The weather is very hot, and the weather is very hot.


Parallel world.

"According to reports, some criminals have recently violated the Pokémon Protection Law by excessively exploiting the power of the strong, using minors to move bricks, picking up cans and paper shells, etc.!"

"Recently, a certain area suddenly had a torrential rain without any warning, flooding the Jinshan Mountain, and various disasters occurred at sea!

A certain area suddenly became extremely dry, and the cloudy sky turned into a sunny day in an instant. Local crops fell down one after another, and residents were miserable!"

"It is said that an adventurer found a tower shrouded in fog, and it seemed that the roar of an unrecorded dragon Pokémon came from inside!"

A young man who looks like Brother Kun, who has been practicing for two and a half years.

Listening to the news on the radio with a calm face.

"Hey, what the hell is this?"

The young man sighed.

He is not from this world.

He is a time traveler.

Is it because he looks like Kun Kun.

And likes to sing rap and play basketball and watch two episodes of Pokémon.

So he was sent to the parallel world of Pokémon?

Ye Xuan shook his head.

He glanced at the red and white Poké Ball in his hand.

But fortunately.

He got the God-level Pokémon system as soon as he came here!

As long as he completes the system tasks.

He can get all kinds of Pokémon and various rewards.

At first, Ye Xuan thought the system was very stingy.

Give him a little Rattata or something.

The result was beyond his expectation.

The God-level system directly sends the legendary beast at the beginning!

"Come out, Kyogre!"

Ye Xuan looked at the huge Pokémon body in front of him excitedly, revealing a look of joy.

That's right.

At the beginning, he was given a legendary beast Kyogre!


Almost every time he completed a system task.

The system would give him a reward.

And this reward is likely to be a legendary beast!

Ye Xuan glanced at his elf space.

So far.

He currently has five or six legendary beasts and several rare Pokémon!

Ye Xuan is no longer surprised by legendary beasts.

Are legendary beasts rare?

Kyogre's huge figure appeared on the sea. She stretched out her wing-like fins to Ye Xuan, and then lifted him onto her back.

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice:

"Go to the East China Sea. There is a secret place over there. We need to explore that place."

Here is the next place to complete the system task.

"Okay, Master."

Kyogre is huge, but his personality is very docile.

And the power of the legendary beast that emanates at any time and place.

The water elves living nearby were scared and fled in panic.

"Boom boom"


Ye Xuan: "It's raining?"

"Sorry, Master,"

Kyogre said: "This is my ability, the Sea of ​​Origin. Wherever I appear, it will rain heavily. If it is at sea, various marine disasters will occur."

"Is it so dangerous?"

"I can control them, so Master, don't worry."

"You can still control them?"

This is not a game, but reality.

How could Kyogre not be able to control the climate change caused by his own power.

As for the whirlpools and tsunamis in the ocean, they are nothing to her.

Ye Xuan glanced at Kyogre's level.


Level: Level 30

Ye Xuan nodded, and the system assigned a Pokémon Pokémon Home.

Usually, his Pokémon are placed in the home for training and rest.

It is similar to the home training in Rock Kingdom, and experience can be gained.

After a day of home experience enhancement.

Kyogre has officially reached level 30.


In the storm.

Ye Xuan was immersed in his mind.

He used his innate wave power to feel the surrounding situation.



Xuan felt something.

He opened his eyes and said to Kyogre: "Over there!"

This is an island.

An island shrouded in shadows, not large in area, but not small either.


Suddenly, Kyogre, who was approaching the shore, said:

"I feel an ominous breath here."

"Ominous breath?"

It was the first time that Ye Xuan heard such a statement.


What is ominous?

Ghost Pokémon, evil Pokémon is called ominous?

This is definitely impossible.

But since Kyogre said so.

That also means that this island secret must be

There are some things that she cares about.

Ye Xuan suddenly became serious.

He glanced at the system space.

He immediately summoned the beasts that the system rewarded before.

"Come out, Latias, Yan Di, and Steel God Pillar."

After throwing out his three legendary elves.

Ye Xuan thought about it and released the giant claw mantis that he had subdued.

