The more you fight, the better.

"You'll know about Zapdos in a moment." Ye Xuan continued, "You can set aside a place in your homeland and fight as you please. You can recover immediately after getting hurt. More actual combat will help you fight against enemies of the same attributes."

Articuno is twice as strong as the Electric type and twice as strong as the Fire type, while Zapdos is twice as strong as the Ice type.

They can really get a huge improvement by fighting each other.

After all, if they can withstand each other's super low temperature and strong thunderstorms, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to meet other Ice and Electric Pokémon?

And for Ye Xuan, the arrival of Zapdos does not just mean an orange legendary quality beast.

What's more, Ye Xuan's team finally has an electric-type Pokémon.

Before getting Zapdos, Ye Xuan's most embarrassing encounter was with water-type Pokémon. Water-type Pokémon's damage to the four major types of skills, fire, water, ice, and steel, is halved. Ye Xuan's Pokémon, Entei is a fire-type, Articuno is an ice-type, Gundam is a steel-type, and Kyogre is a water-type. Well, it's embarrassing. All the damage is halved.

This is a real world. Absolute invincibility does not exist, just like the fire-starting property mentioned before.

(Fire-starting property: Fire damage is invalid, and the power of fire-type skills is increased by half)

However, as long as the temperature of the flame is high enough, such as tens of millions of degrees, then you say that you can be immune to the skill with the fire-starting property, which is a bit too much.

Similarly, when ground-type elves encounter electrical damage, they will not have negative attributes such as paralysis, but high-voltage electric shocks are like bombs, so ground-type elves attacked by this kind of attack will also be damaged, or even directly blown up by violent lightning.

Of course, the effect of electric current skills on ground-type elves is much worse, because they can conduct electric current into the ground, and the damage is probably not even one-tenth, so it is equivalent to being negligible.

However, those negligible are related to absolute issues, such as absolute ineffectiveness and absolute no damage, which is impossible.

However, attribute reduction is reasonable.

Because it only reduces half, or one-quarter, and when it reaches a reduction of one-tenth, then in terms of the power of the elves' skills in this world, it is almost the same as 0, no difference.

"Is this the master's new elf?"

The giant claw mantis looked at the glittering golden bird elf and inexplicably admired it: "So handsome."

"Haha, there are people who know what's good here!" Zapdos immediately liked the giant claw mantis: "Unlike some guys, they are like blind."

"Who are you talking about, Fried Chicken?"

"I'm talking about you, Ice Sparrow."


Okay, Ye Xuan didn't want them to reconcile. If the three stupid birds didn't fight when they met, could they still be called stupid birds?


Gender: Female

Level: 1

Rank: None

Quality: Orange Legend

It's no different from what I expected, the quality of Orange Legend. In addition, I don't know why, except for Yan Di, so many mythical beasts are female?

Could it be that the world of elves is actually a matriarchal society, and even gods are goddesses?

"Zipdos, go back to your home first."

When traveling, it is good for elves to stay in their home, after all, they can gain experience all the time.

"Okay, Master."

Zipdos first responded to Ye Xuan gently, and then glared at Articuno: "Do you dare to fight?"

Articuno: "Who is afraid of whom?!"

As the two divine birds burst out with powerful power, two red lights hit them and took them back to the elf ball, that is, the home.

"Can Zapdos beat Articuno?"

Articuno is above level 50.

Ye Xuan also discovered recently that the definition of the level of elves in this world is not clear, and they are generally referred to as grades. As far as Ye Xuan feels, level 50 should be a watershed.

Below level 50, it is not difficult to upgrade. Ye Xuan has only obtained these elves for less than a week. He has successively gained a lot of experience through gym battles, homes and blackened Gyarados, allowing the main force to basically maintain above level 50.

But after level 50, the experience required is extremely huge. This is not only true for Ye Xuan, but also for other trainers in this world.

Moreover, they cannot gain experience points, and can only learn through training like humans.

Only by learning and memorizing can one become stronger.

However, this method also has obvious flaws. In this world without Miss Joy, the hidden injuries left by training and fighting will eventually affect the lifespan of the elves, causing the elves that could have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years to have their vitality completely overdrawn in just fifty or sixty years.

"If I'm not mistaken, level 70 is probably also a watershed."

Levels below 10 are children, levels below 30 are novice trainers, levels 30 to 50 are adult trainers, and levels 50 to 70 are the powerful groups in this world, and the backbone of trainers.

Above level 70, it is equivalent to standing at the top of the entire world, but this group of people is very small. After all, at this level, they are basically the four kings of various places.

"Well, I don't want to think about it anymore. Let's go out and play for a while," Ye Xuan took out the short-sleeved shirt and beach pants he had prepared before the trip, then put on sunglasses and went out: "It's not easy to come to the beach, there's no need to think about those things that spoil the scenery."

