Well, Ye Xuan didn't figure out the problem here: "We can't imagine anything with just these. By the way, can you help me sign up for the fishing competition?" "Mr. Ye is interested in this?" This is not a battle. The entire fishing competition does not require fighting. It just depends on who has a higher fishing level and catches better quality elves. A game that depends on luck...

"I'm not very interested in this game, but I'm very interested in the Magic City Gym." Ye Xuan said: "I was going to challenge the Magic City Gym today. After the challenge, I will continue my journey. I have seen a lot of big cities and don't plan to stay here for long."

"But the Magic City is closed today?"


Ye Xuan: "It's true that the closure is for everyone, but it covered me with a map cannon, so I can only blame him for his bad luck."

"Mr. Ye plans to get a chance to fight with the head of the Magic City Gym through the fishing competition, and then slap him in the face in public?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said nothing, but Emilia understood: "Then I will accompany Mr. Ye. Well, let me introduce you to Mr. Ye."

"Just call me Ye Xuan," Ye Xuan said with a smile, "Now, we are friends, right?"


"What's the matter? Ye... Ye Xuan?"

"When will the Magic City's Gorgeous Competition start?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"What about the Sea Fishing Competition?"


"What's wrong?"

"My girlfriend, a coordinator, is going to participate in the Magic City's Gorgeous Competition."

"Mr. Ye already has a girlfriend," Emilia is not the kind of inexplicable woman who would look dim when she heard that Ye Xuan had a girlfriend. She said curiously, "That's right, Mr. Ye is so outstanding, it's normal for him to have a girlfriend."

The next day, Emilia woke Ye Xuan up and told him that the registration issue had been resolved.

So the two left the Eda and headed for the competition venue.

After arriving at the competition venue, Ye Xuan realized what it meant to have a lot of people.

Compared with the fishing competition here, the Azure Waterfront Competition in Donghai City is just like playing house.

[Side Quest. Champion of Magic City Fishing Competition]

Quest Introduction: It's time to show your skills

Quest Reward: A special legendary Pokémon.


A special legendary Pokémon reward?

Last time, Ye Xuan got Jirachi from such a system reward, and this time, it was such a reward again. Ye Xuan remembered that there were many Pokémon similar to Jirachi in Pokémon, such as Diancie, the little diamond called Rock Fairy, Manaphy, the Prince of the Sea, Machado, the shadow Pokémon, as well as Victini, Hoopa, Darkrai and the like, all of which were called phantom Pokémon.

By the way, there is also the legendary Ultimate Divine Beast Alpaca, which is also from this series.

Mew, Celebi, and Deoxys are all pretty good Pokémon.

But whether the system rewards Ye Xuan according to this, Ye Xuan is not very clear.

"Let's go, let's go get the props for the competition."

The props are actually a fishing rod given by the competition official, a box of bait that can be replenished at any time, and a bunch of Poké Balls provided by the official.

"Is this the competition venue?"

"It shouldn't be."

At this moment, Ye Xuan and Emilia's elf hands connected to the official information from the competition: [All participants, please gather at the harbor area, where we will take a yacht to the competition venue, Shihua Island]

Ye Xuan and Emilia came to the harbor, where the official provided hundreds of yachts, taking the contestants to Shihua Island in waves.

"Shihua Island?"

"Also known as Shiguo Island, there are many tree fruits used to make energy blocks, and the scenery is beautiful. It is a holy place for overseas sightseeing in Mo City."

Emilia drove the yacht, and with Ye Xuan and the others, there were several boys and girls, the youngest of whom looked only 14 years old.

After getting on the island, it seemed that some equipment was set up here, and Ye Xuan found that a personal score appeared on his elf bracelet.

[Ye Xuan] Points: 0

[Emilia] Points: 0

"Is this how it starts?" Ye Xuan: "Are there no other rules?"

"There are rules, but you can't use elves," Emilia said, "Oh, you can't throw elves into the water, but when a water elf is caught,

When the time comes, you can use Pokémon to defeat it and then subdue it. "

Such rules also prevent trainers from sending a large number of water Pokémon directly into the water.

If this is the case, then don't call it a fishing competition, just call it a fish bombing competition.

"Come on, let's start fishing."

Ye Xuan looked around, then took out a folding bench from his backpack and placed it next to the dam near the ocean: "This thing is not a foul."

Ye Xuan also gave Emilia a small folding stool, and the two sat side by side and started fishing.

It is now 8:30 in the morning, and the end time of the competition is 3 pm. Participants can move freely during the competition. There are very complete facilities on the island, with food, drinks, Pokémon food, and medicine.

"Brother Ye, have you ever fished?"

"This..." Ye Xuan shook his head: "No."

"Then Brother Ye, are you just here to participate?"

"How is it possible!" Ye Xuan: "I am so strong, I must be the champion. "

Hearing Ye Xuan say this, Emilia wiped her cold sweat. She looked at Ye Xuan's outfit and fishing skills. She said that she was an amateur and was praising him: "Excuse me, Brother Ye, you are really good at fishing like this. "

Ye Xuan: "..."

