Pokemon: Taking Stock Of Ash’S Eight Masters’ Peak Battle!

Chapter 29 Yulongdu Was Exposed! The Flightless Dragonair!

"It seems our bond is still so unbreakable."

Ash's eyes stared intensely at Lapras.

He just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect Lapras to actually respond to his call.

Sure enough, the bond between Ash and Pokémon can span distances.

Lapras's eyes flashed, it had been waiting for this call for too long.

The tribe back then was able to live on its own and no longer needed it to take on the task of patriarch.

Now, it just wants to get back to Ash.

It seemed that he felt Lapras's thoughts.

Ash gently stroked Lapras' forehead.

Such a heartwarming scene made Xiaochun almost jealous.

Fortunately, this scene did not last long.

After a while, Ash took Xiaochun's hand.

"Come on, let's go!"


Xiaochun was half excited and half resentful.

Sitting on Lapras's back, Xiaochun saw a completely different scenery from what he saw on Lugia's back that day.

"Ash, why did you let Lapras come over? Can't we go with Flying Pokémon?"

At this time, Xiaochun finally asked about his inner confusion.

However, Ash just scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I didn't think about it. I was thinking about how to go to sea, and then I thought of Lapras."

This answer was very much in line with Ash's style.

Under Xiaochun's puzzled gaze, Ash stood up.

He stroked Lapras' neck and said facing the sea.

"I wanted to give it a try at that time, and Lapras really responded to me. We may be separated by Norman, but our hearts will always be tightly connected. This is the bond between me and Pokémon."

(Pokémon such as Pidgeot, Butterfree, and Greninja wept silently. Professor Oak’s backyard is so big that it can accommodate 30 Tauros. Can’t it even accommodate us?)

"You saw the sun in the sky. It is also one of my partners. Solgaleo shines in the sky and represents the sun. I think even if I call it now, it will definitely respond to me."

Xiaochun: "???"

What are you talking about Ash!

[Cynthia: Solgaleo? What kind of Pokémon is this? Why haven’t I heard of it? 】

[Professor Kukui: This is one of the two clones of the great god Lucas in our Alola mythology. As Ash just said, it is a Pokémon that represents the sun. 】

[Cynthia: The god who controls the sun is actually just a clone of Lucas? Do you want the myth of Alola to be so scary? 】

[ Steven: I found a blind spot! It seems that what Ash just said was not a friend but a partner. 】

[Dadi: Could it be said that this legendary Pokémon that holds the power of the sun was conquered by Ash? 】

[Professor Kukui: It shouldn’t be possible, right? Even in the history of Alola, few people have seen Solgaleo! 】

The audience in the live broadcast room gasped.

Being friends with a god is already outrageous.

Ash actually became a trainer who controlled the god of authority.

Wouldn't it be so scary!

In the screen——

While the audience is still immersed in Ash's outrageous identity.

Lapras was already racing across the sea.

The area Professor Sakuragi mentioned is very large. It would take at least a few days to explore all of that area.

But Ash didn't want to go to that trouble.


"Lapras is heading that way."

In the end Ash chose to trust his instincts.

Ash's intuition proved to be extremely accurate.

Not long after, Lapras came to an area surrounded by countless strong air currents.

This must be Dragonite Island!

If you want to enter, you must face these air currents.

"Lapras, speed up."

Ash said with a serious look.

At the same time, hold Koharu's hand tightly to prevent being Whirlwind when passing through the air current.

as expected.

After entering the circular area, a fierce storm hit Lapras, as well as Ash and Koharu on Lapras's back.

Along with the storm came overwhelming thunder and lightning.

This scene was like the end of the world, and Xiaochun realized the power of nature for the first time at this moment.

"Ash, we're not going to die, are we?"

After all, Xiaochun is still just a fourteen-year-old child.

It's natural to be timid in the face of such a scene.

"Don't worry, I will never let you get hurt."

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

Facing the overwhelming thunder and lightning.

If you want to travel, you must deal with them, so Ash immediately commanded Pikachu to use Thunderbolt to counteract them.

The plan was a success.

After some twists and turns, Lapras finally reached the center of this area.

It is different from the doomsday-like scene outside.

The area in the middle is peaceful.

There was not a trace of wind or waves, but it was not far away from them.

A small island towered before them.

This is the Dragonite Island of which it was recorded.

"It turns out there really is Dragonite Island."

"Of course, let's go."

After successfully landing on the island, Ash discovered a large number of Dragonite and Dragonair Dratini on the island.

After seeing the Dragonite Island that was actually found by Ash.

The audience was surprised.

But some people can no longer sit still!

[Yu Longdu: No, Ash, you actually found this. 】

[ Alder: Lance, you said that Dragonite Island would be moved to our Unova, but you just didn’t agree with it. Now it’s okay, it’s been made public directly. 】

[Yu Longdu: I never knew that Ash was so incredible and could easily find such a location with just a finger. 】

[ Ash: Hehe, actually I’m not that powerful anymore. 】

[Gary: No one is complimenting you! 】

[Yu Longdu: Well, I am really praising Ash this time. 】

The audience watched the barrages flying by, becoming more and more frightened.

what happened?

Listening to the description of the Dragon Elite Yulongdu, this Dragonite Island seems to be their family's property.

And Unova Alliance champion Alder is also involved.

[ Bruno: Well, Lance, you have such a big secret and you don’t tell me. You really don’t treat me as a brother! 】

[ Lorelei: Is there a possibility that you don’t know about? 】

[ Bruno: Impossible! Just because of my relationship with Lance, you will never know anything I don’t know! 】

What happened on Dragonite Island was no secret between the Champions and the Elite.

Kanto's Dragon Clan and Unova's Dragon Hometown are already famous for their large number of Dragon-type Pokémon.

Like ordinary people, they only know that there is such a place, but they don't know where it is.

This time it was made public inexplicably.

But fortunately, these people only know a general area.

Dragonite Island is not really exposed to everyone's eyes.

Otherwise, countless poachers will swarm.

After all, Dragonite is a quasi-god level Pokémon.

This represents a lot of money!

In the screen——

Ash and Koharu wandered around Dragonite Island aimlessly.

Xiaochun never forgets the purpose of his trip.

Holding the mobile phone in hand, he kept taking pictures, recording everything he saw and heard on Dragonite Island.

Here, Ash not only saw the picture of Dragonair flying in groups.

We even saw a scene where Dragonite went out to save others.

All I can say is that Pokémon like Dragonite is still too gentle.

Ash himself has an extremely strong Pokémon affinity.

He soon became involved with the group of Pokémon on Dragonite Island.

Just in a group of Pokémon.

There is one Dragonair that is special.

It seems like...it can't fly?

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