Maybe the combat power of the giant claw mantis is not as good as the legendary elves.

But after all, the level is here, it is considered a high-end combat power.

However, because it takes about two days to upgrade to a level above level 50, the levels of the giant claw mantis and the steel god pillar have hardly changed.

The giant claw mantis is currently level 50, and the steel god pillar is also level 51.

At this time.

Ye Xuan's elves, Lalulas, etc. have all been upgraded to level 35 and entered the elite stage.

In addition, Ye Xuan's Latias reached level 41 after a night of home experience bonus.

Articuno and Entei have both reached level 40.

However, if the influence of quality is also taken into account.

Ye Xuan can at least put together a main force team with a combat power of more than level 55.

"With such strength, even if a profession meets a profession of level 7 or 8, I won't be afraid of anything."

The professions in this world are divided into nine levels.

Ye Xuan is not afraid at all now!

What's more, Ye Xuan also has Kyogre who can transform into the original form.

"Let's go to the island and see first."

Ye Xuan took Kyogre back.

Her body is too big and not suitable for this kind of exploration. It's better to bring her with you.

"Let me see what's going on here."

The wave power spread outward rapidly with Ye Xuan as the center.

In an instant, the structure of the entire island appeared in Ye Xuan's mind.

But at this moment.

An extremely violent force directly hit Ye Xuan's consciousness.

He frowned: "What is it? This strange waveguide?"

There is indeed a problem on this island.

But Ye Xuan didn't see the problem clearly before.

He just felt that it might be an elf.

But what exactly is it?

Ye Xuan felt that he had to see it before he could draw a conclusion.

"Is it over there?"

Ye Xuan moved forward, and Yan Di and Articuno had already opened the way.

The Steel God Pillar was still under Ye Xuan to prevent anyone from attacking.

As for Latias, she acted as Ye Xuan's bodyguard.

Soon, Ye Xuan came to a cave:

"Hiss, this cave is a bit cold."

"Giant Mantis, you stay behind."

Giant Mantis is the weakest, so Ye Xuan asked her to stay behind.

To prevent someone from attacking from behind.

This cave is very deep.

Anyway, Ye Xuan has been going down since he came in, as if there is no end.

I don't know where it leads to.

What's even more bizarre is that.

Since arriving on the island, Ye Xuan has not seen even one elf.

This is too unreasonable.

Under normal circumstances.

When a secret realm appears, it must be accompanied by a large number of elves.

But there is not a single one.

This kind of thing, let alone seeing it, has never been heard of.

"Tick, tick."

This is an underground pool with a dark surface.

It is hard to see what is inside.

"Use the power of waveguide to feel it again."

But as soon as Ye Xuan closed his eyes, the ominous breath rushed towards him instantly:

"It's under this water!"


Almost at this moment.

A huge black shadow jumped out of the lake.

"Articuno's freezing ray, Yandi's sacred fire!"

In an instant, the skills of the two beasts fell directly on the huge black shadow.

Only a deafening cry of pain sounded in the cave.

"This sound seems to be..."

Ye Xuan ordered:

"Latias, use your super powers to illuminate this place!"

"Yes, Master."

In an instant.

The whole cave was bright.

It was also at this time that Ye Xuan saw this huge black shadow.


Yes, this is a Gyarados.

But it is different from ordinary Gyarados.

The Gyarados in front of Ye Xuan is all black, with red eyes, and a faint purple-black aura around him.

Compared to the kind and simple elves.

Ye Xuan has never seen this before.

Even the vicious Pokémon Gyarados.

It is absolutely impossible to appear in this state.

"What is going on?"

Ye Xuan wanted to use the power of Changpan to feel it, but the result was a feeling of disgust:

"The power of Changpan is repelling this Pokémon, but why?"


Seeing the black Gyarados rushing over again, Ye Xuan was a little surprised:

"It was hit by the skills of Articuno and Entei, but it still

Can you fight back? "

"Emperor uses his magical power, and Articuno continues to use freezing rays."

Ye Xuan got off the Steel Pillar and ordered:

"Steel Pillar uses Destruction Ray on Gyarados, and the same goes for Mantis. Don't get close, use Destruction Ray from a distance."

