months at most. But if he was treated late, he might lie in bed for a year or two.

However, what made Taiyi depressed was that he had sent the energy a little far away before, so a lot of energy had dissipated when he fell, and the damage was much worse than expected.

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