Inside Konoha Village, outside the shelter, the only people left in the village who didn't take refuge were the Konoha Police Force, which was responsible for protecting civilians, that is, the Uchiha people.

Fugaku folded his arms and faced the reports of several subordinates.

"The evacuation has been basically completed."

"Captain, let's deal with the Nine-Tails!"

Fugaku said calmly: "The police force is responsible for protecting non-combatants."

"But Captain..."

"This is the order of the village."

Fugaku's words shut up these subordinates.

But in fact, Fugaku may not be convinced by the village's order, but he can only obey it because of his status.

Suddenly, a strong vibration was felt in the village.

Several subordinates turned their heads, and one of them exclaimed: "What's the noise?!"

Fugaku lowered his head and closed his eyes, and slowly said: "The Nine-Tails has been sealed."

"Finally succeeded."

This result was not only not unexpected to Fugaku, but also made Fugaku feel a little unsatisfactory.

When the Nine-Tails was unsealed, Fugaku used the Great Tono-Ben to deduce the outcome of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and the results were that the Nine-Tails would be successfully dealt with by Konoha.

After all, Konoha is still the number one ninja village in the ninja world, and its foundation is still there. One Nine-Tails cannot cause a disaster that destroys the village.

Even if the Nine-Tails is much stronger than ordinary tailed beasts, it can't do it.

The tailed beast is a double-edged sword. It can be used as a tailed beast weapon to exert strategic power on the battlefield, and it may also go berserk and endanger the ninja village.

However, each ninja village will retain the basic power to suppress the tailed beast.

The previous Kazekage of Sand Village, Rasa, suppressed the rampage of the One-Tails, and the previous Raikage of Cloud Village fought with the Eight-Tails many times to suppress it.

So although the civilians of Konoha were terrified of this, Fugaku knew from the beginning that the Nine-Tails would definitely be suppressed.

It's just that Fugaku's deduction of Daito Noben requires information, and Fugaku doesn't know that Obito's existence delayed Minato and Che, so in his deduction, the Nine-Tails should have been solved earlier.

In the shelter, Itachi held Sasuke in his arms and looked at the dusty and devastated Konoha outside, wondering what he was thinking.

Behind Itachi, a cute little girl from the Uchiha clan named Izumi was holding Itachi's clothes with one hand and covering her face with the other hand.

After experiencing such a catastrophe, crying like Izumi is the reaction of most children, and it's rare to be as calm as Itachi.

Itachi turned around and said, "Izumi, don't cry, it's over."

Izumi looked at Itachi in front of him with tears in his eyes. That mature and gentle temperament is incomparable to other boys of the same age.

So Izumi wiped her tears and said with emotion: "Thank you, Itachi."

Itachi nodded slightly and said: "Nothing, I was mainly afraid of waking up Sasuke."

Izumi was stunned, and then the tears that had just stopped in her eyes began to accumulate again. Her tearful appearance and the tear mole at the corner of her eyes made her a real beauty.

Itachi was rarely at a loss when facing Izumi's appearance.

"Why do girls cry at every turn like children who haven't grown up yet?"

Itachi was puzzled, although he was only a few years old now.

However, at this time, the arrival of the Konoha Police Force interrupted Itachi's confusion.

"The Nine-Tails has been sealed, you can go back to the village."

The attitude of the member of the Konoha Police Force was very cold, and he waved his hand as if he wanted to drive away the civilians in the shelter.

At least that's what the villagers thought.

"Is the Nine-Tails really sealed?"

"You're not tricking us out!"

Several suspicious villagers asked first.

The villagers were not satisfied with the attitude of the Uchiha clan members, and the questioning immediately aroused a wave of suspicious and angry noises.

This made the members of the Konoha Police Force, who were already unhappy about not being able to go to the battlefield, even more unhappy.

"What do you mean?!"

"Don't you believe us? You ungrateful people, don't forget who protected you!"

It would have been better if they didn't quarrel. Once they got excited, the atmosphere in the shelter instantly exploded like a ignited gunpowder barrel.

"What protection? You don't even dare to go!"

"That's right, the other ninjas went to fight the Nine-Tails, but you are the only ones hiding in the village!"

"And the Nine-Tails' eyes clearly have Sharingan. I think this is Uchiha's conspiracy to overthrow Konoha."

"Don't tell me, the last time the Nine-Tails attacked the village was because of Uchiha!"

The villagers talked about it, and the members of the Uchiha police force couldn't calm down.

So a fierce quarrel broke out between the two sides.


The noisy sound directly scared Sasuke in the cradle.

Although this cryThe quarrel between the two sides did not attract people's attention, but the crying made Itachi unable to sit idly by.

Itachi walked out of the crowd with Sasuke in his arms and Izumi behind him.

"Stop quarreling!"

For some reason, Itachi, who was only a few years old, made everyone present stop inexplicably.

Perhaps this is the so-called aura.

"I am a member of the Uchiha clan and a member of the Konoha civilians. I saw with my own eyes that it was the members of the Konoha police force who protected the villagers. Just now there was a vibration outside the village. It must be the sound of the Nine-Tails being sealed, so please trust the Konoha police force."

Itachi bowed to everyone present.

The quarrel just now gradually subsided.

Although the prejudice against Uchiha cannot be eliminated overnight, the villagers of Konoha are not unreasonable in the face of such a smart and clever child.

On the contrary, the members of the Uchiha police force were still angry and their attitudes were still cold and arrogant, but they did their duty to evacuate the civilians from the shelter.

Outside the shelter, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen came here after completing the aftermath of the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto.

As the previous Hokage of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen has a very high prestige, and since the Fourth Hokage has died, it is natural for him to comfort the people of Konoha.

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen arrived, someone reported to him the quarrel between the members of the police force and the civilians of Konoha.

"Is that so..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, then walked in front of everyone, with his hands behind his back facing the civilians of Konoha who had just come out of the shelter.

The civilians of Konoha seemed to have swallowed a reassurance pill when they saw Sarutobi Hiruzen, after all, he had been in power for many years and was well-known.

"Hokage, the Uchiha people just treated us very badly!"

"What! You are the bad guy who complains first!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel again, Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hands and pressed down like a good old man, and the situation was finally under control.

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