On the second day, the two came to the EMI gym in EMI City for the gym challenge.

And the cloud of attachment, which was born yesterday, kept sticking to Dai Yue, and was unwilling to leave Dai Yue even one meter away, nor was she willing to enter the Poké Ball, so Dai Yue had to bring her with him.

"Hello, we are here to challenge the EMI gym."

Dai Yue explained the purpose of the visit to the front desk, and soon the gym trainer of the EMI gym came out.

"Hello, I am the gym owner of the EMI gym, Mei Cuizi. If you defeat me, you can get the forest badge!"

A woman with brown hair and wearing a green adventure outfit came over.

"Hello, I am Dai Yue, and she is Shirona. Can we fight?"

Dai Yue introduced. Mei Cuizi nodded and took the two to the battle site. This time, Dai Yue challenged the gym first.

"Now the EMI Gym Tournament begins. Both sides can use three Pokémon. When all three Pokémon of one side lose their ability to fight, the match ends. In addition, only the challenger has the right to change Pokémon."

"It's time to go, Vine Monster!"

Pokemon: Vine Monster

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Leaf Defense

Qualification: Gym

Level: Mid-Adept

Vine Monster's entire body is covered with blue vines. So far, no one has seen its face hidden under the vines. Only its eyes can be seen. The blue vines covering its entire body are covered with finer hairs. It has a pair of red feet that look like it's wearing boots, but its arms cannot be seen.

Vine Monster's entire bodyis covered with seaweed-like vines, and it will wobble when it walks. The vines covering its entire body are constantly moving slightly, disturbing the opponent's mind. It can wrap its vines around moving objects, and because the vines sway subtly, it will feel itchy when it is wrapped around. The vines that cover the whole body without any gaps move constantly during the battle, making people feel anxious. After being caught by the enemy, the vines will break off at once, and even if they are broken, they can grow infinitely. Because it doesn't hurt at all, it will take advantage of that gap to escape, and new vines will grow the next day. Its vines have a unique fragrance, which is cool to the mouth, and are used as vanilla in some areas of Galar.

"Is it a vine monster? In that case, the Shield Blade Monster comes out to fight!"

Dayue sent out his own Flashing Shield Blade Monster.

"The challenger will attack first!"

"In that case, the Shield Blade Monster uses sword dance!"

The Shield Blade Monster transforms into a sword form, and several sword light shadows surround the Shield Blade Monster, and the momentum of the Shield Blade Monster is strengthened a bit.

"The vine monster uses paralysis powder!"

The vine monster releases yellow powder and goes towards the Shield Blade Monster.

"Aegisblade uses King's Shield!"

Aegisblade directly transforms into shield form, and a barrier blocks the paralysis powder blowing over.

"Aegisblade uses continuous slash!"

Aegisblade changes into sword form again, swings the sword towards the vine monster, and countless green blade phantoms pass by, and the vine monster is directly slashed continuously.

"The vine monster uses the grass field, sunny day!"

Before losing the ability to fight, the vine monster transforms the field into a field that is beneficial to grass-type Pokémon.

"The vine monster loses its ability to fight, please ask the owner of the Mizuko gym to change the Pokémon!"

"Go, Sakura!"

Pokémon: Sakura

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Flower Gift

Qualification: Gym

Level: Elite Early Stage

Sakura has two different forms depending on the weather. The cloudy form of Sakura's body is wrapped in two crossed purple petals, with a green calyx on its head and two dark pink feet. In the sunny form, Sakura wears a short skirt made of pink cherry blossom petals, with a yellow head and five petals of hair like petals, and two berry-like balls dotted on its hair. Its two feet are yellow.

When Sakura is in the bud form, it is calm and almost motionless, just quietly waiting for the sunlight to appear. The fragrance leaking from the tightly closed petals will attract many Pokémon to gather. The covered petals are very hard. Even if it is pecked by a bird Pokémon, it is completely fine. If it feels strong sunlight, it will open its closed petals and bathe its whole body in the sunlight, venting the anger it endured in the bud form. After it blooms, it will always smile, and its energetic appearanceafter fully bathing in the sunlight will continue until sunset. But as long as the sun is blocked, it will immediately close its petals and stop moving. If the sky is cloudy, it will turn back into a bud. The slight fragrance from the blooming petals will attract insect Pokémon to gather.

As soon as Sakura appeared, she transformed from a bud to a blooming form, and her strength was also comprehensively improved.

"Sakura uses the Grass Slide!"Because of the green grass field, Sakura slid quickly on the green grass and hit the Shield Blade Monster.

"Shield Blade Monster counterattacks, use the Holy Sword!"

Although it was hit, the Shield Blade Monster was hardly injured. Immediately, the fighting energy gathered on the blade and slashed at Sakura.

"Sakura, quickly avoid it, and then use the weather ball!"

Sakura quickly avoided the attack of the Shield Blade Monster, and then a fireball was condensed by Sakura and hit the Shield Blade Monster.

"Shield Blade Monster uses the King's Shield!"

The Shield Blade Monster transformed into a shield form again to block the attack.

"Shield Blade Monster uses the Wild Dance and Swing!"

"Avoid it again, Sakura!"

However, the Shield Blade Monster transformed into a sword form, and then threw out his shield to block Sakura's retreat, and then swung the sword and slashed Sakura, and Sakura fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

"Sakura has lost her ability to fight, please ask the gym owner to replace the Pokémon!"

"In that case, the last one is the cotton ball!"

Pokémon: Cotton Ball

Attribute: Grass/Flying

Feature: Leaf Defense

Qualification: Quasi-King

Level: Elite Peak

The body of the cotton ball is blue, and the whole body is a ball, with three cotton balls almost as big as the body extending from it. There are three cotton balls on each arm, and a larger one on its head, with leaves growing under the cotton balls on its head. Cotton Ball has oval feet and a small tail, and its eyes are red.

Cotton Ball is a Pokémon that will fly across the sea on the warm south wind and fly to foreign countries. No matter what wind blows, it can manipulate the fluff at will and go to the place it likes in the world. When the cotton spores of the cotton ball fall off, it is the end of its journey and life. It will travel around the world with the monsoon, and will fall to the ground when it encounters cold air. While riding the monsoon, it cleverly manipulates cotton spores to spread throughout the world in order to increase its offspring. Be careful of its cotton spores. If you accidentally inhale them, you will suffer from itching and coughing.

"Shuttlecock Cotton uses Sleep Powder!"

Shuttlecock Cotton releases green powder towards the Shield Blade Monster...

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