Pokemon: Taking Stock Of Ash’S Eight Masters’ Peak Battle!

Chapter 61 Hand Rubbing Aura Sphere! Ash, Are You Serious?

There is another unexpected surprise.

That is the evolution of Yantuer, who has always been on the edge of OB.

After defeating Golurk.

The light of evolution enveloped Yan Tu'er, who was a legendary giant after all.

Even though he is a borderline OB, it is enough for Yantuer to evolve into a young general.

It can only be said that the willows and willows are planted unintentionally.

Xiaochun looked at the evolved young general Teng Cui and just wanted to step forward and rub the rabbit's head.

However, the normally carefree Yan Tu'er turned out to be a little shy after evolving into Teng Cui.

It avoided Xiaochun's hand, but took the initiative to bring its head to Ash's palm.

"Congratulations, now it's time to call you General Tengcu."


After hearing Ash's compliment, young general Tengcu blushed on both sides of his cheeks.

When Pikachu saw this scene, the entire Pokémon family was stunned.

You blush like a bubble teapot!

Is it possible that the relationship between master and disciple has deteriorated?

It shouldn’t be!

After leaving the ruins, the two took a plane directly back to Vermilion City.

Just when they stood at the door of Sakuragi Laboratory.

Ash and Xiaoharu were hesitant to go in.

Because... they heard ghosts crying and howling in the room while standing at the door.


"There's a ghost!"

"How about we wait for a while before going in?" Xiaochun suggested from the side.

The Gengar from last time was still a bit scary.

Pokémon of the Ghost type are not as cute as Misdreavus!

However, the moment Xiaochun finished speaking.

Ash had already pushed open the door of the Laboratory.

"Gengar! I will conquer you this time!"

As soon as these words came out, Gengar, who was still making waves in Sakuragi Laboratory, was stunned.

It turned back in surprise, its scarlet eyes revealing confusion.

Brother! I am a ghost!

Can you respect my profession and show a little fear?

But when Gengar's eyes met Ash's extremely serious eyes.

"Nine-three-seven" Gengar was silent.

It chose to hide its figure.

This man...he is not afraid of ghosts!

However, the next moment something floating in Sakuragi Laboratory hit Ash directly.


Without Ash's need to do anything, Pikachu splashed an Iron Tail high and threw all the debris aside.

Ash immediately took out his Poké Ball.

With the red light flashing, Dragonite appeared in front of Ash.

Facing a Ghost-type Pokémon like Gengar, Ash really regretted not bringing Noctowl.

Otherwise, an Extrasensory will definitely make Gengar’s figure nowhere to hide.

In the current situation, we can only act according to circumstances.

In the center of Sakuragi Laboratory, there are two researchers floating in the air.

They were looking at Ash with pleading eyes.

no way.

They are just ordinary researchers and do not have the power of Ash.

In this situation, all he could do was look at Ash for help.

After Ash came into contact with their eyes, he immediately took action.

The two of them are located next to the escalator at the entrance of Sakuragi Laboratory.

After Ash did some stockpile, he put his right foot on the shoe cabinet at the entrance, and then his body suddenly rushed towards the two people in mid-air.

Left hand and right hand in slow motion.

Both of them were held under Ash's armpits.

Gengar naturally would not miss this opportunity.

As a result, blue spiritual thoughts swept over.

Gengar tried to seize this opportunity to make Ash incapacitated.

However, Gengar clearly misjudged Ash's power.

Ash landed quickly and dropped the two researchers in his hands on the ground.

Ash quickly raised his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, ripples barely visible to the naked eye continued to ripple from Ash's palm.

Ash's palm was like the center of the ripples.

Circle after circle of ripples completely blocked Gengar's Psychic.


Okay! Just stop pretending this time, right?

This is definitely a Pokémon move!

Ash! Are you a Pokémon in human skin?

[Ya Xuan: This! This is the power of waveguides! How is this possible! There are actually humans who can really master the power of waveguides! Myths and legends are actually true! 】

[Corni: What are you talking about? What Ash just emitted from his palm was the power of waveguide? Isn’t that a move that only Lucario can master? How could a human do it? 1

[Ya Xuan: No, humans can learn waveguides and the like. 】

[Madison: Yaxuan, let me explain. In the legend, there is a human named ‘Yalang’ who mastered the power of waveguide. He and his partner Lucario saved Orudran. 】

[ Steven: You mean Ash is the Wave Guide Hero? 】

[Lusamine: The Hero of the Rainbow, the Hero of the Sea, and now another Waveguide Hero, Ash, are you a Hero Collector? 】

[Grimsley: There are also rumors about brave men in the legends of our Unova Region. 】

[Sonia: We in Galar also have rumors about brave men. Three thousand years ago, Galar was saved by a brave man holding a sword and shield. 】

[Gary: I have a bad feeling. 】

[Daye: Ash can be all of these brave men you mentioned, right? 】


The audience watching the live broadcast was also confused at this time.

