The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Mega Lucario gathered purple energy bombs from his hands, and then fired inflatables to form purple dragon-shaped waves in the air.

"Green" Seeing this, Qing Ivy Snake was the first to appear with a ray of light without Xiaozhi's command.

After the purple dragon-shaped wave destroyed the leaf storm protecting Qing Ivy Snake, it was directly blocked by the light on Qing Ivy Snake.

Then it bounced back along the original path and hit Mega Lucario directly, causing an explosion.

"Qing Ivy Snake, this is..." Xiaozhi was just about to give an order when he suddenly saw this scene and was shocked.

"Mirror Reflection, did you learn it when you evolved just now?" Korni looked at the sudden scene on the field and quickly thought of the name of the skill used by the Green Vine Snake.

That is the mirror reflection that can resist any special attack.

Seeing this scene, Korni's face sank. She really didn't expect that the Green Vine Snake had learned mirror reflection in this evolution just now, which made her careless and made Mega Lucario eat the double damage of Dragon Wave.

Fortunately, Mega Lucario is a steel attribute, and the previous Leaf Storm also blocked some damage from Dragon Wave, so the rebounded force only caused Mega Lucario to suffer a little minor injury.

"In this case, Lucario, hit with bone sticks!" Korni can't go for line special attack, so go for physical attack. I don't believe you can learn to counter punch.

Mega Lucario first closed his hands, then opened them, and two azure bone sticks appeared in Mega Lucario's hands.

"Green Ivy Snake, use your shadow clones." Xiaozhi quickly ordered Green Ivy Snake.

After all, Green Ivy Snake is already in a low health state. If it is hit again, it will definitely lose its ability to fight.

"Green" Many Green Ivy Snake shadow clones appeared on the field.

Mega Lucario held the azure bone stick in both hands and hit the many Green Ivy Snake clones on the field at a very fast speed.

In an instant, all the Green Ivy Snake clones were destroyed, and the Green Ivy Snake's body was found, and then the bone stick in his hand was thrown out quickly.

"Green" Green Ivy Snake saw that her clone was destroyed, and just wanted to dodge, but it was too late. The bone stick had come in front of her and hit her abdomen in an instant, knocking her out and hitting the stone heavily. For a while, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and smoke and dust rose.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Green Ivy Snake lay on the ground, with circles in her eyes, and lost her ability to fight.

In just a few rounds, the newly evolved Snakehead suffered a crushing defeat. Mega Lucario was so terrifying and powerful.

"Come back, Snakehead, you've worked hard. Take a good rest. Leave it to this guy next!" Xiaozhi took back Snakehead and said to the Poké Ball of Snakehead, while taking out a new Poké Ball with his other hand.

Not only that, after Xiaozhi put away the Poké Ball of Snakehead, he also reached into his pocket and took out an evolution key.

"It's decided to be you, Heracross!" Xiaozhi threw out the Poké Ball and sent out his second Pokémon, the king-level combat power in Xiaozhi's hand, Heracross!

"Hera" The blue unicorn appeared on the field. The biggest difference between Heracross and usual is that a mega evolution stone is tied to his big horn.

And this mega evolution stone can be said to be quite meaningful, because it is Xiaozhi's first mega evolution stone and the only mega evolution stone in Xiaozhi's hand before today.

"Is that a Mage Evolution Stone?" Kornie noticed the Mega Evolution Stone on Heracross's head and was a little surprised for a moment.

She really didn't expect that Xiaozhi actually had a Pokémon that could mega evolve. She didn't know it before.

"Kornie, your Lucario has become stronger. In response to you, I have to give my all. Heracross, Kornie, look at our full strength!" Xiaozhi said and showed the Mega Evolution Key in his hand, and then the key emitted a bright light.

The Mega Evolution Stone on Heracross's horn also emitted a bright light at the same time, and the two lights overlapped and merged together.

At the same time, Heracross's figure began to change.

It became more burly than before, and its appearance became similar to a long halberd. The big horn on its forehead grew into a

A thick sharp horn, the forearm is much thicker than before the evolution, and most of the original spikes have disappeared, leaving only the knees. Then there are orange spots on the head, orange lines on the hands, thighs and shoulders, and the back is yellow, and the wings are lost.

And this is mega Heracross.

"Mega Heracross? Come back! Lucario, take a break first, or let Master Itachi go on the field!"

Korni took back Lucario and sent Master Itachi back on the field.

She could feel the extraordinaryness of the mega Heracross in front of her. Even the mega Lucario in its heyday might not be its opponent, not to mention that the current Lucario was still injured.

So Korni decided to take Lucario back first, get some regeneration power, and send Master Itachi to consume the physical strength of the Heracross in front of her.

"Master Itachi? Heracross, be careful, the opposite Master Itachi is very fast."

"Hera" Mega Heracross nodded upon hearing this, and then stared at Master Itachi not far away.

At the same time, he was ready to go. As long as Xiaozhi gave an order, he would instantly launch a fierce attack and defeat Master Itachi in front of him.

And Master Itachi not far away felt the pressure from Mega Heracross, which was the aura of a strong man.

Master Itachi did not dare to act rashly, and stood there staring at Mega Heracross.

Xiaozhi and Korne stared at each other for a second or two, and then gave orders at the same time.

"Heracross, go ahead, concentrate on the attack."

"Master Itachi, dig a hole"

Mega Heracross gathered white energy in his hands and rushed quickly towards Master Itachi.

Master Itachi quickly drilled into the ground, causing Mega Heracross to miss.

Mega Heracross saw that he had missed the target, and looked around very vigilantly, looking for the place where Master Itachi might come out.

However, Xiaozhi was not in a hurry when he saw this. He had cracked the move like digging a hole countless times and had a lot of experience, so Xiaozhi gave an order to Heracross.

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