"Tsunade? Oh, you don't know, she didn't faint just now due to overwork."

"Tsunade's brother and lover died in the Second Ninja World War, and she also suffered from hemophobia."

"That's why I didn't send Tsunade to the front during the war."

"In addition, Tsunade's personality is too jumpy and she likes gambling, so she can't take on the responsibility of Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very clear, it seems that the master knows the disciple better than the master.

"What about Jiraiya-sama?" Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen did not insist on letting him become Hokage, and rejected Tsunade's proposal, Che had understood Sarutobi Hiruzen's intention, so he continued to ask questions in a very cooperative manner.

"Jiraiya's personality is bold, but in fact he is a bit stupid, careless, and lazy. He can't hold the position of Hokage."

"And Jiraiya has done a lot of things like peeping into the women's bathhouse in the village. How can I trust him to be the Hokage? No, no."

Che proposed another candidate, "What about Lord Orochimaru?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated this time, but soon said no.

"Orochimaru is a loner, has a bad reputation in the village, and likes to stay in the laboratory to do his research. He can't take on the responsibility of Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen did have high expectations for Orochimaru in the past, because Orochimaru had a similar talent for ninjutsu as Sarutobi Hiruzen, was proficient in the five ninjutsu, and was hailed as a genius that only appears once in decades.

But unfortunately, Orochimaru later went astray and studied some weird techniques. His personality became more and more loner, and he was very close to Danzo.

Otherwise, how could the position of the Fourth Hokage fall on Minato Namikaze?

Che proposed another name, "Shimura Danzo may be able to take on this important task."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was choked by the name, and then decisively refused: "No, Danzo's character is too dark, and he does things by any means. He can't get involved in the position of Hokage."

Che sneered in his heart: "It turns out that you know all these things about Danzo very well."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said: "Alas, such a big Konoha can't even pick out a suitable successor to the Hokage."

Che heard the words and said: "Why not let the Third Hokage continue to serve as Hokage."

"Okay, then I will take this position temporarily, and wait until you, the future of Konoha, grow up and then hand over the position of Hokage to you."

"Tomorrow I will hold a meeting of the jonin, and the decision on the position of Hokage cannot be delayed."

Che nodded and said: "I understand."

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Che walked to the Hokage's house, where Sarutobi Hiruzen lived.

"Che, you are my most promising talent. You must grow up well. Konoha will not treat you badly in the future. I may even give you the position of Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Che while standing at the door.

"It is my duty to contribute to Konoha. As for the position of Hokage, it is naturally decided by the Hokage and the people of Konoha. I dare not covet it."

Che still said that he had no idea about the position of Hokage.

"It is not that you will be recognized by everyone if you become Hokage, but you can become Hokage only if you are recognized by everyone."

"I, an old man, can become Hokage because of my merits and qualifications."

"As long as you are recognized by everyone, why can't the position of Hokage be given to you?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Che meaningfully, as if he was hoping and afraid.

Che did not reply, but looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen silently.

"Well, you've worked hard, and this journey is also a journey you have walked with me, an old widower. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'll leave now." Che smiled again and said goodbye to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Che parted ways, and both of them were a little afraid of each other.

The real attitude of the two was far from being as harmonious as it seemed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was afraid of Che's strength and Uchiha background, while Che was afraid of Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation brought by his many years of rule.

Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not see any ambitions of Che at present, but just felt that this young man was not simple.

Even if he was worried that Che would threaten his position in the future, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not risk a conflict with Che.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that Che was as strong as or even surpassed the tailed beasts.

The next day, the Jonin meeting was held in the Hokage Building.

There were four main seats in the front, sitting respectively with Utatane Koharu, Mito Kado En, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

Many of the Konoha jonin below were standing, and there were a few familiar faces among them.

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Che from the Uchiha clan.

Hyuga Hiashi and Hizashi from the Hyuga clan.

Ino-Shika-choNara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Inoichi from the three families.

As the leader of the jonin class, Shikaku mentioned the purpose of this jonin meeting on behalf of the jonin.

"This jonin meeting is mainly to find the candidate for the fifth generation Hokage. Everyone, please speak freely. Is there anyone you can recommend?"

Everyone fell into silence. Smart people know that the successor to the Hokage is definitely a sensitive topic.

However, there are still some young jonin who put forward their own candidates.

"I think Tsunade-sama can be the fifth generation."

"But Tsunade-sama left this morning. She said she was not interested in the position of Hokage."

"What about Jiraiya-sama?"

"Jiraiya-sama came to Konoha to mourn the Fourth Generation and his wife and left the village."

"Where is Orochimaru-sama?"

"Orochimaru-sama hasn't appeared for a long time."

"By the way, Uchiha Che can be the fifth generation. He has white hair and magic eyes."

"He is Uchiha! And he is only fourteen years old. It is too unsafe for him to be the Hokage."

Everyone argued for a long time but couldn't find a candidate that everyone could accept.

And Che and his group standing in the front never spoke.

Seeing that no one had discussed a suitable candidate, Shikaku said to the four senior executives: "I wonder if the Third Generation and several consultants have any suitable candidates to recommend?"

Seeing this, Danzo couldn't hold back and was about to stand up and recommend himself.

He had been a high-level advisor to Konoha and the leader of the Root organization for such a long time, and he was basically the executive vice-hokage.

And now he was finally going to take a step forward.

But just when Danzo was excited about this, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up first.

"I am willing to take on this important task until the next Hokage grows up, and I am just a transition."

The people next to Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at him sideways.

"Sarutobi, you are really strong and healthy." Utatane Koharu had no objection to this. In her opinion, it would be better to let this old friend take over as Hokage instead of letting a young man become Hokage.

"Hahahahaha!" Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed happily.

And Shimura Danzo was extremely angry.

He felt that he suffered a loss because of his slow reaction.

Originally, the position of the third generation Hokage should have been his, but Sarutobi Hiruzen took it first.

As a result, he scored twice now.

This almost made Danzo vomit blood.

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