There are rumors about brave men almost everywhere in the world.

But no one has ever thought that these brave men are all the same person.

After Lusamine’s suggestion just now, they finally discovered this problem.

It seems that so far Ash has already carried the name of three brave men.

Then what Daye said is not impossible to come true.

A bit scary!

Those brave men who silently saved the world are actually the same people.

That can't really be the case, right?

Ash, who was at the center of the public opinion, looked confused.

What is waveguide power?

He really doesn’t know how!

But! It’s so handsome!

Misty and Xiaogang looked at Ash with a hint of unnoticeable shock.

Is Ash, this guy from beginning to end, really a brave man?

But all the spearheads seemed to confirm this matter.

In the screen-

The operation of using the power of waveguide to resist Psychic is really shocking.

So much so that Gengar, who was hiding his figure, unconsciously revealed his body.

There is something really wrong with this human being!

How can humans do this?

From the first moment, Gengar wanted to stay away from unstable elements like Ash.


This is its own home, and it will wait here for Trainer to come home.

Gengar's eyes became sharp again.

Even you can't invade my house!

Trainer said that he would wait here for him to come back!

Gengar put his two short hands on his chest, and a wave of energy brewed between his hands.

Shadow Ball!

Gengar has regarded Ash as a rival to Rival.

Rather than playing like two researchers.

Facing the evenly matched Rival, we naturally have to show 100% of our strength!

The black and purple Shadow Ball was brewed in an instant, and then in Xiaochun's shocked eyes.

Gengar opened his bow from left to right and threw the Shadow Ball that was condensing in his hand towards Ash.

In an instant, four or five Shadow Balls flew towards Ash.

But, when everyone thought Ash would dodge.

Ash actually gathered his hands at his waist.

A light blue cyclone brewed in his hands.

The surrounding air was compressed into Ash's hands, and a ball with a faint blue halo formed between Ash's hands.

Fighting-type long-range move————Aura Sphere!

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Ash pushed out the Aura Sphere in his hand.

Fighting type moves naturally have no effect on Ghost type.

Of course Ash knew this.

However, Ash's purpose was not to attack.

The Aura Sphere is surrounded by Rapid Spin cyclones, so much so that Gengar's Shadow Ball is affected by the Aura Sphere's movement trajectory.

Shadow Ball is like four tails following Aura Sphere closely.

And Aura Sphere’s target is of course Gengar!

Seeing that his attack was redirected and directed at himself.

Gengar panicked. Its CPU burned out and it didn't even understand the principle.

But the Aura Sphere has arrived!

Gengar's pupils shrank and he was ready to withstand the attack.

However, Aura Sphere passed directly through its body and disappeared behind Gengar.

Gengar breathed a sigh of relief, almost forgetting that Fighting-type moves were ineffective against him!

It opened its mouth wide and was about to laugh at Ash, but the next moment four Shadow Balls just entered Gengar's mouth.

Gengar quickly covered his mouth!

Four Shadow Balls exploded in Gengar's mouth, and then a cloud of black smoke floated out of the air.

"Pika~" Pikachu quickly turned his head.

It was afraid that it couldn't hold back its laughter.

"Gengar, I don't mean any harm, I'm here to negotiate terms." Ash spoke at this time.

[Yaxuan: The case has been solved. It is really Aura Sphere. Ash is definitely a new generation of wave guide hero. 】

[ Madison: Could it be that Ash is Yaxuan’s ancestor? This generational hierarchy is a bit confusing. 】

[Ma Shide: If Aura Sphere can learn such an invisible fist, it will be no problem! Ash, come to Kai Island, from today on you will be the direct disciple of Ma Shide Martial Arts School! 】

Only then did the audience react.

Ash actually used the Pokémon's moves this time.

Fighting type Aura Sphere!

And it also has attributes of Pokémon moves!

Fighting type cannot have any effect on Ghost type!

This... is too exaggerated!

[Sabrina: It’s so interesting. Ash didn’t expect that you would have powers beyond ordinary people many years later. I started to like you a little bit. 】


Sabrina of the Golden City, the greatest Psychic in history.

In the field of Psychic, even the super elites are not necessarily her rivals.

And now, Sabrina actually said she likes Ash.

This is a bit scary!

At present, it seems that Ash's body is more than that of ordinary people, and he can use Fighting-type moves!

If Ash is at the peak of his physical body and Sabrina is at his peak of intelligence.

