Che stroked his chin with one hand, his blue eyes staring at the Tansho Street below.

"It really worked..."

Che himself found it hard to believe, after all, the difficulty of space-time ninjutsu is well-known in the ninja world.

The most difficult step to master space-time ninjutsu is to perceive space.

But Che did it without realizing it.

The most reasonable explanation Che could think of was his six-eyed Sharingan and the unlimited technique.

The six-eyed Sharingan gave Che unparalleled insight and extremely fine operation, and the unlimited technique happened to involve concepts such as "space" and "infinity".

The combination of the two may be the reason why Che was able to comprehend this space-time teleportation.

This time, Che imitated the feeling just now, pointed his finger forward, and activated the technique.

In an instant, Che disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he appeared at the previously preset position.

"Perfect operation."

In the first attempt, Che was unable to grasp the distance of teleportation, and just happened to teleport to the front of Tansho Street.

This time, Che designated the destination in advance and successfully arrived, and the result was not deviated.

Che couldn't help feeling happy, and he also figured out the principle of this technique.

Using the spatial perception of the Flying Thunder God Technique to set up coordinates in advance, and then using the operation of the unlimited technique to infinitely shorten the distance between oneself and the preset coordinates, the effect of teleportation was achieved.

Che named this move [Instant Thunder].

Che once again urged the instant thunder to return to the sky above Tansho Street, and then began to look for the whereabouts of the target mission Tsunade.

It was already late at night, and most people had fallen asleep except for the gamblers who were partying all night.

However, Che's six-eyed Mangekyo could not only see far away, but also sense the breath of chakra through the barriers of buildings.

In the end, Che locked his target on a hot spring hotel. Che had seen Tsunade, so he clearly distinguished the chakra breath of this Kage-level strongman.

In the hot spring women's bath, a white steam enveloped the entire area.

And at this point, there was only one person still soaking in the hot spring, and that was Tsunade who had just escaped from the casino to avoid debt.

"Huh, it's so refreshing to soak in a hot spring after a big bet, but I owed a few more debts tonight, and it seems that tomorrow will be a bit troublesome."

"It doesn't matter, at most I can use the transformation technique to hide for a while."

Tsunade has become a big boss because of her many debts, and she doesn't care about it anymore.

After a long time, Tsunade came out of the hot spring wet, her graceful body exposed in the hot steam, but was soon wrapped in a white bath towel.

"Who is it?!"

Tsunade was wiping her hair and walking towards her room, and then she noticed the breath of someone else in the room.

"Is it a gangster who is tempted by beauty or a creditor who comes to collect debts?" Tsunade guessed in her heart, and at the same time prepared to deal with it.

At this time, the door was opened, and Che's figure also fell into Tsunade's eyes.

"Uchiha Che?"

"It's me, Tsunade-sama. Sorry to bother you. I'm here to ask you to go back to Konoha."

Che directly pointed out his purpose.

Seeing this, Tsunade ignored Che's existence and walked into her room by herself. She sat down at the table. The large bath towel was almost broken by Tsunade's proud and plump figure.

"You little brat are really rude. You ran directly into my room."

Tsunade shook her head and poured herself a glass of sake. She looked up at Che and asked, "Why are you asking me to go back to Konoha?"

"The Nine-Tails rioted. The Fourth Hokage and his wife sacrificed to seal the Nine-Tails. The village suffered huge losses. The number of wounded exceeded the response capacity of Konoha Hospital. Tsunade-sama is needed to take action."

Che explained the course of events again.

"How is it possible?!" Tsunade was surprised at first, and then showed a suspicious expression.

"There are three generations and four generations in the village, how could they let the Nine-Tails out?"

Che saw that Tsunade was not going to do it, so he had to use the "identity" of the mastermind to convince Tsunade: "The mastermind claimed to be Uchiha Madara."

"That's even more impossible. Uchiha Madara was a contemporary of my grandfather. Even if he lived to this day, he would be an old man in his eighties. How could he still be able to plan such a riot?"

Tsunade couldn't help but get nervous when she heard the name Uchiha Madara, but then she thought it was false information.

If it was Uchiha Madara, then Konoha should have been destroyed by now.

In Tsunade's memory, Uchiha Madara had attacked Konoha with the Nine-Tails, so Tsunade thought that this time it should be Uchiha Madara's imitator.

"Even if what you said is true, it's just a self-claimed claim. This should be an imitation of Uchiha Madara."

"But this at least proves that the criminal is one of your Uchiha."

"Forget it, this is not what I want to get entangled in."

"Fourth generation... Minato and Kushina actually died..."

"I really don't know why these guys regard being a Hokage as a dream. Only idiots want to be a Hokage."

Tsunade picked up the wine glass and kept talking to herself in a trance.

Che looked at Tsunade and felt that Tsunade was not simple. She could guess that this Uchiha Madara was fake based on her own judgment.

Che heard what Tsunade said later, so he said: "After Minato teacher died, perhaps the next Hokage should be Tsunade-sama."

"You are the granddaughter of the first and second generations, the apprentice of the third generation, and the predecessor of the fourth generation. You should be the fifth generation Hokage."

Tsunade picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

The crystal clear wine overflowed from one side of Tsunade's red lips, flowing down her chin to the bath towel on her body, staining a dark color.

Then Tsunade wiped her lips and spit out a few words coldly, "I'm not an idiot. "

Che had heard about Tsunade's experience. Tsunade's brother and boyfriend both aimed to become Hokage, but they both died during the Second Ninja World War.

That's why Tsunade is so disgusted with the word Hokage.

"Idiot? It seems that I have the potential to be an idiot." Che thought to himself.

"Okay, I'll go back with you. No matter what, Konoha is the precious legacy left by my grandfather. I will go back to treat the wounded."

"You go out for a while. "

Tsunade raised her hand to chase the guest away, but Che obediently walked out and closed the door.

Tsunade took off her bath towel in the room and changed into her own clothes.

Although Che could not directly see the beautiful scenery inside, the ability of the six eyes allowed Che to passively feel Tsunade's exaggerated outline.

"This is bigger than Ye Cang..."

Che said that he did not mean it, it was all because the six eyes were a passive skill that could not be turned off.

Tsunade walked out carelessly and patted Che on the shoulder, "Let's go. "

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