"Does the guest need a special tour guide?"

When he arrived downstairs at the hotel, the hotel manager specifically asked Ye Xuan if he needed someone to accompany him, and then showed a smile that everyone understood.

Obviously, this so-called tour guide is probably not an ordinary tour guide.

"Oh, no, I can just walk around by myself."

The tour guide who can be arranged here must be a beauty, there is no doubt about that.

Unfortunately, Ye Xuan doesn't like to mess with strange women.

He has an ambiguous object Mu Lanshan on his left hand.

He also has a sister Ye Xin on his right hand.

Ye Xin is Ye Xuan's sister.

He has a sister when he travels through time at the beginning.

This is a classic routine start!

"Then I wish you a happy time."

Ye Xuan had never swam in the sea before, and this time he wanted to try it out. What is the difference between swimming in the sea and swimming in the river?

Well, in fact...


There is no difference.

It was 9:30 in the morning. The bright sunshine, the blue ocean and the sky stretched to the end of the world, leaving only the faint sea and sky.

There were a lot of people on the beach, and all kinds of bikini beauties were everywhere.

Of course, Ye Xuan didn't look at these, really.

However, Ye Xuan didn't know at this time that when he went out, someone was thinking about how to deal with him in the hotel.

"Mr. Xiao, this is really not possible."

"Why not?!" Xiao Fei: "Just help me open the door, is this difficult?"

"But if something goes wrong, our hotel..."

What does Xiao Fei want to do?

As a Pokémon trainer, Xiao Fei is not Ye Xuan's opponent, not in this life, so he set his sights on Ye Xuan's Pokémon.

However, Xiao Fei did not want to seize Ye Xuan's Pokémon, because it was meaningless. Even if you got the Pokémon, the Pokémon would not listen to you. Don't treat the Pokémon as fools. The Pokémon with high IQs are even smarter than humans.

So, Xiao Fei did not want Ye Xuan's Pokémon. What he really wanted to do was to destroy it!

That's right, destroy it!

He wanted to destroy Ye Xuan's Poké Ball!

In this world, the connection between Pokémon and trainers is the Poké Ball, which is similar to a contract.

If the Pokémon and the trainer have a very high favorability, then it doesn't matter if there is no Pokémon. But if it has just been captured and the mutual understanding is not high enough, if you release it from the Poké Ball, or the Poké Ball is damaged, the Pokémon is in an ownerless state.

Then, the Pokémon is likely to turn against you.

Because they will think that their masters can't even take care of the Poké Ball, and seriously doubt their attitude and ability.

"You really don't want to open it?"

"Mr. Xiao..."

"Do you know who asked you to be the general manager here?" Xiao Fei: "It's my dad. He can let you sit in this position with just one word, or he can change someone else to sit!"

This hotel has a very close connection with Xiao Fei's family, so before, after the two best rooms were booked, Xiao Fei asked someone to clear Ye Xuan's room, but he didn't expect that person to be Ye Xuan, so he backed off.

But after backing off, Xiao Fei became more and more angry, especially when he came out this time, Xiao Luqiang specifically instructed that he must build a good relationship with Qin Xin, and it would be even better if he could pick her up.

But now, it's probably over.

"It's all that bastard!"

Xiao Fei's threat still made the manager back off. He carefully asked someone to get the room card and handed it to Xiao Fei.


"Where is it? Where is it?" Xiao Fei kept searching the room, even asking the cleaner to search with him, but he couldn't find Ye Xuan's Poké Ball: "How is this possible? I saw that guy walk out without taking anything with him, how could he not have it?"


Leaving the Poké Ball somewhere is not something Ye Xuan does alone, but something that many trainers do.

But Ye Xuan...

How could he leave the Poké Ball in such a place?

Ye Xuan carries all his Poké Balls with him. When the Pokémon stays in the home, the Poké Ball can also be placed in the home and can be used at any time when needed, which is very convenient.

Xiao Fei was bound to think too much, but Ye Xuan was completely angry because of his behavior.

"Again and again."

When Xiao Fei entered Ye Xuan's room, he had already sensed it with the waveguide, and all of Xiao Fei's actions fell into Ye Xuan's waveguide vision: "Do you really think I have no temper?!"

Ye Xuan will not joke with this person this time. Anyone who dares to hit his Pokémon with a crooked mind, Ye Xuan will not let it go no matter what.

"Find an opportunity," Ye Xuan: "Kill him."

For the enemy, Ye Xuan will not think of letting anything go. If he wants to do something, he must do it thoroughly. Otherwise, if he makes something, such as kidnapping threats, it will be disgusting.

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