Da Yue and his group came to Chenghua City again.

Amy came here with her mouth open all the way.

What shiny Metagross, what shiny Pokémon from the Padia region, what champion-level Pokémon...

She was numb.

The two rested in Chenghua City for a day, replenished their supplies, and continued to head towards Zijin City.

That day they came to a small lake.

"We are back here again!"

"Where is this?"

Amy asked curiously.

"Come out!"

Da Yue threw two Poké Balls without answering, and two Milotic appeared in the small lake.

Sensing the familiar environment, the two Milotic played happily.

"This is where I met Milotic, and it is also the hometown of this egg."

Da Yue explained.

As if it had sensed something, the egg of the Uglius shook.

"It seems that this little guy also felt it, Amy, let's stay here for a while, the Uglius is about to hatch."

Amy nodded.

The two Milotic also sensed the situation of the Chou Chou eggs and swam over. The female Milotic rubbed the eggs with her head. The male Shiny Milotic stood guard.

"It's really warm! Chou Chou will grow up quickly."

Amy gently stroked the eggs.

Under the water, no one noticed that several shadows were slowly approaching.

Amy put the eggs on the mat, and the two Milotic stood by her.

Amy began to prepare lunch. Since Amy joined the team, Dai Yue no longer had to cook for herself, and the food was greatly improved. She didn't have to eat sandwiches bitterly.

During this period, Dai Yue also started to train Chickadee, and other Pokémon trained independently in the small world.

At this time, three Pokémon jumped out from under the water. They had three blue horns pointing upwards on their heads and a deck in the shape of the Chinese character "宏" on their backs.

The moment they came out, they emitted a destructive death ray directly at the two Milotic, and the two Milotic were hit by surprise.

At this time, Amy also reacted, put down the spoon and rushed to the lake.

And Dai Yue, who was still training in the distance, also heard the noise and ran over with the Fire Chick.

"Gyarados, what are you doing!"

Amy exclaimed directly, and saw one of the Gyarados suddenly pounced forward, bit the Pokémon egg, and turned directly to the lake. Seeing this, Amy pounced directly, grabbed the dorsal fin of the Gyarados, and the Gyarados dived directly into the lake.

Other Gyarados followed closely, and Shiny Milotic also followed. The other one was seriously injured and had no strength to chase.


Seeing Dai Yue coming, Milotic shouted directly.

She pointed at the lake with her tail, her face full of anxiety.

"Swampert GO!"

Colorful light flashed, and Mega Swampert joined.

"Mega Swampert chase after it."

Mega Swampert rushed directly into the lake.

Dai Yue released Metagross again and took out medicine to treat Milotic.

At this time, Amy was still holding Gyarados tightly. Just when Gyarados was about to pass through a narrow cave, Mega Swampert arrived and sealed thecave entrance with a freezing punch.

Shiny Milotic also arrived and fired water cannons. At this time, his anger value was full.

Mega Swampert punched Gyarados in the mouth and the egg was spit out. Mega Swampert quickly grabbed the egg, rushed to Amy, picked her up, and left quickly.

At the moment when Mega Swampert left, the violent water energy hit Gyarados' back directly.


In a rage, Milotic didn't care about Amy and attacked crazily. If it weren't for Mega Swampert's quick reaction, Amy would have almost died.

At this time, Amy surfaced under the protection of Mega Swampert.

"Hoohoo~ I almost thought I was going to die!"

Thinking of the scene just now, Amy was still in shock.


"Thank you, Mega Swampert."

At this time, Dai Yue also arrived riding on Metagross.

"You are going to die!"

Dai Yue looked at Amy with a serious face.

Amy stuck out her tongue.

Dai Yue helplessly pulled Amy onto Metagross.

"Boom boom..."

A huge column of water shot out directly from under the water.

Splashing huge waves, Metagross released telekinesis to block the waves.

Shiny Milotic and three Gyarados also came out of the water.

The destructive death rays also followed one after another, and the four Pokémon started to attack indiscriminately.

"Metagross beat them down!"


The powerful mental telekinesis locked the four Pokémon, and directly killed the four Pokémon who were still furious!

Level suppression, it's that simple.

Then they came to the shore, and Mienshao was happy to see the egg coming back.went up to greet it.

Just then, the clownfish egg emitted a dazzling light!

After the white light, the clownfish appeared in front of everyone. Her fins were blue, her body was mainly khaki and blue, her body was a little pitted, and her eyes showed a dull expression.

Pokémon: clownfish

Attribute: Water

Features: Swimming freely

Qualification: Half-step Master

Level: Initial Novice


Mienshao came up and rubbed the clownfish.


As if it was a blood connection, the clownfish was particularly happy.

"Chouchou, you are finally hatched, I am Amy!"

Amy also hugged the clownfish and rubbed it.

The clownfish seemed to know that Amy was its trainer, and rubbed Amy happily.


"Welcome, clownfish, I am Daiyue."


"Roar Swamp!"

Daiyue and the others also came to say hello.

Amy put the Smelty into the Poké Ball and put her into the water.

At this time, Shiny Mienshao and the three Gyarados also woke up. Shiny Mienshao saw Smelty and came over, surrounded Smelty intimately, and looked at the three Gyarados with a vigilant face.

The three Gyarados who had just woken up saw Mienshao and roared angrily.


Megalodon's voice rang out, which made the two parties who were just on the verge of a fight shudder instantly and lowered their heads.

"Why did you attack Mienshao?"

Da Yue looked at the three Gyarados.


After Metagross's translation, Da Yue also understood what they meant.

It turned out that these three guys were often bullied by Mienshao when they were still Magikarp, and they could only hide in the corner and tremble. When they completed their evolution and came to seek revenge on Mienshao, Mienshao was no longer here. Today, they saw Mienshao coming back and came to seek revenge.

Hearing this answer, everyone was in tears.

Pokémon: Gyarados

Attribute: Water/Flying

Features: Intimidation

Qualification: Champion

Level: Elite Peak

The three Gyarados are all champions, and Da Yue directly took them into the small world. Because Amy was present, Da Yue directly used the Poké Ball to pretend to subdue them, but actually quietly opened the entrance to the small world. The "Secretly Crossing Chencang" achievement was achieved.

As soon as the three guys entered the small world, they were spotted by the Blue Blade Ghost. The Blue Blade Ghost warned them not to make trouble and left.

The three Gyarados trembled. There are too many big guys here. We want to go home!

Da Yue and the other person stayed by the lake for one night and set off again the next day.

At noon the next day, the other two Uchuuyu in the small world were also born, and one was a Shiny Uchuuyu, but unfortunately the qualification was only champion, and the other one was indeed a master.

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