[ Misty: I know without looking that Ash didn’t understand! 】

[ Ash: Nonsense, I... definitely understand! 】

[Gary: Really? I do not believe! 】

[Ash: Stupid Gary, I am not you! If you don’t understand anything, as long as you keep winning, you’ll be fine. 】

[Gary: I really didn’t understand, but it’s not surprising that you are Ash~]

Gary: Cool!

Mud, after all these times he finally got a chance!

Ash, you can't beat me in terms of IQ.

The delighted Gary looked at the barrage again, and then his face turned the color of pig liver.

Gary directly red temperature.

[Ash: I have a championship, do you have one? 】

Great, this is a sure kill!

In the screen——

Feeling guilty, Ash ate all the desserts in front of him in one gulp.

However, because the snack was too dry, Ash choked as expected.

Ash slapped his chest hard, trying to swallow the snack in his throat.

Seeing this, Xiaochun quickly prepared to give Ash some water, but the hand he just raised stopped in place.

"Drink some water~" A gentle voice sounded from the side.

At the same time, a glass of water was handed over.

Ash took the water and drank it all in one gulp, and finally swallowed the snack.

"That was a big help~" Ash breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him.

Just wait for him to turn around and look.

The person who handed him the water was the person Ash was preparing to challenge - Champion Dandi.

Dandi greeted the two with a smile. It was thanks to Ash that there were no casualties in what happened yesterday.

This time, Dandi came specially to thank Ash and fulfill the promise he made yesterday.

However, he seemed to have heard something interesting just now.

The boy in front of him, named Ash, is actually the champion of Alola Alliance.

Although Alola Alliance had just been established, he had heard about it.

In that championship match, the Alola Alliance champion challenged Alola’s strongest Trainer.

And God joined in that battle.

The equivalent of Ash's strength is not that of a tournament champion, but a genuine Alliance champion.

This is interesting, the fifteen-year-old Alliance champion.

That's the genius among geniuses.

No wonder Ash's Pikachu was hit by the huge energy in the wild and fell into a violent Contest Condition.

[Yu Longdu: Something is wrong. Why is Emperor Dan so surprised by the identity of the Ash Alola Alliance champion? Is there something else we don't know about here? 】

[Daye: I guess I am surprised by Ash’s age. The 15-year-old champion is also very shocking. 】

[Dandi: No, if it were just like this, I would only appreciate it, not be surprised. 】

Alola, Melemele Island.

Professor Kukui's eyes flashed as he watched the barrage of Rollouts.

These Champion Elites are all speculating why Dan Emperor is so surprised.

And he guessed something.

Myself and Kapu Mingming...

If this is the case, then Ash's strength is definitely far underestimated.

In the screen——

Dandi invited Ash to go to Gongmen Stadium for a battle.

Following Dan Emperor's footsteps, Ash took Xiaochun, who was still in shock, to Gongmen Stadium.

Dandi will accept Ash's challenge here.

Everything that happened was so magical that Xiaochun's brain was constantly shutting down.

It wasn't until Emperor Dan spoke that Xiaochun came back to his senses.

"Ash, why do you want to fight me?" Dandi asked with interest.

"Because Mr. Dandi, you are the world's number one, the World's Mightiest Trainer who defeated Mr. Lance."

"Hahaha, what a good reason."

"Here you go." As he said that, Dandi threw Ash a Dynamax wristband, "This thing is a Dynamax wristband. Wearing it will allow you to use the power of Dynamax."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Dandi." Ash put the giant wristband on his wrist.

Before, he was still thinking about how to get Pikachu into that Contest Condition.

He and Pikachu had a long discussion last night.

In the end, there was no gain. Ash thought he had to hit the ground every time to enter Dynamax.

But there was no such operation when watching Dandi's game.

Ash had made full preparations for today's battle.

He even brought Alola’s Z-Ring and the Picknium-Z pure crystal embedded in the Z-Ring.

There is no time to mourn for Yulongdu. Next up is the strongest Rookie in history, the Alola Alliance champion - Ash! ! !

The competition also officially starts at this time!

Ash sent his closest partner——Pikachu.

Dandi is still his strongest Trump Card——Charizard.

The original Dan Emperor only regarded Ash's request for a battle as a prize for helping to stop the rampaging Tyrannosaurus Turtle.

I thought that I couldn't let this child feel cold.

But now, since I learned Ash's true identity.

Emperor Dan also became serious. If he accidentally capsized in the gutter.

That would be ridiculous.

The tactic Ash is good at is fast attack, so when facing strong enemies, he usually strikes first.

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"


After receiving Ash's command, Pikachu got down on all fours and turned into a white Spark and rushed towards Charizard standing in the center of the Stadium.

"Charizard, attack with Thunder Punch!"

Facing the speeding Pikachu, Dante shouted sharply.


Charizard roared angrily and fluttered his wings.

Golden Spark surrounds its Dragon Claw.

Ash and Pikachu are connected, but so are Charizard and Dandi.

From the beginning of the battle, Charizard sensed the covet of victory in Dan Emperor's heart.

So! It cannot be taken lightly either!

Pikachu's Quick Attack was extremely fast, but Charizard still caught it keenly.

The next second, the fist covered with Spark hit Pikachu hard on the head.

Pikachu flew backwards for ten meters before regaining his balance.

"I'm already burning up, Pikachu!"


"Great! Use Electro Web!"

Pikachu Stockpile followed by a high splash.

The electric current all over the body gathered at the tail end, and was then violently thrown out.

The huge electric current formed a high-voltage Electro Web in the air, which shot straight towards Charizard.

"Not bad! Charizard Encore Thunder Punch!"

In the air, Charizard once again gathered golden Sparks on his fist.

The overwhelming Electro Web was torn open from the middle by Dandi's Charizard with a Thunder Punch.

Even after tearing through the Electro Web, Spark was still flowing in Charizard's fist.

"So strong!" Ash became more and more excited.

Is this the Trump Card of the Strongest Champion Dandi!

too strong!

"Pikachu uses Iron Tail to meet him."

In mid-air, Pikachu relied on the inertia of the Electro Web he had just thrown to rotate his body.

Then the metallic luster covered the lightning-like tail.

Facing Charizard who rushed towards it, Pikachu counterattacked with Iron Tail without showing any signs of weakness.

Thunder Punch's electric current collides with the Oreburgh-like tail.

In the end, both sides were driven away by the huge impact.



Almost at the same time, two voices sounded from opposite ends of the Stadium.

Both sides used their best moves.

The golden Spark and the red flame Tackle each other.

The huge palace gate Stadium actually passively opened its protective shield under the impact of two moves.

The referee in mid-air wiped away the non-existent sweat.

If he hadn't been experienced, he would have flown into the air ahead of time.

Maybe he would have to take half a month off because of the aftermath of this attack.

Who is this kid? He can actually compete with Mr. Dandi!

This scene is just a little worse than the battle between Mr. Lance and Mr. Dandi yesterday.

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