The more you know about the world, the more you can use it.

If it is as shown in the animation, then superpowers are simply a kind of cheating power.

It can make people teleport, turn people into various things (into dolls in the animation), create illusions, and give souls to inanimate objects (Naz's puppet girl). In Pokémon, superpowers do not represent simple telekinesis, that is, power such as shock waves.

Of course, superpowers are also divided into strong and weak. Some people only master some of the fur, while some people are very strong.

Superpowers are extremely magical and involve various aspects. If you can really master them, it is really a very terrible power.

"The power of Changpan is for life, the power of waveguide is for energy, and the power of superpower is for spirit."

The use of Changpan's power does not consume Ye Xuan's physical strength. It is like recovering the wounds of elves out of thin air. The root of the power of waveguide is the aura formed by invisible particles emitted by all things. The power of waveguide senses all things from the aura, listens to the waves, and extracts the power of waveguide.

Compared with the first two, superpowers are much more powerful because they are a mysterious power derived from the spirit. They are also the most complex of all abilities because they are all-encompassing.

However, superpowers are essentially changes based on a person's potential thoughts.

If you want to fly, you can fly. If you want to control matter, you can control it. If you want to change, you can change. When the mind reaches it, superpowers will appear.

In addition, in the animation, there is another power called superpower.

Superpower is the power of the mind.

The mind is not just a spiritual power, but an emotion.

This is extremely important in the Pokémon world. When the hearts of trainers and elves are connected, elves will even burst out with unimaginable power, the most representative of which is mega evolution.

Mega evolution does not only require mega stones, but also requires bonds.

The key stone in the hands of the trainer and the mega stone worn by the elves, and the power that connects them and makes them resonate is the bond, and this power is actually the power of overcoming.

The so-called overcoming means transcending and overcoming all difficulties and obstacles, so this is a power that is enough to cause miracles.

In addition, if bonds can make elves super-evolve, why can a key stone only make one elf super-evolve at the same time?

Ye Xuan believes that this should be due to the lack of super-power.

Everyone has the power of overcoming, just like humans have the potential to awaken superpowers.

But this power of overcoming is too weak, and it is completely incomparable with the trainers who have truly awakened the power of overcoming.

"Perhaps, the power of super-conquering can allow the elves to maintain super-evolution permanently, or the power of super-evolution at will..."

If the super-evolution of the elves is likened to opening a chain of potential, then the power of super-conquering can definitely directly surpass and overcome the obstacles brought by this chain.

"I am looking forward to the time when the system rewards me with the power of super-conquering."

By then, Changpan, Bodao, Super Energy, Super-conquering, plus the future power of the dragon, the five special powers in the elf world will all be gathered in Ye Xuan.

"The side quest was triggered by me, so if I trigger it a few more times, can I get it?"

Afterwards, Lan Ling, Meng Meng and others celebrated for Ye Xuan, and everyone went to the hotel for a big meal.

However, compared to Ye Xuan and his coolness, there was one person who was completely angry.

"What happened to him?"

"Eating sand, why eating sand?" The middle-aged man stood outside the ward, his face full of anger: "He lost the Pokémon Duel, and the other party made him eat sand?"

"What about the other party? What if the other party lost?"

"Cut the tongue?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was silent.

The middle-aged man was Xiao Fei's father, Xiao Luqiang. He was a trainer, eighth dan...

Pokemon rank, amateur rank is a rookie, professional rank one to three are ordinary Pokémon, fourth to seventh are elite Pokémon, and professional eighth rank is a quasi-king rank.

Ninth rank is the king rank, but not the real king, just has the qualification to compete for the king, and above this, it is the real king and champion.

In addition, because the span of the elite level is very large, many people are stuck here for their whole lives, so in order to better understand their own strength, it can be divided into the early elite (fourth rank), the middle elite (fiveth rank), the late elite (sixth rank)

), Elite Peak (seventh stage), four levels.

And the trainer's rank needs three Pokémon of the same rank to be improved.

In other words, the King level (ninth stage) has at least three King level Pokémon, and the Quasi King (eighth stage) has at least three Quasi King level Pokémon.

Among Ye Xuan's current Pokémon, Steel God Pillar was rated as a Quasi King level Pokémon by the league's evaluators because he swept the Jiangnan Gym, while Latias and Articuno were rated as Elite Late level Pokémon because they defeated Jiang Xiaoyou, who was in the Elite Middle stage.

Xiao Luqiang is the eighth stage, which also means that he has at least three Quasi King level combat power, and his strength is even higher than Mu Nanfeng in Jiangnan City.

There is a gap between the two, but it is not too big.

After all, the Elite Late and Quasi King are actually just a little stronger in attributes, and they have not been exposed to the laws like the King level Pokémon, thus producing qualitative changes.

Xiao Luqiang faced Mu Nanfeng in a six-on-six battle. The final result might be that Xiao Luqiang defeated three of them and Mu Nanfeng killed all six of them.

