[Yulongdu: Damn! Lugia! Also VS Pikachu? Can Pikachu be sure of it? That's God! 】

[Cynthia: Lugia has the destructive power to whirlwind houses with just a slight wave of its wings.

Legend has it that he could only spend time quietly at the bottom of the deep sea because of his excessive abilities.

It has amazing power that can suppress the rough seas. It is a Pokémon that is said to be the god of the sea. It is said that it will appear when there is a hurricane rain. 】

[ Archie: This one deserves to be called Poseidon! Lord Kyogre is the worthy Poseidon! Lugia is a heretic who doesn’t even use Water Type! 】

[Yulongdu: Refuse to step on me, don’t force me to enforce laws across regions! 】

[ Bruno: Haha, here we go again, Alliance Investigator warning! 】

[Daye: Poseidon! There is no mistake about the light screen. That is a god. Isn’t it a joke to challenge the god with Pikachu? 】

[Dandi: Well, according to Champion Cynthia’s explanation, Lugia is really powerful. This light screen should be unmistakable. Maybe this is what makes Ash special. 】

[ Steven: What Mr. Dandi said is indeed reasonable, let’s continue reading. 】

After Steven’s suggestion, everyone turned their attention to the light curtain again.

They also want to see how this battle with great disparity in strength will turn out.

Could it be that...human beings can defeat gods?

Furthermore, everyone is even more curious about Ash!

For now, the way Ash shows me is just an ordinary passionate young man.

Maybe those championship trophies and Badges are enough glory, but that's it.

Compared with the gods, these honors are nothing.

That's God.

Among all the alliances in the world, there are only a few people who can fight with God.

The only person who is not at the top of the world.

But can anyone really use Pikachu to fight against a super powerful first-level god like Lugia?

What an exaggeration!

This can already be described as magical!

[Question: What is the relationship between Ash and Lugia? 】

[A: Rival]

【B:Best Friend】

[C: Chance encounter]

[D: Stranger]

[Everyone has 30 seconds to think. After 30 seconds, they will enter the Q&A session. The 4 people who answer the questions first will get the right to Q&A]

[Each person can only choose a single option. If someone chooses the same option as others during the answering process, the live broadcast room will be randomly assigned to another option]

【Countdown to 29】




One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Everyone who was originally discussing Pikachu versus Lugia was stunned.

The sudden problem caught them off guard.

What is the relationship between Ash and Nokia?

Isn’t this nonsense!

Apart from the relationship of strangers, could a 10-year-old boy still be close friends with the sea god Lugia?

Isn't this just a point-based question?

30 seconds is enough time for them to think.

[ Bruno: If you ask me, this question is purely a scoring question. Is it possible that Nokia can still know Ash? 】

[ Misty: This is not necessarily true. Ash once had a relationship with Lugia on the Orange Islands. 】

[Gary: I am laughing so hard. Ash, you are really surrounded by pig teammates. Doesn’t this directly reveal the correct answer? 】

【Lorelei:The correct answer is~】

[ Bruno: It’s C! Definitely C! 】

[ Lorelei: Not bad, your stone head can actually answer the question. 】

[Daye: Hey, why is it C? Shouldn't it be D? Even if it's a chance encounter, the two of them need to know each other. A casual encounter is not a chance encounter. 】

[ Bruno: What you said makes sense. So should I choose C or D? 】


Deep in the mountains, Bruno shook his fist at the waterfall and fell into deep thought.

It’s so difficult to coach, he doesn’t know how to do it!

My head feels so itchy, I need to grow a brain!



【Q&A Begins】

30 seconds flies by.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to answer questions.

Almost everyone immediately sent what they thought was the answer to the barrage.

Densely packed ABCDs filled the entire light curtain.

[Congratulations to Ash, Cynthia, Bruno, and Gary for successfully answering]

[Ash chose B, Bruno, Cynthia, and Gary all chose C]

[Due to duplicate options, the live broadcast room reassigns the options]

[After allocation, the results are CynthiaA, AshB, GaryC, BrunoD]

[ Bruno: Stable! I didn’t expect that I would be so lucky. It seems that God also let me choose D.]

[Yulongdu: No, are you stunned? The results haven’t been announced yet? How are you so sure that you are right? 】

[ Bruno: Lance, you can’t say that. The result we discussed was either D or C. The answer I rushed to answer was C, but the live broadcast room assigned me to D. Don’t you understand? I am the chosen one, and this is definitely the right answer. 】

[ Steven: Wait a minute, Bruno Elite, this paragraph of yours has burned out my CPU. 】

In the mountains.

Excited, Bruno blocked the waterfall with one punch.

It seems that God is taking care of me.

I really look forward to seeing the expressions of those people after they see that they have successfully received the reward.

Rewards or anything like that doesn't matter to him.

If only I could see the envious eyes of Lorelei or Yulongdu.

Bruno was all excited!


The next second!

The prompt in the live broadcast room made Bruno feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

[Congratulations to Ash for answering correctly and receiving the electric bead as a reward]

[ Bruno: No! This is impossible, how could my carefully thought-out analysis be wrong! 】

[ Lorelei: Laughing so hard, your serious analysis result was slapped in the face, it’s you as expected, Bruno! 】

[Gary: Damn it Ash, did you already know the correct answer and deliberately didn't say it? 】

[Ash: How is that possible? I only met Lugia once. 】

[Gary: Then how do you explain that you were the only one who directly chose the most correct answer? 】

[Cynthia: Speaking of which, I'm also curious, Ash, what kind of charm do you have to become a close friend with a Pokémon like Poseidon Lugia? 】

[Diantha: Yes, tell me. I want to know too. 】

[Ash: Actually, I don’t know. This is just my intuition. I think I will definitely become best friends with Lugia! 】

God damn intuition!

Everyone secretly cursed in their hearts.

There is no such thing as intuition!

Silver Town.

As the question and answer ended, a shining golden Lucas beam shot straight towards Ash.

Ash subconsciously reached out and grabbed it.

The next moment, the feeling of Su Ma spread throughout the body.

It's a familiar feeling!

Having received Thunder Shock all year round, Ash has developed an absolute defense against electric attacks.

The electric power contained in the electric bead is not enough to pose a threat to it.

This little bit of electricity is not as powerful as a Pikachu stick.

As the numbness on his arm ended, Ash slowly opened his closed hand.

Misty and Xiaogang also came over at this time.

I saw a golden marble staying in Ash's palm.

"So beautiful!" Misty said infatuatedly as she looked at the electric beads shining with golden halo.

Stephanie, sister-in-law, always has no resistance to sparkling things.

I will make some changes to the plot of the journey, but it will not be exactly the same as the original.

Forgive me!

Xiaohao is such a cunt, I want to torture him severely!

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