"Brother Ye, your strength is indeed very strong. Anyway, among the people I have met, Brother Ye, you are the most powerful," Emilia: "But a good cook cannot cook without rice. This activity does not require elves to fight. It is useless if the elves are strong."

"Don't worry, I'm very strong."

Ye Xuan, mysteriously confident!

"I," Emilia is a captain and a brave man at sea. Fishing is something she has played since she was a child. She once even caught a whale king, so she found it hard to understand why Ye Xuan could catch fish like this: "I don't believe it. I think you will definitely not catch any fish like this, Brother Ye. "

Ye Xuan has superpowers, waveguide induction, and the power of Changpan to attract elves. To be honest, fishing is not difficult for him.

Who would really go fishing?

Of course it's cheating!


NO.1 Jax: 120 points

NO.2 Hua Qi: 115 points

NO.3 Mila: 100 points

NO.4 Xu Yali: 100 points


"This fishing competition is really fierce."

On the stage, the two hosts looked at the score rankings on the big screen and were very excited: "Less than 5 minutes after the start of the game, 4 people have exceeded 100 points."

"In previous years, it would take at least half an hour to exceed this score." The female host said in surprise: "I didn't expect it to be so fast this year."

"Yes," the male host: "And this year's contestants are also quite gorgeous. Not to mention Master Jax, who is known as the world's fishing king, even Mr. Hua from our Magic City participated in this competition. ”

“You may not know Mr. Hua very well, but decades ago, he was a famous water Pokémon master in Asia, a great trainer. ”

“Although he is nearly 90 years old now, he is still so passionate about fishing. I really admire his health.”

“Then the third place is Miss Mira from Europe, who is known as the Princess of the Sea.”

As the screen switched, a blonde beauty wearing a swimsuit and a white windbreaker appeared. For a moment, countless male viewers were amazed by her and swallowed their saliva.

“Tsk tsk, the title of the Princess of the Sea is really well-deserved.”

At this moment, Mira seemed to see someone filming. She turned her head and smiled at the floating bubble with a camera hanging around her neck.


“What a beautiful smile!”

“So beautiful!”

“Princess of the Sea”

“It seems that our Miss Mira will gain another batch of die-hard fans when she comes to China this time. ”

The male host smiled and said, “Next, let’s introduce…”


Suddenly, the male host saw a picture of a beautiful girl with long silver hair, like an elf: “This! This is actually!”


“Please ask the floating bubble in the 41st district of the southern district to change the camera to here.”


“So beautiful!”

“Not inferior to the princess of the sea at all.”

“Who is this? The contestants in this competition are of high quality.”

“Hey, this is a fishing competition, not a beauty pageant, right? Quality is also related to appearance?”

“Pleasant to the eyes, understand? !”

“No mistake,” the male host said, “This beautiful girl is Princess Eda, Miss Emilia, known as the Nordic silver-haired fairy!”

“I didn’t expect that even Miss Emilia would come to participate

Join our fishing competition, this is really..."


The whole island is full of projection screens, so even Ye Xuan and Emilia, who are in the marginal area, can see and hear what the host said.

"Why, Emilia, are you famous?"

Ye Xuan really didn't know that Emilia was a celebrity, the Princess Eda, the Nordic silver-haired fairy, who seemed very powerful.

"This is the title I got when I traveled around the world with my father."

As she was talking, Emilia caught another starfish, and judging from the quality, it was a rare blue one. With this one, Emilia's score skyrocketed.

"Miss Emilia actually caught a blue starfish, and her score soared to second place! ! ! "


Mira looked at the silver-haired girl on the screen curiously: "She also came to participate in this event? ”

“It’s amazing,” a white-haired old man in a Tang suit stroked his long beard and smiled helplessly: “I can’t refuse to admit my age, what do you think, Jax boy?”

The first place now is still the master Jax, who is known as the king of fishing in the world.

This is an old man in his sixties. He looks more like a Western European, with a curly beard. He looks rough but exudes the style of an old gentleman: “Fishing is to enjoy happiness, Mr. Hua.”

“Yes, yes, it is to enjoy happiness, Mr. Jax is right.”

Mr. Hua patted Jax on the shoulder and laughed: “How about you share all the fish you catch with me, you enjoy happiness, and then let me take the first place.”

“Mr. Hua,” Jax: “You are really getting thicker-skinned as you get older. ”


Mr. Hua didn’t care about Jax’s words at all. At his age, everything is nothing. For him, being able to laugh in his old age is the most meaningful thing.

“Mr. Hua and Master Jax, I heard they were close friends. Now it seems that the relationship between the two is indeed very close.”

“Okay, now, let’s take a look at the latest rankings 20 minutes after the start of the game.”


NO.1 Jax: 380 points

NO.2 Emilia: 300 points

NO.3 Mila: 280 points

NO.4 Hua Qi: 250 points

NO.5 Xu Yali: 220 points

NO.1442 Ye Xuan: 20 points

Ye Xuan is now ranked more than 1,400th, and his points are only 20 points, because in these 20 minutes, he only caught a white quality Psyduck.

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