What the hell? !

Even Ye Xuan never thought that Dr. Qin would say something like this.

Elves become gigantic, what is this, black technology?

There are indeed giant elves in the animation, but the problem is that there is no such technology that specializes in the study of elves becoming gigantic in the animation.

"This technology comes from an elf world that has done a lot of research on elves," Dr. Qin said. "It contains a very special theory that believes that the ancestors of all elves were very huge, and the purpose of this technology is to stimulate this atavistic gene, causing the elves to mutate, so that the size and energy in the body will surge, making the giant elves have terrifying power."

"What about the side effects?"

"You really see it clearly," Dr. Qin said. "Giant will have a very terrible impact on elves, including genetic instability, which will lead to the rapid decline of elves. In addition, there will be confusion and turning into a beast-like existence. In short, gigantism has no benefits, but only harms elves."

"And once a giant elf goes crazy, it will be a disaster for both elves and humans. A disaster."

"Not long ago, a traitor appeared in my laboratory. He stole the information I inherited from the older generation of researchers, including this one." Dr. Qin said: "There are always some people in this world who are controlled by power. They have great ambitions and low character. When people like them get power, I really can't imagine what the result will be."

Ye Xuan: "Do you need me to do anything?"

"Find the traitor, or the giant information, and then..." Dr. Qin gritted his teeth and said: "Destroy it! I would rather such information disappear forever than allow anyone to harm the elves for power in the future!"

Ye Xuan's wave power can feel people's hearts, so when Dr. Qin said this, Ye Xuan was actually more touched than ordinary people.

This is an old man who really likes elves and devotes his entire life to the cause of protecting elves.

"I'll help you with this." Ye Xuan also has power, the power of a divine beast, but where should this power be used? Ye Xuan thinks that it is to protect the world of elves and the world of humans, to protect kind elves and humans, and at the same time, to judge those evil people with bad intentions: "If I find it, I will never let this kind of thing stay in this world."

Knowing Ye Xuan's strength, Dr. Qin excitedly shook Ye Xuan's hand after hearing Ye Xuan's promise: "Thank you, thank you so much, young man."

"If you want to thank me, wait until I succeed?"


"By the way, the two of you know Do you know where the Grand Contest is held?"

"The Grand Contest," Bai Kongtan said, "It's over there at the Pearl Tower. There's a big building, very beautiful. You can see it at a glance when you go there."

"Why, you're going to participate in the Grand Contest?"

Bai Kongtan laughed and said, "Oh, stop it, young man. With your strength, why are you going there? Are you going to bully children?"

Trainers often think highly of themselves, and most of the powerful trainers look down on the coordinators, because there is no champion like Mickley who is a coordinator in this world. Trainers only look at the strength of the elves and don't do those empty things.

So they disdain the Grand Contest, let alone the coordinators.

Even if the strongest coordinator in the world is only at the King level in terms of combat power, not to mention others, Bai Kongtan can compete with her. As for the Grand Contest in the Magic City...

Let's talk about some simple data.

The minimum entry standard for the national competition is the fourth professional level, and the highest professional level is the seventh professional level.

So what about the Grand Celebration?

The lowest is the first professional stage, and the highest is basically no more than the fifth professional stage.

Only in the intercontinental-level grand celebration will there be strong people of the sixth or even seventh professional stage, and only in the world-level grand celebration can you see the quasi-king and king-level.

So, it is really meaningless for Ye Xuan to go there.

Hoopa threw it up, a wave of evil, bang, it was killed in seconds, is this aesthetic or not?

Regardless of whether it is aesthetic or not, it is a fact that I killed the enemy, right?

So this is very embarrassing!

The game ended too quickly, leaving the judges confused, and they didn't know what expression to use to face you.

"I'm not going there to participate, it's my girlfriend," Ye Xuan said: "My girlfriend is a coordinator, and I promised her that I would watch her game today."

"Such an important thing?


"You're talking about it now? !"

The two old men suddenly became enthusiastic, and then pushed Ye Xuan out: "Go quickly!"

"For this kind of thing, you have to wait three hours in advance. We are all worried about you!"


"Okay, okay, then I'll go right away." Ye Xuan looked at the time. There was about an hour before the Magic City Gorgeous Competition would start: "Then the two seniors, I'll take my leave first."

"Go, go."

"It's great to be young. I remember the past..."

"You looked ugly back then."

"Your sister," Dr. Qin: "I was so handsome back then!"

Ignoring the two old guys' quarrels, Ye Xuan released Hu Pa and said, "Hu Pa, I want to go to the vicinity of the Magic City Pearl Tower. Can you help me?"

"Sure, master. "

Hoopa threw out a halo. As a genie who could take out anything, Hoopa could naturally take Ye Xuan to any place he wanted to go, even if Hoopa himself had never been to this place: "Hoopa, laolao, open sesame!"

At this time, a halo appeared out of thin air in the alley near the Pearl Tower, and then Ye Xuan and Hoopa walked out: "Okay, go back and play, Hoopa."

"Hehehe, Hoopa went to play hide-and-seek with Jirachi and Manaphy."

The venue of the gorgeous competition was just as Bai Kongtan said, especially conspicuous, because it was so beautiful and luxurious, just like a work of art. Unless you are blind, who would focus on the venue in the first place.

"Please show me your ticket."


Ye Xuan almost forgot about this, so he picked up his phone and called Emilia: "I have prepared it for you, brother Ye, in the elf bracelet."

"Oh, okay. "

Emilia is Ye Xuan's quasi-secretary, who is specifically responsible for providing him with logistical assistance.

"Yes, please enjoy the gorgeous competition."

The venue of the gorgeous competition is just like the star stage in his previous life. Ye Xuan really wants to complain. Is it necessary to make it so beautiful?

Soon, Ye Xuan found his seat.

The seat reserved by Emilia must be the best, right behind the guest judges.

"Mr. Ye?"

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