Pokemon: Taking Stock Of Ash’S Top Ten Most Famous Scenes!

Chapter 18: The Sixth Move Rest! Freezing Plus Rest Equals Unlimited Full Health!

"He is the Trainer that Ho-Oh likes. Maybe a miracle will happen!"

President Damalanqi looked at the light screen and couldn't help but get excited. Although Ash failed in the last Rock Gym battle, it does not mean that Ho-Oh's choice was wrong!

After all, Ash at that time was just a Rookie Trainer who had just left Pallet Town and had no idea about Pokémon tactics.

But Ash and Pikachu in the light curtain are completely different. Ash in the light curtain reveals a kind of perseverance and confidence in his eyes.

This look is completely opposite to Ash's recklessness when he first faced Rock Gym!

This time Rival was Regice. If a normal Trainer had seen such a terrifying existence, his legs would have become weak with fear, but Ash in the light screen was not afraid at all.

And he firmly believes that his Pokémon Pikachu will win! This kind of trust and bond can only be achieved by top trainers.

At this moment, Brandon's eyes were no longer serious, but instead showed a long-lost smile.

"It's incredible! It actually broke a crack in Regice's pure ice! Regice used freezing light!"

At this moment, Brandon is also eager to try. A battle where one side is crushed is so boring! Only Rival who is a threat to himself can have the taste of adventure!

The yellow light on Regice's face turned red instantly, and then he raised his right hand sharply and fired a burst of freezing light at an extremely fast speed.

Although Ash's Pikachu stepped on smooth ice, it was still extremely fast and immediately jumped up to avoid the Ice Beam's attack.

The tail became shiny again, and Oreburgh's tail hit Regice's face.

The two moves of Oreburgh's tail made Regice fall back several meters, and the data about Pikachu in Regice's mind was instantly confused.

The power of Oreburgh's tail is comparable to the moves performed by giant steel-type Pokémon in ancient times, and it has exceeded the strength limit of ordinary Pikachu five times!

The hardness of the powerful Oreburgh tail reaches diamond level!

In the real world, Ash and Pikachu on his shoulders were shocked when they saw such a powerful Oreburgh tail!

"So powerful! Pikachu never imagined that you would be able to learn such powerful steel-type moves in the future! You would actually be able to injure legendary Pokémon!"

Ash raised his hands in the air at this moment, excitement filling Ash's features.

Pikachu on the side also felt incredible. Could his future self be so powerful? Is the power of this Oreburgh tail so terrifying?

"They all say you will win! It seems that my prediction is quite accurate, Sister Xia!"

Misty smiled lightly at Ash, who stood there and waved.

"What? Legendary Pokémon are nothing more than that! My Pikachu is the most powerful!"

Xiaogang narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"Don't be proud. Regice's health is still very healthy, and Rival is Mr. Brandon. I don't think the battle will end so easily."

Xiaogang's words fell on deaf ears to Ash, after all, it was a legendary Pokémon! Not to mention defeated, even if he can cause some damage, Pikachu is quite powerful!

"Didn't you want to live and die some time ago? You're really getting better now, aren't you? I'm speechless."

Misty immediately complained when she saw Ash's expression, which was like a Sichuan Opera Face Changing Normal.

Back to the light curtain.

"What a strong Oreburgh tail! But you revealed a flaw! Regice uses freezing ray!"

Brandon looked at Pikachu who jumped in front of Regice and immediately waved his hand.

An extremely cold and terrifying beam of light burst out from Regice's head. Pikachu's face was startled and he instantly turned into an ice sculpture!


Ash was shocked, Ice Beam actually hit Pikachu and sealed it in ice!

[Cynthia: Regice's body is made of Sheer Cold. The freezing light at minus two hundred degrees has a 100% chance of triggering the freezing effect! 】

[Dante: It is indeed a legendary Pokémon. If Ice Beam's hit rate were higher, it would be able to control the enemy all the time! 】

[Brandon: After all, he is a legendary giant from the Theo era. The extreme cold of minus two hundred degrees is enough to turn any creature into an ice sculpture! 】

[Giovanni: More than two hundred degrees below zero, 100% freezing effect, this is really awesome! 】

"Legendary Pokémon indeed have powerful moves, including 100% freezing. If this is used to capture Pokémon, don't take it too easy!"

Giovanni looked at Regice in the light curtain. The shock of having his body broken by Pikachu completely disappeared. Now this is Regice's true strength, an ice giant with the power of extreme cold.

"Boss, look! Brandon actually let Regice use the Rest move!"

Archer looked at the light curtain and couldn't help being surprised, but Giovanni laughed beside him.

"This Brandon is awesome! Quite awesome! He actually has six old tricks like Rest. It seems that the legendary adventurer is indeed very powerful!"

At this moment, after seeing Pikachu enter the frozen Contest Condition, Regice directly used the water surface, retracted his limbs into Jibing's body, and fell asleep.

"Brandon, you are too old! You even used Rest!"

Lance was shocked. After Pikachu entered the frozen Contest Condition, a Rest directly repaired all the previous damage.

The penalty condition for this move is that it cannot be interrupted by Rival, and now that Pikachu is frozen in Contest Condition, it is the best time to use Rest!

[Cynthia: As expected of a Sinnoh person! This tactic is really powerful! With the level of Elite Four Trainer, it seems that this is not a rumor! 】

[Karuni: Isn’t this too harsh? After all, Ash is only ten years old! The legendary Pokémon Regice uses Rest, which is ridiculously difficult! 】

[Lance: It’s true that Ash summoned only Pikachu! This guy Brandon seems to have really fought with all his strength! The tactics are fully loaded! 】

[Brandon: I treat every enemy according to the standards of nature! You have to go all out! Even if it's the insidious Laoliu sleeping move, I'll still use it! 】

[Brandon: After all, only powerful people are eligible to obtain the certificate of leader of the development zone! If I don't try my best, it would be unfair to other challengers! 】

Brandon's words made the Region champions in the chat group think deeply, and then they all agreed. Not letting go in a battle is the greatest recognition and respect for the enemy.

There's nothing wrong with Brandon's approach, but it's a bit harsh.

"Rest! I was defeated by this move back then! I didn't expect Brandon to still use this move!"

Reggie looked at the sleeping Regice and recalled the memories of that year again.

Every time Reggie caused damage to Regice, Brandon would immediately ask Regice to use Freeze Beam and Rest.

The freezing beam froze Reggie's Pokémon, and Rest regained its strength, directly forming the most vicious move.

In the frozen sleep, all six of Reggie's Pokémon were defeated, but Brandon's Regice was still in the terrifying full-health Contest Condition. This directly broke Reggie's heart and gave up Pokémon battle completely.

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