Pokemon: Taking Stock Of Ash’S Eight Masters’ Peak Battle!

Chapter 52 Naganadel! The Terrifying Ultimate Beast!

Professor Kukui: I knew you would do this!

" Lucario, don't give Lycanroc a chance, rush over and use Close Combat!"


It only took a moment.

Lucario's body turned into a dark blue lightning.

Caught off guard, he had already rushed across the half court.

He was only one step away from Lycanroc.

It's going to happen!

Lycanroc's pupils shrank, and his green eyes immediately turned scarlet.

" Lycanroc! Block Lucario with Stone Edge!"


Lycanroc pressed his claws hard against the Ground.

The field that had just been repaired cracked again.

Blue Rocks soared into the sky, facing the attacking Lucario.

Close Combat!

The power in the game is as high as 120!

It is one of the ultimate moves of the Fighting system!

However, it will reduce defense and special defense after using it!

Of course, if Rival is directly solved, there will be no such problem!

Lucario is extremely fast.

At the moment when Professor Kukui gave the order, they had already arrived at the middle of the battlefield!

Ash's timely reminder made Lycanroc react.

Rows of Rocks soared into the sky!

Trying to stop Lucario's advance!

But... this was just a futile attempt!

Lucario was unstoppable!

Rows of Rocks were smashed to pieces by Lucario's punches!

It well demonstrated the suppression of the Fighting system over the Rock system.

After seeing Lucario's behavior.

Ash already understood the fact that the strength of Lycanroc and Lucario was not at the same level!

The current situation was very bad.

Lucario kept breaking through, and Lycanroc had no way to avoid it.

"Lycanroc, take the initiative! Use Accelerock!"

Ash didn't have so many options at this time.

Facing the upcoming Lucario, Lycanroc could only take the initiative.

At the moment when the last Rock was smashed, Lycanroc's eyes turned red.

He rushed straight to Lucario in front of him with white light all over his body.


The result of this duel is predictable.

Ash was also tricked by Professor Kukui.

Even Rowlet would not be so passive against Lucario.

Lucario is too restrained against Lycanroc!

Lycanroc uses Accelerock to quickly approach Lucario.

At the same time, Lucario is also ready for battle.

The moment when both sides come into contact!

"Lycanroc! Counter!"


This is the opportunity Ash sees in desperation!

As long as Lycanroc can take Lucario's Close Combat!

Then Lycanroc can use Counter to turn defeat into victory!

[Bruno: This is your Ash, you can actually find a chance to win in such a losing situation! Not bad!]

[Cornie: So strong! This Lucario is stronger than mine!]

[Cynthia: Lucario is really good, Ash's calculation may fail. If you want to counter, you must bear the damage, but can Lycanroc bear Lucario's Close Combat?]

As the champion of Sinnoh.

After Cynthia said this, the comments fell silent.

Cynthia is Lucario's trainer.

She knows Lucario's strength better than Bruno.

Her analysis is more convincing.

Can Lycanroc bear it?

The audience looked at the Lycanroc in the light screen with great expectations.

I hope it can create miracles like Ash's other Pokémon.

In the picture -

Lucario kicked Lycanroc's waist with a solid knee.

Iron Tail, Lucario's attack hit the most vulnerable part of Lycanroc's body.

Lycanroc on the field spit out a mouthful of blood.

This time, the injury was broken.

Can Lycanroc really do it!

"Lycanroc, come on!"

The voices cheering for Lycanroc are endless. In their opinion, it is something that the weak challenging the strong should be encouraged!

Under the eyes of everyone's expectations.

Lycanroc, who was kicked out, stood up with a shaky body!

" Counter!"

" Ouch!"

Ash's voice and Lycanroc's roar mixed together!

At this moment, they merged into E!

Opposite to them.

Lucario was majestic and unmoved!

No matter how Lycanroc changed, I remained unmoved!

Looking at the Lycanroc rushing forward at high speed, Lucario was as calm as water.

The waveguide calmed my heart.

At this moment, Lucario was like a true master.

" Lucario, end this battle with Dragon Pulse!"

As he said, Professor Kukui pointed his finger at Ash.

"Sorry, I won this point!"

But, Wuwu Yigong's words fell.

The whole live broadcast room was full of question marks.

No, what normal Lucario would learn Dragon Pulse!

Lukario crossed his arms and pushed forward!

Colorful energy gushed out from Lucario's hands!

The energy turned into a giant dragon and swallowed up Lycanroc who tried to approach Lucario.

The final victory fell to Professor Kukui.

This Lucario is so strong!

