The sound of the drums was so strong that the drums were used to beat the drums.

"Boom, King Kong, drum beat!"

After the boom, King Kong beat the Lizard King back, Dan Di quickly gave the order.

"Boom!" The boom roared, took out the forest drum, and began to beat it.

Accompanied by the drums, two thick vines rose from the ground and swung towards the Lizard King quickly.

"Lizard King, use the leaf blade to cut it!" Xiaozhi saw that the opponent had made a move, and ordered the Lizard King to counterattack without showing any weakness.

The leaves on both sides of the Lizard King's hands lit up with bright green light, and in an instant, the two vines that attacked him were cut off.

"Booming Kong, use Grass Slide and then Acrobatics."

"Lizard King, Lightning Flash and Leaf Blade!"

Xiaozhi and Dandi ordered at the same time.

The two Pokémon who heard their trainer's order turned into two green lights at the same time, constantly shuttling back and forth in the Palace Gate Arena.

With the speed of the Grass Slide, Booming Kong's acrobatic fists were quite powerful, waving at the Lizard King like a storm.

The Lizard King was not to be outdone, and Lightning Flash was played by him at a lightning speed. The leaf blades on both sides of his arms were more like two sharp supreme knives, slashing at Booming Kong quickly.

The two sides fought fiercely on the field, and the sound of the collision between the fists of acrobatics and the slashing of leaf blades continued to echo on the field.

In this fierce collision, both Lizard King and Booming Kong suffered considerable damage, but both of them enjoyed it.

The two of them enjoyed the feeling of encountering opponents of the same attributes and realm.

"It's hard to tell who will win if this continues, Xiaozhi, I'll go all out next time, it's championship time." Dandi looked at the fierce battle on the field and realized that it would still be hard to tell who will win if this continued, and it might end in a draw, so he decisively took back the Bomb King Kong and prepared to super-giantize to open up the situation.

"Then we should also take out some of our best tricks, Lizard King, Mega Evolution." Xiaozhi saw that Dandi had activated the Gigantamax, and he also took out the Evolution Key Stone from his pocket.

At the same time, Lizard King also took out a Mega Evolution Stone from his tail.

Lizard King first threw the branch in his mouth into the sky, and then in a dazzling light.

Mega Lizard King appeared on the field, and at the same time steadily caught the branch he had just thrown into the sky, put it back into his mouth, and looked at the behemoth not far away from him.

The four vines growing from the Gigantamaxed Booming Gorilla controlled the stick like arms, and his original Forest Drum became a drum that looked like a forest.

The Forest Drum became extremely huge, and Booming Gorilla seemed to be fused with the Forest Drum, standing steadily in the center of the drum.

"Booming Gorilla, Gigantamax Dash." Dandi launched the most violent attack as soon as he came up.

After all, he still remembered how he failed last time. To deal with Xiaozhi, don't give him too much time to do tricks, and seize the initiative.

Booming Gorilla waved his four arms at the same time, and the drums kept beating. The drums echoed, and a terrifying tornado formed in the sky, and then quickly swept towards the Lizard King.

"Lizard King, surround yourself with crazy plants." Xiaozhi knew the power of the Gigantamax move, so he didn't dare to be careless, and directly let the Lizard King use the strongest move of the Grass type.

"Cha" Mega Lizard King clapped his hands, then inserted his hands into the ground, countless tree roots rose from the ground, and then formed a shield formed by tall trees around him.

The terrifying tornado in the sky hit the tree shield, and the terrifying tornado in his hand raged on the tree shield, setting off a series of hurricanes, and at the same time, there were countless wood chips in the hurricane.

Then a terrifying explosion hit, causing the entire Gongmen Arena to shake again.

When the hurricane dissipated, revealing the situation on the field at this time, the tree shield around Mega Lizard King was beaten to only a few tree roots, and the rest turned into wood chips all over the sky, and when the storm dissipated, the wood chips also fell on the field.

And Mega Lizard King did not suffer any damage, it was obvious that Crazy Plant withstood the damage of the giant flying charge.

Seeing this, Dandi quickly ordered the release of the second giant move to the Bomb King Kong.

Max Fist Fight

Dandy remembers that Xiaozhi has a Z move, and Z move

He had experienced the damage of the move before, so he didn't dare to be careless about that move.

So he let the Booming King Kong release the Mega Fist to increase his attack power and prepare for the last move.

"Lizard King, use the energy ball, then eat it, and then use the Leaf Storm." Xiaozhi's intuition has always been very accurate in this aspect of fighting. There is a voice in his heart telling him that Dan Di's move is not used to decide the outcome, but to enhance, but the Mega move cannot be ignored.

But he also quickly thought of a solution in his mind, so he issued this order that made many people a little unbelievable.

Let the Pokémon eat his own skills, what for? Suicide?

However, Mega Lizard King's actions soon told them that it was not.

"Cha" Lizard King's actions were quite fast, and he quickly condensed a green energy ball in the control, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

At this moment, a bright light emanated from Lizard King's body, illuminating the entire Gongmen Arena.

When the light faded, only the yellow balls behind him were left emitting dazzling light.

At this time, after the grass energy of the energy ball was sublimated, Mega Lizard King took a sharp look at the constantly beating King Kong, and the huge yellow energy fist that suddenly appeared above it.

Then he turned his head and aimed his tail at the huge yellow energy fist in the sky. The tail of Mega Lizard King began to gather countless sharp green leaves, and then under the operation of Mega Lizard King, it gradually turned into a storm and flew towards the huge yellow fist in the sky.

"Boom!" King Kong roared, and the huge yellow energy fist in the sky also fell straight down.

The fist and the storm collided violently in the air.

And the Palace Gate Arena shook again without surprise.

The yellow fist and the green storm continued to expand outward in the collision, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into yellow light and green leaves all over the sky, and then fell to the ground, exhausted the energy, and completely dissipated.

The second move also ended in a draw.

However, Xiaozhi and Dandi knew that the final move would be the real deciding factor.

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