Next up are Mikoli and Daigoshi.

"It's a 3v3 battle now, Mikoli from Liuli City and Daigoshi from Kanaz City! When all the Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the duel is over!"

"Please, Gyarados!"

Mikoli released Gyarados first.

"Turtle, come out and fight!"

Daigoshi sent out Turtle to fight it.

"Gorgeous and elegant water drop, show us our bond, the power of the keystone turns into light, Gyarados mega evolves!"

Mega Gyarados vs Turtle

"Mega Gyarados uses Storm!"

Mega Gyarados releases a powerful storm and sweeps towards Turtle.

"Turtle uses Leaf Storm!"

Turtle condenses the grass-type energy to generate a storm to meet Mega Gyarados's storm. Two powerful cyclones collided in the air. The aftermath caused the two people's clothes to rustle.

"Turtitsu uses Crazy Plant!"

Several thorns rose from the ground, surrounding and whipping Mega Gyarados.

"Mega Gyarados uses Ice Fang!"

Mega Gyarados exhaled cold air from its mouth and bit the nearest thorn. The cold air passed through the thorns, and several thorns turned into ice sculptures. Mega Gyarados broke through the restraints and rushed towards Turtitsu, biting Turtitsu with a fierce blow of Ice Fang. Frost covered half of Turtitsu's body.

"Turtitsu uses Ultimate Absorption!"

A green energy emerged from Turtitsu and entangled Mega Gyarados. Mega Gyarados's physical strength was rapidly lost, and it soon exited mega evolution and lost its combat ability.

"Gyarados has lost its ability to fight. Please ask player Mikoli to change Pokémon."

"Go Swampert!"

Pokémon: Swampert

Attribute: Water/Ground

Feature: Rip Current

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Gym

Swampert can use its fins to sense the sound of waves and subtle changes in the sea breeze, and then predict storms. It likes to build nests on beautiful beaches. When it predicts a storm or tsunami, it will pile up rocks to protect its nests on the seashore. It has good eyesight and can see clearly in turbid water. Its swimming speed is comparable to that of a jet surfer. It has the power to tow large ships and can easily drag more than 1 ton of rocks. Its two arms are as hard as rocks. It can knock down opponents with just a swing of its thick arms and smash huge rocks into pieces. They throw mud on themselves on land to keep their skin moist.

Mikoli sent out his Swampert.

"Swampert uses Ice Punch!"

Swampert gathered ice energy on his fist and headed towards Tortoise.

"Turtle uses Guard, then uses Ultimate Drain!"

A green energy shield blocked Swampert's attack, and then another green energy connected Turtle and Swampert, and Swampert's physical strength was rapidly draining.

"Swampert uses Reckless Attack!"

Swampert rushed directly to Turtle, and with a violent collision, both Pokémon fell to the ground and lost their combat ability.

"Turtle and Swampert both lost the battle, please change Pokémon on both sides."

"Mikoli, you have grown up, very accurate judgment."

Da Yue gave Mikoli a thumbs up."Thank you, brother Dai Yue, I'm going to use Minas!"

Mikoli sent out the last Minas.

Pokémon: Minas

Attribute: Water

Feature: Charming Body

Qualification: Master

Level: Late Quasi-King

"In that case, you go too, Minas!"

Da Yue sent out his own Shiny Minas.

"Mienshao uses Freeze Beam."

"We also use Freeze Beam."

Then both Mienshao used the same skill to fight, and finally fell to the ground at the same time and lost the battle.

"The Mienshao on both sides have lost their ability to fight, because all of Mikoli's Pokémon have lost their ability to fight, so the winner is Daigo."

The two shook hands and smiled at each other.

"Now we are going to the finals of the 3VS3 battle. The two sides are Daigo from Kanaz City and Daigo from Kanaz City! When all the Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the duel is over!"

"Brother, I will definitely win, go, Commander Slash."

Daigo sent out his Commander Slash.

"Metallica GO!"

Daigo sent out his trump card Metagross.

"Metallica uses Cannon Beam!"

The powerful steel energy shot out and directly hit Commander Slash, who fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

"Slash Commander has lost his ability to fight. Please ask Daigo to change Pokémon."

"Go, Armorbird!"

Daigo clenched his fist and sent out his own FlashLight Armourbird.

Pokémon: Armourbird (Shiny)

Attribute: Steel/Flying

Feature: Crushing Armor

Qualification: Master

Level: Early Gym

Armorbird builds its nest in thorn bushes, and the wings of its chicks that grow up with the wounds become extremely hard. Its feathers are hollow, and although it looks heavy, it can fly at a maximum speed of 300 kilometers per hour. It can soar freely and lightly in the sky, and cut its opponents with its sharp wings. Steeljaw will fight it fiercely for territory, and Owl can also compete with the huge Armourbird. Its iron body is very strong, but it rusts easily, so it stays in its nest on rainy days. The steel feathers that become tattered due to constant fighting will grow again every year and become as sharp as before. The fallen feathers are light and sharp, so it seems that they were used as knives by warriors in the past. The kitchen knife made from its fallen wings is sharp enough to make top chefs nod their heads in approval. Feathers can also be used to make swords, so they are also popular as emblems.

"Metagro uses telekinesis!"

The powerful telekinetic wave directly knocked down Shining Armoured Bird.

"Shining Armoured Bird has lost its ability to fight. Please ask Daigo to change Pokémon."

"Go, my partner Metagross!"

Daigo also sent out his own Metagross.

"The light of the keystone will become a bond. Metagross will mega evolve!"

Metagross directly mega evolved.

Pokémon: Mega Metagross (Shiny)

Attributes: Steel/Psychic

Features: Hard Claws

Qualification: Master

Level: Top King

Because of Mega Evolution, Mega Metagross's brain is stimulated, and it becomes a cold character who will do anything to win. Its brain has become better, and the result is that the battle has become cruel and miserable. If it judges that it cannot win, it will grab the opponent with its claws and start the countdown to the big explosion.

"Metagro uses Psychic Power!"

Metagro's powerful superpowers directly enveloped Mega Metagross, which instantly fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

"Daigo's Metagross lost its ability to fight. Since all of Daigo's Pokémon lost their ability to fight, the final champion is Daigo."

Daigo walked to Daigo in despair.

"Brother, why?"

"Don't you like this style?"

Daigo said meaningfully.


Daigo wanted to explain, but Daigo spoke again.

"Do you still remember the meaning of Pokémon battles? Go back and think about it!"

After saying that, Daigo turned and left...

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