Even after being swallowed by Dragon Pulse, Lycanroc still kept releasing Counter!

Even though Lycanroc had lost consciousness at this time.

"Lycanroc is pretty good, let's leave it to other partners next." Ash whispered, took out the Poké Ball and took back Lycanroc. The score was 3-3. Ash still had the severely damaged Incineroar, the full Contest Condition Pikachu and Naganadel in his hands. [Masted: It has to be Cynthia, who saw it clearly. Lucario is a dual-attack Pokémon, Lycanroc has no advantage in close or long-range combat, and he is already very good to be able to fight like this.] [Bruno: Indeed, it's a pity that Lycanroc is not a Fighting Pokémon, otherwise I would also like to capture an eye with this spirit of fighting to the last moment.] [Yulongdu: Then you should just change your name to Rock Elite. One Onix is ​​not enough, and you are also thinking about Incineroar and Lycanroc.] [Bruno: You too! A Dragon Elite with a pair of Flying types!] Red! Yulongdu is red again! Bruno! I can't beat it Lorelei can't beat you!

Just wait!

Bruno, I'll remember this!

When I become the Kanto champion, I will definitely dominate you!

Although Lycanroc lost, the way he fought to the last moment still attracted many people's attention.

Not only the Elite and the champion.

The same is true for Ash himself.

He saw his own shadow in Lycanroc.

This kind of never admit defeat, facing the strong enemy head-on.

Very similar to him.

"Lycanroc? Wait for me!"

"Lycanroc, it's actually a Rock type, I also want to go to Alola to capture one."

Beside Ash, Xiaogang's voice came slowly.

Ash turned his head in surprise.

But Xiaogang was very serious.

"This kind of perseverance like Rock is very consistent with my aesthetics. "What the hell! Xiaogang, don't talk nonsense. In the picture - a Pikachu at Ash's feet is rubbing his hands. "Pika~" Now... it's my turn! However, Ash seems not to see the extremely expectant Pikachu beside him.

He took out an Ultimate Ball from his pocket that was completely different from the Poké Ball.

"Come on, Naganadel!"

A colorful halo flashed by.

Naganadel! appears!


Growl like Viper's roar spread throughout the venue.

All of a sudden!

Everyone’s goosebumps stood up!

What kind of Pokémon is this!

Why is it so scary!


[Lusamine: The ultimate beast! There is a Poké Ball that can tame the ultimate beast! This is incredible!]

[ Faba: No! Could it be that Kukui’s research direction is the correct one? No, this is impossible! 】

[Cattleya: What happened to them? Is there anything special about this Pokémon? 】

[Professor Burnet: Let me tell you, to be precise, these are not Pokémon, they are ultimate beasts, beings living in other worlds!]

[Professor Mulan: There is such a thing. Alola is indeed a hidden treasure. Not only does it have Z moves, but it also has ultimate beasts. 】

[Professor Burnet: No, the ultimate beasts are not that good. Most of them have perverse personalities, and many of them are even bloodthirsty and cruel. 】

[Professor Burnet: Ash's Naganadel probably has some special reason why it willingly helps Ash. 】

[Professor Birch: That's such a pity, otherwise the world of Pokémon will add new research directions. 】

As for ordinary viewers, there is nothing special about Naganadel.

As long as Naganadel's performance is eye-catching and powerful enough!

Hope this Naganadel doesn't disappoint them.

In the screen-

Naganadel will not let anyone down except Pikachu.

After appearing in the venue.

Lucario, who was originally extremely calm, also aroused the desire to fight.

As Professor Kukui's Pokémon, it often fights ultra-exotic beasts.

The Naganadel in front of me...is different!

Compared with those ultimate alien beasts that can only fight according to their own will, the ultimate alien beast like Naganadel that can obey Trainer's command is even more terrifying!

A stable, high-damage, agile Rival is not that easy to deal with.



The conversation in the air was like the prelude before the war.

The moment the words fell, the two Trainers immediately took action!

"Lucario, Extreme Speed!"

"Naganadel, X-Scissor!"

The next moment, both sides acted simultaneously with great tacit understanding.

It turns out!

In an instant, Naganadel struck Lucario with flashing dark green tail spines.

at the same time.

Light green light enveloped Lucario, which kept flickering and moving to avoid Naganadel's X-Scissor.

Both Trainers are thinking about countermeasures.

"Close Combat!"

"Naganadel! Get out of the way!"

Ash quickly spoke to remind.

But it's too late!

Professor Kukui was the first to discover Naganadel's flaw!

After all, Naganadel has just joined the team and has not gotten along well with Ash.