There was a gap, but it was not very huge, just the level of two Mu Nanfengs.

"Luqiang, you have to avenge Fei'er." Xiao Fei's mother wiped her tears. She was a woman with no opinion and always listened to Xiao Luqiang. When she encountered such a thing, she really could do nothing but cry.

"Shut up!"

Xiao Luqiang said angrily: "Pokemon Duel is sacred. Anyone who dares to agree must take responsibility. Fei'er wants to cut the opponent's tongue, and he wants Fei'er to swallow sand. It is reasonable."

Both of them cut off each other's path to becoming trainers. Do they only allow themselves to win and not others?

"And! He actually destroyed someone else's Poké Ball. Is this what a trainer should do?!"

What really made Xiao Luqiang angry was not that Ye Xuan defeated Xiao Fei, but that Xiao Fei actually avoided fighting twice, and instead used conspiracy and trickery to frame Ye Xuan, and sent people to destroy other people's Poké Balls.

Such a person is not worthy of being a trainer at all!

"My son, Xiao Luqiang, doesn't even have the courage to fight against others. He is a waste, just a waste!"

Xiao Luqiang: "Trainers can lose, or even die, but they cannot avoid fighting. A coward who does not choose to fight back when facing the challenge of others, but retreats again and again, I don't have such a waste son!"

Any trainer has a bottom line, that is, to fight to the death and never surrender.

Just like the elves can sacrifice for the trainer, the trainer must also use his life to defend the dignity of himself and the elves.

"Pah pah pah pah."

Suddenly, in the corridor of this hospital, Ye Xuan appeared there at some point: "You are talking like a trainer, but it's a pity that you gave birth to the wrong son."

"Who are you?"

Xiao Luqiang didn't notice Ye Xuan's appearance at all, and didn't know when he was there: "How did you get in? This place should be..."

"You shouldn't be able to get in, right?"

Ye Xuan said: "I'm sorry, the group of bodyguards outside are too vulnerable."

"You used elves to attack humans?!"

"No, no, no," Ye Xuan: "I attacked them, it was me, not the elves, I wouldn't use elves to kill innocent people, just let them sleep."

Hypnosis, with the new superpowers, Ye Xuan cast a short hypnosis on everyone in the hospital, making them ignore the movement here.

"Don't believe it?"

Ye Xuan gestured to Xiao Luqiang to look at his wife, only to see that the woman had a blank expression, dull eyes, and a look of loss of soul.

"How is this possible, human..."

How can humans have such power!

It's not that there are no trainers with super powers in this world, but they have not reached such a level. At most, they can only bless the elves of the super power system.

"What do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do?!"

"Boom boom"

Suddenly, the lights flickered, the glass shattered, and the whole hospital trembled.

"It was your idiot son who provoked me first!" Ye Xuan: "You provoked me, and now I didn't kill your whole family, which is very polite!"


Xiao Luqiang didn't think Ye Xuan was lying. Just like now, he couldn't move his hands except for moving his mouth. As for the Poké Ball, it was completely imprisoned.

'Poké Ball, can't release Pokémon! '

Such power is really terrible.

Without Pokémon, trainers are just ordinary people with no fighting ability.

"Give up, my power has cut off your connection with the Pokémon," Ye Xuan said, "But you are barely a trainer, but you have a son who is a jerk to his father. You are also a jerk to your father.

“Let my wife go, she is just a breeder, she has no fighting power, and she has no ability to retaliate against you.”

Ye Xuan’s ability can sense the inner voice. Xiao Luqiang is not acting, he is serious: “You are okay.”


Xiao Luqiang found that his body could move. He looked around and his wife was still the same.

Xiao Luqiang did not touch the Poké Ball immediately, because Ye Xuan must know and must be faster than him, so he asked: “What are your conditions?”

“You still have a little son, right?”

“Huh? ! !”

Xiao Luqiang did not expect Ye Xuan to say this: “He is only three years old, still a child.”

“I didn’t say I wanted his life,” Ye Xuan was not a murderer, and he was not so cold-blooded to children: “But Xiao Fei must die, you should know how to choose.”

Xiao Luqiang hesitated, but finally nodded and said: “As long as you don’t hurt my wife and Xiang’er. "

Xiao Fei is no longer useful, and he has caused such a big trouble that his family is almost broken up. Xiao Luqiang wishes he didn't have this son.

Of course, he doesn't have much affection for Xiao Fei.

As a self-made quasi-king trainer, Xiao Luqiang actually hates a prodigal son who only knows how to hang out outside and has no skills.

"In addition, I want 2 billion as mental damage compensation."


Even his life is almost gone, money is just something outside of his body, not to mention that 2 billion is not much, Xiao Luqiang's savings can still afford it.


"What else?" Xiao Luqiang doesn't care anymore. Ye Xuan's existence has completely overturned his worldview.

"Follow me."


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