"What is this?!"

Obito felt a great threat from Che's unfamiliar movements.

Obito jumped back, trying to dodge, but it was too late.

A pitch-black spherical barrier suddenly appeared around them, enveloping the two of them.

From the outside, the appearance of the spherical barrier was the same as the tent, also a solid sphere as black as ink, but much smaller in size.

And the inside of the domain was another world.

In the vast expanse of brilliant starry sky, a huge white ball of light was suspended in the starry sky, and the dazzling light made the background of the entire domain bright.

And Che stood in front of the ball of light, and his figure was blurred under the illumination of the white ball of light.

The light that came through Che's back made Che look like a god.

And Obito on the other side still maintained his previous posture, with his upper body leaning back, but his feet were hanging in the air in front of him, and there was no tendency to fall down at all, which looked quite weird.

Obito felt that his whole body was firmly trapped in an invisible object, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

"You must have never touched infinity before, but now, you have touched it."

Che slowly walked towards Obito and said.

"Infinity? What kind of method is this?" Obito was obviously puzzled.

Of course, even in the world of curses in the previous life, the domain is only mastered by a very small number of cursers or cursed spirits.

This involves complex barrier techniques and the deep use of spells, so it has powerful spells, and the spells in the domain are bound to hit.

Che's domain is called [Nothingness]. The effect of the spell is to project the range of the unlimited spell into the entire domain, automatically lock the enemy and restrain the enemy's actions.

The principle is to fill the enemy with unlimited inaccessibility, so that the enemy cannot make any moves.

And this inaccessibility is exactly the opposite of the unlimited limit used by Che for defense, and is also called reverse infinity by Che.

Reverse infinity will prevent the enemy from escaping, but will not affect Che's attack.

This is a difference between going from the inside out and from the outside in.

Che came to Obito and stretched out his hand to grab Obito's collar.

However, to Che's surprise, he actually missed.

Seeing this, Obito laughed, "Hahahahahaha! Even Minato-sensei can't do anything to me, do you think you can really catch me?"

Somehow, Obito broke through the limitless blockade and moved freely.

Che narrowed his eyes, his six eyes flashed, and he murmured, "So that's it, it's time-space ninjutsu."

"Your infinity can't trap my Kamui." Obito said while moving his hands and feet.

"Kamui, is it your Mangekyo pupil technique?" Che was still thinking about which god in the Japanese mythology of the previous life the name Kamui came from, and Obito had already attacked first without martial ethics.

However, Obito's hand stopped within a few feet and couldn't touch.

"Or infinity?"

Obito wanted to retreat again, but was trapped by the reverse infinity again.

However, Obito escaped Infinity again with the hollowing of the Kamui in his right eye.

"It should be Kamui-dake. It's not the name of a god, but a place name. It's really special."

Che said to himself.

Obito frowned under the mask, "What do you mean?"

Che ignored him and pointed at Obito with one hand and said, "You have a Mangekyo, and I also have a Mangekyo."


Obito felt his body lighten instantly. This was the feeling of weightlessness, which made Obito feel very uncomfortable and his body lost balance all of a sudden.

And the duel between masters often only needs to seize a momentary flaw.


Che's Huh was aimed at Obito's lower body. If it hit, Obito would lose the ability to move.

However, even so, Obito still used the power of the Mangekyo to ignore Huh's impact and get rid of the effect of Fengyunye.

Obito broke out in a few drops of cold sweat under his mask because it was too thrilling just now.

And Che was also troubled by Obito's all-purpose moves.

"It seems that I underestimated you, Obito."

"No wonder Minato-sensei has been entangled with you for so long and returned empty-handed."

Che could already imagine the scene of Minato and Obito fighting.

Perhaps Minato found a way to hurt Obito with his superb Flying Thunder God Technique and agile mind.

But since then, Obito has become more cautious, and neither Minato nor Che can find a chance to completely solve Obito.

"I underestimated you too, Che."

"I thought that I had successfully surpassed you and Kakashi after awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan, but I didn't expect..."

As Obito was talking, Che interrupted and said, "You did surpass Kakashi, but for me..."

"You are just a fish on the chopping board, just jumping more than other fish”

“I will peel off your fish scales now.”

Obito smiled and said, “You have changed a lot. Aren’t you the gentle and humble Che?”

“To the enemy, I am very scary.” Che took a fighting stance.

“That’s right. After all, I am known as the White-haired Demon Eye. As for the enemy… then I will not hold back.” Obito slightly bent his body and prepared for battle.

Che took a step forward and rushed to Obito and threw a punch, but this punch passed through Obito’s body without any resistance.

Just as Obito was about to fight back, Che used Cang to suck himself back and avoided Obito’s chain attack.

“Sure enough, it is just as I thought, it is to transfer this body to another space, and only the shadow is left in the original place. "

Che personally verified his guess about Obito's ability, but this seemed to be the ability of only one of Obito's eyes, and Obito had obviously held back just now, but at this stage of the battle, Obito was determined to use all his strength.


Obito's left eye was aimed at Che, and a spiral space distortion instantly appeared near Che's head.

"The limit has been broken? ! "

Che felt threatened. It was the first time he saw the limitless skill being directly broken.

If it was the inevitable effect of the domain, then Che would not be surprised.

But what Obito used was obviously not the domain, but the eye technique.

But Che instantly figured out why the limitless skill was broken.

This involves space. The limitless effect only exists in the space where Che is, and Obito's eye technique obviously involves another space.

Che finally saw that Obito's eye technique was actually two uses of one ability, the left eye tends to attack, and the right eye tends to defend.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary fish. If it were me yesterday, I might have fallen for this trick, but you are a day late. "

Guozhi Changli!

The space was twisted and broken, but Che's head was still well placed on his neck.

This is Guozhi Changli, which symbolizes eternity and infinity. Even if it was attacked by space, Che was unharmed.

Obito was helpless now. Kamui was his greatest reliance when facing the enemy, but now even with the Kamui of both eyes, it was difficult to get any advantage in front of Che.

"It seems that neither you nor I can defeat the other. Why don't we call a truce? I want you to do me a favor."

"When you took your graduation exam, I was the one who tutored you. Are you willing to do this?"

Obito heard Che's words and asked vigilantly, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"Help me find the Sealed Book at the Hokage's mansion and bring it here. I want to borrow it and you can help me return it after reading it."

"With your elusive space pupil technique, it's easy to do this."

Obito agreed after thinking for a moment, and the spiral distortion appeared again.

"Wait. "

Obito stopped activating Kamui and looked at Che in confusion.

"Let's tie the knot first."

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