In a forest outside Konoha.

"We have to open the barrier as soon as possible..."

"Chakra quick..." Minato looked embarrassed. Minato was not good at chakra, and he had consumed a lot in the series of battles just now.

"I can still hold on for a while... Minato..." Kushina's mouth was full of tears, and she was weak, but as a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, her chakra was far more than that of ordinary people.

Diamond Blockade · Barrier!

Many golden chains appeared behind Kushina, and quickly tied up the limbs, body and tail of the huge Nine-Tails behind her, and inserted them into the surrounding land to form an invisible barrier.

The Nine-Tails roared in impotence and fury, the sound was deafening, and struggled to break free, but was still firmly bound by the chains.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Naruto woke up from his sleep. For a newborn child, today's experience was too exciting.

"I woke you up... I'm sorry... Naruto." Kushina said with an apologetic look on her face.

"Kushina..." Minato hugged Naruto and looked at Kushina with a distressed look.

Kushina said with a firm look in her eyes: "If you hold the Nine-Tails in this way... I will die..."

"In this way... the Nine-Tails' resurrection period... can be delayed a little later..."

"If you want me to use my remaining chakra to help you, this is the only way..."

The diamond chain on the Nine-Tails tightened and squeezed into the Nine-Tails' orange-red flesh, which made the Nine-Tails roll its eyes directly, and its entire huge body was shaking.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me all this time..." Kushina sincerely expressed her heart.

Minato was deeply touched, and Naruto in his arms stopped crying.

"Kushina... you made me the fourth generation Hokage... you made me your husband... and you made me the father of this child!"

"But I..."

Minato choked.

Kushina squinted her eyes and smiled, "Minato, don't show that expression..."

"I am very happy... you love me..."

"Besides, today is... this child's birthday..."

"More importantly... if... I am still alive..."

"Besides imagining our happy life as a family of three in the future..."

"What else can I... imagine..."

Minato's eyes were filled with crystal tears, and he burst into tears at his wife in front of him.

"I only have... one last wish..."

Kushina raised her head and looked at Naruto who closed his eyes and fell asleep and said, "I really want to see... Naruto when he grows up..."

Hearing this, Minato wiped his tears and said, "Kushina, you don't have to die with the Nine-Tails."

"I will use your remaining chakra to let you see Naruto."

Kushina looked at Minato blankly.

Minato's eyes became firm, showing his courage and decision-making as a Hokage.

"I will seal all your remaining chakra in Naruto and combine it with the Eight Trigrams Seal."

"Also, I will deal with the Nine-Tails."

"I am not a Jinchūriki, so I can only use the Shiki Fuujin."

"But... that sealing technique will make the caster..."

Kushina was shocked and said, "But... that sealing technique will make the caster..."

The price of the Shiki Fuujin is to sacrifice the caster's soul, so it is listed as a forbidden technique.

Minato was unusually calm, "There is another point, only half of the Nine-Tails is sealed in me."

"Such a powerful force cannot be suppressed physically."

"It is also impossible from a strategic point of view."

"You participated in the Nine-Tails Seal. If the Jinchūriki is not there before the Nine-Tails is resurrected, it will cause the balance of the tailed beasts to collapse. It will be bad."

"If you use the Shiki Fuujin, you can seal me and half of the Nine-Tails permanently."

"So the other half of the Nine-Tails..."

Minato paused as he spoke, thinking of the child of prophecy that Jiraiya had told him.

Jiraiya once believed that Minato was the child of prophecy, and now, Minato is sure that his son will be the child of prophecy.

In the future, the world of ninjas may change dramatically.

The child of prophecy is the savior of the time.

"Seal it on Naruto, seal it with the Eight Diagrams."

Kushina's expression changed obviously, because he knew the sufferings that a Jinchūriki would experience in his childhood.

"I know what you want to say, but the world changes mentioned by Jiraiya teacher and the disasters that follow the changes... I confirmed two things today."

"The masked man who attacked you... That guy will definitely bring blood and rain."

"Then the person who stops him is this child."

"This child named by Jiraiya teacher will be the Jinchūriki and open up the future."

"Somehow, I firmly believe thatBelieve this."

"Minato...but..." Kushina was about to say something, but Minato had already stood up.

Minato's divine robe fluttered in the wind, and his hands quickly formed seals.

Shiki Fuujin!

Minato put his hands together, and his soul and the shadow of the god of death appeared behind him.

"Believe this child."

"He is our child."

"After the Shiki Fuujin is completed, I will seal your chakra on Naruto, hoping that you can help him when he tries to control the Nine-Tails as a Jinchūriki."

Kushina looked up and said with pain: "He is our son...That's why I don't want Naruto to bear such a heavy responsibility."

"Besides, why use Shiki Fuujin, just to let me see Naruto when he grows up."

"Just for such a short time, why do you want to die for the stab! "

"I hope you can stay with Naruto and protect him until he grows up. Why... for the balance of the tailed beasts, for the country, and for the village, you have to become a sacrifice!"

Kushina's words were excited, but Minato said calmly: "Abandoning the country and the village is the same as abandoning a child."

"You, whose motherland has been destroyed, should have a deep understanding of this, right?"

"What a cruel life people of a lost country will be forced to live."

"What's more, our family is all ninjas."

"Also, I can't beat you if I'm alive." Minato opened his hands and squatted down.

"Although your time as a mother was short, what you taught Naruto is beyond my reach."

"This is the responsibility of a mother."

"This is not only for you, but also for Naruto."

"It is also the duty of a father to be willing to die for his son."

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