Pokémon: Warrior Eagle (Cuihai)

Attributes: Psychic/Flying

Features: Tinted Glasses

Qualifications: Gym

Level: Mid-Gym

The size of the Warrior Eagle is larger than the Warrior Eagles found so far, and it is a brave big bird. Its feathers are gray-black, and the ends of its wings and tail feathers are white. The three crest feathers on its forehead are flame-shaped, with the middle one composed of purple and light pink, and the two sides composed of light pink, purple, and light blue, which are shaped like eyes.

The Warrior Eagles of the Washi area will fly from the north in winter. Most of them do not fly in groups, but prefer to act alone. When it catches prey, it will emit a terrifying war cry. The superposition of spiritual power on the terrifying war cry will produce a strong shock wave to weaken the prey. After that, it will tear the prey that floats to the surface with its sharp claws. In addition, spiritual power can also make the Warrior Eagles in the Washi area more sensitive to the sixth sense, enter a trance state, and improve their physical fitness.

Looking at this Pokémon from the Xicui region, Dai Yue decided to capture it.

"Metagroid intercept him!"


Metagroid flew up into the air. The originally flying Xicui Warrior Eagle was stunned when he saw the sudden appearance of Metagroid. Then he felt a huge pain on his back. Metagroid slapped the Xicui Warrior Eagle to the snow with one claw.

Dai Yue threw the ball and captured Xicui Warrior Eagle.Small World: Warrior Eagle (Xicui) × 1

After capturing Xicui Warrior Eagle, Dai Yue rode on Metagroid and continued to search for Sirona in the snowfield.


Dai Yue's voice rang out in the empty snowfield, but the only response to him was the whistling wind and cold snow.

One person and one Pokémon were searching in the snowfield, and then an eagle's cry rang out.

Pokémon: Warrior Eagle (Cui) (Leader)

Attributes: Psychic/Flying

Features: Tinted Glasses

Qualifications: Half-step Master

Level: Half-step Master Mid-term

A huge Warrior Eagle appeared in the sky, its wings covering the sky and blocking the sun above.

"What a huge Warrior Eagle!"

While Dayue was exclaiming, the huge Warrior Eagle flew towards him. When the Warrior Eagle approached, Dayue could see clearly that the Warrior Eagle was holding a paraglider in its claws, and under the paraglider was a little girl wearing a thick coat, cotton hat, cotton gloves, green braids, and a rosy face.

"Who are you? Why are you here alone?"

After the Warrior Eagle flew low, the little girl jumped down and rolled into the snow.

"Hello, I'm Dayue. I got separated from my friend and I'm looking for her."

Dayue told the little girl truthfully.

"You lost your friends? That's pitiful. Let Wasabi help you!" Wasabi patted his chest and said.

"You are Wasabi from the Kongo Team!"

After hearing what Wasabi said, Otsu was stunned and then said subconsciously.

"You know Wasabi!"

Wabi proudly puffed out his chest.Kongo Team: This group believes in the existence called "Sinnoh Great Lord" that spreads in the Xicui region. They wear clothes that seem to be designed based on the appearance of Pokémon, and worship the special Pokémon called kings or queens.

The leader is Gangshi, and the managers Ami, Huoxia, Aman, Muchun and Wasabi are also members of Kongo Team.

People in the group often say "It is most important to coexist with everyone at this time."

Wasabi belongs to the Kongo Team and has clairvoyance. She is responsible for taking care of the special Warrior Eagle.

She is the youngest among all the managers, and she lets the Warrior Eagle in the form of Xicui fly around in the air. Sometimes she speaks as if she can see the future, and has an incredible temperament. Her personality was described as unpredictable by Gangshi. She likes to play hide-and-seek in the Snow Peak Temple, so the temple guards will let her in.

The field manager is responsible for protecting the special king in the Washi area.

The field manager will help the special Pokémon maintain their territory to prevent them from being disturbed. Sometimes they will also offer water and food to them, shouldering the responsibility of protecting them.

"Is this the pure white frozen soil!"

Hearing Dai Yue's question, Wasabi nodded and pointed to the distance.

"The front is the Cutting Edge Temple! By the way, where are you from?"

Wasabi asked Dai Yue where he came from.

"This is a bit complicated. You may notbelieve it. I came from one or two thousand years later. My companions and I were preparing to have lunch in the forest. Unexpectedly, we were dragged into the dimensional space by the battle between Dialga and Palkia passing by. Then we were dragged into another space vortex from the dimensional space and fainted. When I woke up, I appeared here."

Listening to Dai Yue's explanation, WasabiAoi then suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you were brought here by the Master of Time and the Master of Space, just like Bei Shang!"


Dai Viet looked at Wasabi in confusion.

"Beishang traveled to the Xicui area for unknown reasons. He lost almost all his memories except his name. Now he belongs to the Pearl Team, and he takes care of Da Xuan La at the foot of Tianguan Mountain."

Team Pearl: This group believes in an existence known as the "Sinnoh Lord" that is spread in the Seicui region. They wear clothes that seem to be designed based on the appearance of Pokémon, and revere a special being called the king or queen. of Pokémon.

The leader is Zhubei, and the field leader Juyi, Xipu, Guana, Beishang and Binlian are also members of the Pearl team.

People in the group often say, "The most important thing is to coexist with everyone here."

One of Team Pearl and Team Kong believes in Palkia, and the other believes in Dialga.

Wasabi took Dai Yue towards the Chefeng Temple, and expressed his willingness to help him find a partner. Dai Yue looked at the white land and could only happily agree, and followed Wasabi towards the Xuefeng Temple.

Wasabi held the handrail of the hang glider tightly, and the huge green warrior eagle directly raised its talons to grab the hang glider, flapped its huge wings and took off.

Dai Viet also skillfully jumped on Metagross' head, and Metagross used electromagnetic floating to fly up.

At this time, Sirona in another plain shivered directly.

"Where is this?"

Sirona opened her eyes tremblingly, and what she saw was a beautiful girl with a pair of big blue eyes, short golden ear-length hair, and a red headband. Under the snowflakes, he was wearing short-sleeved shorts, a ring decoration on his hands, feet and neck, and two tails around his waist. The color of his clothes was mainly red. Next to her was an Ice Eevee.

Pokémon: Ice Eevee

Properties: ice

Features: Snow Hidden

Qualification: Half-step master

Level: Half-step master early stage

Ice Eevee looks a bit like a fox, and its skin is light blue. Its skin is covered in sharp burrs, but they're hard to tell. It looks like it's wearing a double-layered braided hat. There are some diamond-shaped dark blue spots on Ice Eevee's inner ears, back and tail, which contrast sharply with the light blue of its body. There are blue hairs on its forehead that extend to the front like a braid, and there are dark blue diamond-shaped spots at the end. Ice Eevee also has dark blue areas on its limbs that look like it's wearing boots.

"You're awake!"

Seeing Sironawake up, the girl was very excited.

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