Moreover, Naganadel's combat experience is obviously insufficient.

Only then did Luka

Leo seized the opportunity, high Splash followed by Close Combat and kicked Naganadel hard in the abdomen!

Naganadel, who was originally flying, was hit by a sudden attack.

The whole body flew straight backwards.

Fortunately, Naganadel is not Lycanroc.

It is rough-skinned and thick-bodied, but it has not been restrained by the Fighting system.

This Close Combat was resisted hard by it!

In mid-air, Naganadel quickly adjusted his body shape.

Even if he wasn't restrained, the attack just now was really uncomfortable.

"Be careful Naganadel, it's fast!"


Naganadel nodded in approval.

Lucario is under the Extrreme Speed ​​Contest Condition, and it has no chance of touching the opponent.

Faced with the reminder, Naganadel naturally accepted it humbly.

Then what.

"Ash, my Lucario is pretty good. Do you want to tame one? My Lucario said that your waveguide is very special.

Professor Kukui was in a good mood and even talked about Ash.

"My fate with Lucario has long been destined, and I will have my own Lucario in the near future."

Ash then answered Professor Kukui's prostitutes nonchalantly.

Look across at Lucario.

For a moment, Ash seemed to see the figure from thousands of years ago.

The fate of the future remains in the future.

The battle now continues.

"Naganadel! Dragon Pulse!"

"So are we! Lucario uses Dragon Pulse!"

It's like it was agreed beforehand.

Ash and Professor Kukui had an extremely tacit understanding and ordered their Pokémon to use the same moves at the same time.

Colorful energy condenses in Lucario's hands.

Naganadel just raised his tail.

Three Poison Barbs underneath are revealed.

Naganadel's attacks are all launched through the spikes on its tail.

Colorful energy condensed on the spikes.

Almost at the same time.

Two colorful 060 energies converged into a huge dragon at the same time.

The colorful dragon soared in the sky, and then immediately headed towards Tackle.

Dragons and dragons Tackle each other.

This time almost overturned the entire battlefield.

The huge wave of air submerged the entire venue.

Even if it's far away from the venue.

Everyone can see the aftermath of the battle sweeping up like a Twister.

At this moment, the strength of both sides was fully demonstrated.

This powerful Dragon Pulse actually has the power to overturn the entire venue.

This level of power is beyond the reach of even the Normal dragon Pokémon.

Oh, Naganadel is a dragon, so that's okay.

[Yu Longdu: Is this the strength of the ultimate beast? It’s really terrifying. With such a powerful Dragon Pulse, it seems that the dragon blood in Naganadel’s body must be very pure. 】

[Chibana: Got it, Mr. Lance is going to Alola to tame a Naganadel? 】

[Yulong Du: If I have the chance, I really want to own one. 】

[ Lorelei: Haha, how could I not understand you? You obviously fell in love with her wings and wanted to conquer her. 】

[Yulongdu: Slander! You are slandering! I am obviously interested in its dragon bloodline!]

[Lorelei: Do you believe this? 】


After Lorelei said this.

Yulongdu didn't respond immediately.

Only the truth is the sharpest sword, as the person who knows Yulongdu best.

Lorelei only needs to look at Yulongdu to know what move he will use in the next round.

Therefore, Lorelei's lie like that just now was "certainly true at first glance and identified as a clown".

in the screen

Until the aftermath of the Dragon Pulse bombardment dissipated.

Only then did the audience notice the two Pokémon who were still on both sides of the field.

Naganadel soars into the sky.

Lucario stands still like a giant pine in the mountains.

The momentum of both sides reached its peak at this moment.

The Dragon Pulse just now also made both parties understand that the other party is an equally matched Rival.

It's not that easy to defeat.

"Naganadel, use Sludge Bomb!"

The originally deadlocked situation was broken under Ash's command.

Naganadel, who was originally hovering in Soaring in the sky, immediately launched an attack on Lucario below.

As long as it's Ash's order.

Naganadel will be absolutely perfect.

In just an instant, the chocolate-like Black Sludge shot out from Naganadel's tail spine.

See this scene.

It's really a bit overwhelming.

"Ash, you forgot the Attribute table I taught you, didn't you? Poison type cannot have an effect on steel type!"

Professor Kukui said seriously.

This operation already involves issues of common sense.

Lucario didn't even make any moves on the field. The moment the Sludge Bomb came down, he gently opened it with the steel nail he used.

The Sludge Bomb didn't even elicit the slightest reaction from Lucario.

Steel type is completely immune to poison type!

"Ah? I forgot!"

Ash scratched his head shyly.

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