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: 0.049s Scan: 0.033sAfter bidding farewell to Pallet Town, Mo Yuchen and his party began to head to Chengdu.

Now several days have passed.

On the one hand, since the last Whirlpool Islands incident, Mo Yuchen has also been very interested in several places in Chengdu.

On the other hand, Xiao Mao will also embark on a new journey in the Silver Competition.

It is worth mentioning that since Xiao Mao was taught a lesson by Mo Yuchen a few days ago, he has been obedient and his bad personality has been completely restrained.

And since leaving Pallet Town, he has practiced according to the courses arranged by Mo Yuchen every day.

Even though he has been bruised and miserable every day in the past few days, he has never complained again.

It's just because Mo Yuchen opened a brand new door for him.

He used to think that the training of elves is nothing more than making his elves stronger and then raising his own level.

But now, he understands that if he wants to stand at the top, his own training is even more important.

So in the past few days, he has not been careless about the training.

Seeing this, Mo Yuchen did not hesitate to prepare some physical enhancement dishes to improve his physical strength.

Unknowingly, a few days passed.

Mo Yuchen and the other three had arrived at the"Ruoye Town" in the Chengdu area.

Like the Pallet Town, this place is also the starting point for new trainers.

And the famous Dr. Kongmu in the Chengdu area lives here.

""By the way, Dr. Kongmu is your grandfather's student. You should go visit him and see if you can get a new elf."

Mo Yuchen suddenly said to Xiaomao when the three of them arrived at Ruoye Town.

Xiaomao nodded and replied,"Before I came, my grandfather did tell me about Dr. Kongmu." What Xiaomao didn't expect was that Mo Yuchen suddenly said,"Well, we will separate here. In the next few days, you must exercise according to the training courses I give you every day." Xiaomao hurriedly asked,"Hey, teacher, won't you act with me?"

Mo Yuchen shook his head, and then said lightly,"We don't have to act together. If you follow me, you will only rely on me more and more in the future, which will not be of any benefit to your practice." Xiaomao was silent for a moment. He used to not rely on anyone, but after being with Mo Yuchen for a long time, he seemed to begin to feel dependent.

As Mo Yuchen said, this is by no means a good thing. In the long run, it will only make him lose the consciousness of independent action.

"Yes, teacher, I will act alone next. After I visit Professor Souki, I will challenge the Chengdu Gym and then participate in the Silver Tournament. I will never lose face for you. Thank you for your training these days."After understanding Mo Yuchen's intention, Xiao Mao immediately bowed and thanked Mo Yuchen.

Mo Yuchen nodded and replied,"Well, go ahead. See you in the Silver Tournament."

In Mo Yuchen's heart, Xiao Mao's talent is not bad, but his arrogance in the past and his misunderstanding of Pokémon led him to go in the wrong direction.

If he is guided a little, his future is destined to be extraordinary. He will even go further than Xiaozhi.

Of course, this is without the future of Pikachu...

Because Mo Yuchen knew how terrifying Pikachu was after seeing the specialness of Pikachu in the Evergreen Forest last time...

And after Xiao Mao said goodbye to Mo Yuchen, he quickly disappeared in front of the two.

However, Mo Yuchen did not leave immediately, but turned around and asked Nancy with concern:"What's the matter? I see that you look very worried these two days. Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, Yuchen, I'm not feeling uncomfortable anywhere."

Nazi smiled and said,"Actually, what you just said to Xiaomao also applies to me. Before coming to Chengdu, I was considering whether to go to a place alone to practice."

Nazi's sudden words made Mo Yuchen raise his eyebrows slightly, and then he said,"What are your plans?"

Mo Yuchen is a relatively open-minded person. If Nancy has any ideas, he will definitely support them.

Just like Kona wanted to take back the position of the patriarch himself before, he will never impose constraints on his woman's thoughts.

The only thing that surprised him was that Nancy, who was usually simple, would have her own ideas.

Of course, this is definitely a good thing, after all, everyone will grow up.

Nancy is not young to begin with, but she was influenced by his lollipops in the past, so her mind has become simpler.

But no matter how she changes, she always puts Mo Yuchen first.

The reason why she wants to strengthen herself is to be able to help him in the future.

Instead of facing Kikuko and Team Rocket, she can only watch from afar.

So when Mo Yuchen asked about the purpose, Nancy told him frankly

"There is a 'Battle Castle' in Chengdu. I have heard that there is a girl there who has super powers like me, and she is very powerful, so I want to go there and try to train my elves and super powers."

"Super Girl?"

Mo Yuchen was silent for a moment, then asked,"Is her name Cattleya?"

Now it was Nazi's turn to ask in surprise,"Hey, Yuchen, you know her too?"

Mo Yuchen shook his head and explained,"No, I don't know her, I just know there is such a person."

"I heard that her superpowers are very strong, and she is managing the battle castle, so it's just right for me to go there to practice."

After a moment of staring at each other, Mo Yuchen saw the determination in Nancy's eyes, and immediately took out a Poké Ball and called out


This elf is the lightning bird

"Zapdos, from today on, you are responsible for protecting Nancy and obeying her orders."

As Mo Yuchen gave the order, Zapdos immediately let out a long cry to indicate that

"Thank you, Yuchen. After I finish my training, I will be a good wife who can share your burden."

After that, Nazi threw herself into Mo Yuchen's arms.

And Mo Yuchen also hugged her, with a look of relief on his face.

Although he also had ways to make Nazi stronger, he couldn't be as strict as he was with Xiaomao.

So... Cattleya was indeed a good place for Nazi to practice.

After a while,

"Be careful, take this, if there is any danger or something you can't solve, just turn on the button."

Mo Yuchen said goodbye to Nancy and took out a teleporter from Rotom that was exactly the same as the one he gave to Yu Kena.

"Hehe, don't worry, Yuchen. If anything happens, I will find you first. I won't be reluctant to use you like Kona."

Just like that... the three people who set out from Pallet Town each started a new path.

Xiaomao's goal is to enter the Silver Competition and become a Pokémon Master.

Nancy's goal is to become stronger so that she can face everything side by side with Mo Yuchen in the future.

And Mo Yuchen's goal is to……

"What should I do... I seem to be the only one who is idle."

Mo Yuchen looked embarrassed, and then racked his brains, and finally decided on the next place to go.

Alufu Ruins. (PS: Annon Ruins)

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