After Daigoshi left the field, Shirona boarded the battle field.

"Now the Nohara Gym Tournament begins. Both sides can use three Pokémon. When all three Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, the game ends. In addition, only the challenger has the right to change Pokémon."

"Fly in the sky, Garchomp!"

Shirona still transformed into a female warrior, and took Garchomp to defeat three.

"Great, I got the Wetland Badge!"

Shirona happily ran to Daigoshi's side.

"Congratulations, sister Shirona!"

Shinji said sincerely.

"You can sharpen your other Pokémon."

Daigoshi gave advice.

"By the way, there seems to be a hunting zone nearby, called the Great Wetland."

Daigoshi spoke again.

"Let's go to the hunting zone too!"

Shirona waved her fist and said.

"Let's go, Shinji!"

Soon, Shirona took Shinji's hand and walked towards the wetland. Daikoshi shook his head and had to follow.

Arriving at the entrance of the wetland, Daikoshi paid the entrance fee, and Shirona and Shinji rushed into the wetland with the hunting ball.

What came into view were countless Pokémon living on the edge of the wetland swamp.

A small blue head appeared on the water surface. Shinji walked up and poked the small head curiously. A Pokémon floated to the surface and gave Shinji a water gun.

Pokémon: Wooper

Attribute: Water/Ground

Feature: Moisture

Qualification: Elite

Level: Mid-level Novice

Wooper's skin is blue, with lavender horns on both sides of its head. There are three dark blue stripes on its belly and a thin and powerful tail. Female Wooper's tentacles are shorter and each has only one thorn.

Wubo lives in cold water and buries half of its body in the mud at the bottom of the water when it sleeps. When the weather gets cold in the evening, Wubo will come out of the water and walk along the waterside to look for food. When the weather gets cold nearby, it will also come to the ground to look for food. In order to prevent its skin from drying out when walking on the ground, it will cover the surface of its body with a transparent, sticky, toxic mucous membrane. If you touch it with your bare hands, you will be paralyzed.

Shinji's hair is all wet.

"Wipe it with a towel!"

Okoshi handed Shinji a towel, and Shinji took it and began to wipe the water stains on his body.

At this time, Shirona came to the edge of a mud puddle and looked curiously at a pair of small eyes below.

"Okoshi, come and see there is a pair of eyes here!"

After Shirona shouted like this, the eyes below directly lifted up, and soon a mud loach appeared in front of Shirona.

Pokémon: Muddy Loach

Attribute: Water/Ground

Feature: Danger Prediction

Qualification: Elite

Level: Proficient Initial

The body of the Muddy Loach is light gray with serrated black patterns on both sides. It has small eyes and a light blue mouth with two long thin whiskers. Its fins are all round and light blue, with black spots on the pectoral and dorsal fins, but no tail fin.

Muddy Loach lives in turbid swamps, hiding in the turbid water to avoid the sight of its natural enemies. Its whiskers are full of nerves, which are sensitive radars that can sense smells and tastes like a human nose and tongue. It uses its two long whiskers to explore the turbid lake bottom, and can detect the location of its prey even in muddy and turbid water. It only sticks out two whiskers from the mud, waiting for its prey to approach it. Its body is covered with a slimy membrane, so even if it is pecked by a bird Pokémon, it can slip out of it. There is even a festival for competing in the amount of Pokémon caught with bare hands. The slimy membrane covering the whole body can also prevent microorganisms in mud and water from entering the body. When the mucus dries, the body will become weak. In a certain area, it is said that the loach is made of condensed mud.

Without waiting for Shirona to react, the loach flicked its tail, splashing mud all over Shirona, and then walked away.

Looking at the two "naughty children", Da Yue was very helpless.

The three of them wandered around the wetland for a long time and encountered various Pokémon, but none of them were the Pokémon they liked.

"It seems that there is no suitable Pokémon. It seems that we should leave!"

Da Yue said.


At this time, Shirona stopped Da Yue.

"What's wrong?"

Da Yue asked curiously.

"I want to take that little guy away!"

Looking in the direction of Sirona's finger, I saw a sea hare lying on a rock in a daze. Its companions were playing not far away, but it had no intention of joining.

Pokémon: Sea Hare (West Sea)

Attribute: Water

Feature: Power of Sand

Qualification: Master

Level: Late Novice

There are two different forms of sea hare: West Sea and East Sea. West Sea Head andThe trunk is pink.

The shellless sea hare lives near the water, and the rocky shore is its main home. It used to have a shell on its back, and it belongs to a similar species to Pokémon such as the giant clam. Its color and appearance will vary depending on its habitat, but there will not be a big difference in its abilities. Most of the shellless sea hares in the West Sea live on rocky shores with warmer water temperatures. The shellless sea hares in the East Sea are often found on rocky shores with lower water temperatures. A recent paper pointed out that compared with the past, the shellless sea hares in the East Sea are gradually decreasing, while the shellless sea hares in the West Sea seem to have more groups. It usually lives in the sea, but if it is only for a certain period of time, it can also move on land as long as its skin is not dry. It eats plankton in the sea, and the more shellless sea hares live in the colorful sea, the brighter their body color. Although some people believe that its appearance changes according to the food it eats, it has not been confirmed so far. If you press hard on its soft body, a mysterious sticky purple liquid will ooze out, and it will stick to your hands if you touch it. Although the liquid is harmless, it is not easy to wash off even if you wash it repeatedly. It will also secrete this purple juice to intimidate the enemy when it feels danger. People think it is something similar to sweat. It is unexpectedly friendly and will approach you actively, but be careful not to get covered with its mucus. Scientists who focus on the powerful regenerative ability of the shellless sea hare are analyzing the composition of its cells.

Seeing the data of the shellless sea hare, Da Yue was stunned, because he did not notice the shellless sea hare.

In the original book, Shirona had a sea hare beast, and it seemed that it was obtained here. Da Yue smiled and understood.

Shirona came to the shellless sea hare and blocked the sunlight shining on it.

"Little guy, are you willing to come with me?"

Shirona looked at the shellless sea hare and said.

Perhaps it was a mysterious induction, or perhaps it felt Shirona's determination, the shellless sea hare nodded to Shirona.

Shirona took out the hunting ball and subdued the shellless sea hare.

"I got the shellless sea hare!"

Shirona said excitedly.

After catching it, the three of them left the Great Wetland...

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