"Latias, use continuous mist balls."

For a moment, Latias, flying in the air, was like a machine gun.

Throwing mist balls one by one on the top of Gyarados' head.


But the black Gyarados was hit by so many attacks.

Although it was seriously injured, it still fought back violently.

"It's Destruction Ray! Everyone, avoid it!"


"It's almost dead, everyone, use your skills with all your strength!"

Ye Xuan even put Kyogre on the open space aside:

"Kyogre, use water spray! ”



Under the continuous bombardment of so many powerful elves.

The black Gyarados slammed heavily on the lake surface, and then...


The body of the black Gyarados turned into countless black particles and began to dissipate in the air.

[Defeat the black elves and gain a lot of experience]

[Latias gains enough experience and the level is increased.]

[Latias gains enough experience and the level is increased.]

[Articuno gains enough experience and the level is increased.]

[Entei gains enough experience and the level is increased.]


[Steel Pillar gains enough experience and its level is increased. ]


[Kyogre gains enough experience and its level is increased. ]


[Mantis gains enough experience and its level is increased. ]


Latias, Articuno, Entei, Steel Pillar, Kyogre, Mantis, all got their levels increased.

And not just one or two levels.

But a lot of experience.

A very large amount of experience.

Dark Pokémon.

Ye Xuan had never heard of such a Pokémon.

But it did appear.

Right in front of him!

"A lot of experience? Killing a dark Pokémon can get a lot of experience?"

Ye Xuan checked the levels of his Pokémon.

[Latias] Level 50

[Articuno] Level 50

[Steel Pillar] Level 54

[Entei] Level 50

[Kyogre] Level 43

[Mantis] Level 54

"Fuck! "


Horror amount of experience.

This blackened Pokémon.

It has raised the average combat power of Ye Xuan's family.

Except for Kyogre, almost all of them have reached level 50 or above.

But even Kyogre has reached level 43 at this time.

Level 50 is just around the corner.

[Side Quest. Explore the Secret Realm] Completed

Quest Introduction: After exploring this secret realm, you found a strange black Pokémon.

Quest Reward: Special Legendary Pokémon (Do you want to claim it?)

Looking at the quest reward.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly.

System, I love you so much!


"I wonder what kind of Pokémon it will be."

Thinking so, Ye Xuan released it.


The next moment.

A yawning Pokémon appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

She floated in the air, with a yellow star hat on her head, a white body, and two yellow ribbons floating behind her.


"Jirachi? ”


Gender: Female

Level: 1

Rank: None

Quality: Orange Legend

“It’s Jirachi, the wishing elf. Jirachi is a special legendary Pokémon?”

Ye Xuan didn’t understand how the system classified things.

But to be honest, Jirachi is really a super cute elf.

With that cute appearance, Ye Xuan reached out and caught her.

“So light, like cotton.”

“Master, hehe, it’s so itchy.”

The elves that came out of the system all had a good impression of Ye Xuan and were absolutely loyal.

So Jirachi’s love for Ye Xuan naturally goes without saying.

“I didn’t expect the system to reward Jirachi. It was really a bit unexpected.”

Thinking so, Ye Xuan used the power of waveguide to explore the entire island again.

And this time, that nauseating feeling disappeared.


Ye Xuan: “So the previous feeling was because of the blackened Gyarados? "

The blackened Pokémon, that's how the system defines that Gyarados.

But what exactly is going on? The system didn't explain the situation to Ye Xuan.

It just issued such a task.

And then, nothing happened.

"Master, there seems to be something in the lake."

"In the lake?"

Using Latias's superpowers and the guidance of the wave power.



Ye Xuan then moved something that looked like a dormant chamber to the land nearby.

"What is this?"

Ye Xuan wiped off the mud on the surface of the dormant chamber and found that there was a person lying inside!

It was a man.

He looked to be in his forties.

He was wearing a white coat and seemed to be a researcher.

Ye Xuan had used the waveguide to sense the entire island before, naturally including him.

But Ye Xuan did not find any life other than them.

Obviously, this person was dead.

"Giant Mantis, break this cover open."

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