How terrifying it would be if the children born between them inherited the advantages of both parents at the same time.

This is indeed the Kanto Region known as the Monster Room!

Picture one

Gengar was obviously stunned after hearing Ash's words.

He even stopped wiping the black ash off his tongue with his hands.

It stretched out its short hand and poked itself with a finger...

"Kou Jie~"

Ah? With me?

We are enemies!

"Yes, I know you have no malicious intentions. You are causing trouble here just because you want us to leave. But this place has been bought by Professor Sakuragi. This place already belongs to Professor Sakuragi3..."

"Kou Jie!"

Before Ash could finish his words, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Gengar.

"Kou Jie, mouth Jie, mouth Jie!"

Gengar danced with joy and was very angry.

This is its home!

Even, a Shadow Ball condensed on Gengar's finger again.

At this time, Ash had already activated the power of the waveguide, and Gengar's every move was completely expected by Ash.


Seeing Gengar preparing to attack, Pikachu immediately prepared to attack.

However, Pikachu's movement was stopped by Ash.

"Ash, be careful"

Faced with Xiaochun's worries, Ash just smiled.

"Gengar is not a bad person."

Seeing that Ash was not afraid of his Shadow Ball at all, Gengar felt that he was being Taunted.

He had completely forgotten what happened just now.

He was about to swing the Shadow Ball at his fingertips.

But he stopped the action after hearing Ash's voice.

"Genggar, I'm sorry, I can't give this place back to you. If you don't mind, I can ask Professor Oak to find you a new place to live, as long as you don't continue to make trouble. Ash's eyes were sincere. Even Gengar was moved. However, it didn't want this house. It wanted its trainer, who had lived here with it. But Gengar looked down in mid-air. Since the people downstairs came to this room, the originally damaged room became tidy again. But now, after its noise, the originally tidy room became shabby again. The gentle researchers looked at it with fear. Only the boy in front of him, who looked about the same age as his trainer, had been protecting his companions from beginning to end. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to give this place to them. The Shadow Ball in Gengar's hand gradually faded. Its body also gradually dissipated in mid-air. After Gengar disappeared, Xiaochun came to Ash's side with courage. She pulled Ash's sleeve with her hand and asked in a low voice: " Where did Gengar go?"

Compared to the ghosts visible to the naked eye, the ghosts that disappear are more terrifying.

Because you never know where he will pop up from.

After a moment of silence.

"Genggar left." Ash said.

Xiaochun looked up in surprise, "Ash, how did you know?"

"The wave power told me. I have already activated the wave power just now. As long as there is any ripple in this space, it will be detected by the wave power.

Genggar's wave disappeared, so it must have left. ”

What is the power of wave?

Koharu was confused. It was another term she had never heard of.

She knew about wave, which was a move that belonged exclusively to Lucario.

Could it be possible that humans could also master the power of wave?

Lucario was called the wave Pokémon.

But why can you master this power alone!

This is too un-Pokémon!


Ash, you are too un-human!5.8 Since traveling with Ash, Koharu's worldview has been refreshed almost every day.

Before, Ash had knocked Golurk down with one punch, and now he told her that she could use the power of wave.

Professor Sakuragi, who had been watching in the corner of the room, lit up his eyes after hearing Ash's words.

It just so happened that he was studying the legend of the World Tree during this period.

There happened to be a legendary figure who also mastered the power of wave and was called the "Wave Hero".

"Ash, have you really mastered the power of wave?"

Professor Sakuragi didn't care about anything else, and took two steps forward and held Ash's hand.

"Speaking of which, I have only recently mastered the power of wave guidance. Before, I could only barely mobilize the power of wave guidance and listen to the voice of Pokémon. Ash said a little embarrassedly.

"It's really amazing. The power of wave is a power that only the legendary wave hero can master!"

"Are you talking about Mr. Alang? He is indeed a great man.

Back in Orudran, I also witnessed Mr. Alang sacrificing himself for world peace.

After this, there was another silence.

Is there a possibility that Alang is a legendary figure?

And you are a modern person.

Professor Sakuragi opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

If this happened to other people, he would think it was bullshit.

But this is Ash.

Professor Sakuragi must consider whether this is the closest he has ever been to the legend in his life.

[Sui Lian: If I guess correctly, this Alang should be a figure from thousands of years ago, and Ash can't be a ghost who has lived for thousands of years!]

As expected of little Stephanie, Shui Lian has a rich imagination.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to catch Kyogre with a fishing rod.

After all, Normal people don't even dare to think about this kind of thing.

After all, Normal legendary Pokémon wouldn't be captured by humans in such a shameful way, right?


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