After leaving Kaina City, Da Yue and the other person came to a wilderness.

"Da Yue, look, there's a house in front!"

Amy shouted excitedly. They had been in the wilderness for two days.

"Oh, there's a house here."

"Hurry up!"

While Da Yue was still thinking, Amy had already run away.


Dai Yue followed helplessly.

The two came to a house with a "Pokémon House" sign.

Amy went forward and knocked on the door.

"Is anyone there?"

An old man opened the door from the inside.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, old man..."

Before Amy finished speaking, Da Yue interrupted directly.

"Hello, old man, I want to buy some Pokémon eggs."

"Come in!"

When he heard that they were here to buy Pokémon eggs, the old man, who was originally a little confused, immediately greeted Da Yue and the other person to come in enthusiastically.

"I'm Awu, the owner of this breeding house!"

Amy also realized belatedly that this was a breeding house.

"Then I'll call you Grandpa Awu."

"You can choose whatever Pokémon eggs you want."

"Can I go take a look first?"

"Of course, Axiu has guests."

An old lady walked out of the house.

"Hello, I'm Axiu!"

"Hello, Grandma Xiu."

The group came into the house, and there were Pokémon eggs of various colors on the cabinet.

"So many Pokémon eggs!"

Amy was very excited looking at the dazzling array of Pokémon.

And Da Yue's eyes immediately noticed a brown-green-brown Pokémon. It was mixed with some gray-brown Pokémon eggs on a cabinet.

"I want all these eggs!"

Dai Yue waved his hand generously, which shocked the three people beside him.

"How many Alliance coins does Grandpa Wu have?"

"Here are 72 Pokémon eggs, are you sure you want them all?"

"Yes, I want to put some Pokémon in my backyard."

"8.34 million Alliance coins in total, I will only take 8 million from you."

"8 million is so much!"

Amy's mouth opened into an "O".

Da Yue took out his black card and swiped it on the card machine without caring about Amy's inexperienced expression.

9 million was directly transferred to the old man Wu's account.

"I don't like to take advantage of others!"

Da Yue said with a proud face, but in fact he was already very happy. Because he recognized whose egg the green-brown Pokémon egg belonged to.

Seeing that the money had arrived, Wu loved Da Yue and the others even more.

Da Yue stepped forward to take the green-brown Pokémon egg and turned to look at Amy.

"If you have a Pokémon egg you like, you can also pick one!"

Amy didn't bother to be polite with Dai Yue, and went forward to take a brown Pokémon egg.

Dai Yue released Gardevoir again and took the Pokémon egg away.

He explained to everyone that Gardevoir was sent to the Pokémon Center in Kaina City for consignment.

In fact, it was put into the small world.

After sending the Pokémon egg away, Dai Yue proposed to stay overnight in the breeding house.

The two old people also warmly entertained Dai Yue and the others.

In the evening, Amy cameto Dai Yue and asked curiously.

"Did Dai Yue know something?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

Dai Yue turned his head and went to sleep.

This made Amy, who was standing beside her, stomped her feet in anger, hit Dai Yue hard, and went to sleep angrily.

Dai Yue ignored her and continued to sleep.

The next morning, Dai Yue took Amy away from the breeding house.

"Da Yue, why did you call me away so early in the morning?"

Amy yawned as she walked.

"This egg is about to be born."

Da Yue pointed at the egg in his hand.

"What kind of Pokémon's egg is this?"

"You'll know soon."

Da Yue looked mysterious.

"Huh, stingy guy."

"Your egg is Eevee's egg."

"How do you know?"

"Have you forgotten that I published the theory of Eevee's evolution."

Amy suddenly realized and kissed Eevee's egg.

While the two were talking, the egg in Da Yue's arms lit up.

Da Yue carefully placed the egg on the soft grass.

The light of the egg became brighter and brighter, so bright that it was blinding.

The smile on Da Yue's face became more and more intense. You know, the higher the talent of the Pokémon, the brighter the egg when it is born.

The light dissipated, and a Pokémon that looked like a small green dinosaur appeared in front of the two.


He has gray-green skin like a rock, and a long blunt horn on his head. His eyes are red, his arms are short, and each foot has one toe. His abdomen is covered with a diamond-shaped red scale armor, and his waist is covered withFour diamond-shaped black holes. The center of the tail is conical and surrounded by a circle of plate-like structures.

Pokémon: Baby Kiras

Gender: Male

Owner: Dai Yue

Attributes: Rock/Ground

Features: Perseverance/Sand Hide

Qualifications: Half-step Master

Level: Initial Novice

Carrying Objects: None

Skills: Impact, Stare, Tooth for Tooth, Dragon Dance

The moment Dai Yue saw the data, he bent down and wanted to pick up Baby Kiras, and it took a lot of effort to pick him up.

After all, Dai Yue is not a "super newbie". Baby Kiras' official weight is 72kg, and even if it is just born, it is more than 60kg.


Baby Kiras is very happy to be picked up by Dai Yue.

Amy on the side was also stunned. This is a quasi-god!

At this time, Amy finally understood why Dai Yue was so anxious to leave the breeding house.

He missed a quasi-god.

Dai Yue captured Young Kiras directly, and Amy leaned over to ask Dai Yue.

"Did you know that the egg was Young Kiras's?"

"I'm just guessing."

"But besides Young Kiras, there is also an Eevee egg and a Caterpie egg, and most of the others are Caterpie."


"Why would I lie to you? How could two old men in the wilderness get so many good Pokémon eggs? Most of them are just for show. They should have picked them up or found them in nearby caves."

In the small world, Dai Yue used a Qualification Enhancer on Young Kiras.

Pokémon: Baby Kiras

Gender: Male

Owner: Daigoshi

Attribute: Rock/Ground

Feature: Perseverance/Sand Hide

Qualification: Master

Level: Mid-Novice

Carrying Items: None

Skills: Impact, Stare, Tooth for Tooth, Dragon Dance, Rockfall, Bite, Earthquake, Stone Attack, Shoot Down, Make a Big Trouble, Sandstorm

Because Baby Kiras was just born, its strength has not improved much, but it has passed the larval stage and can start training directly.

In the next few days, Pokémon eggs hatched one after another, hatching 55 Caterpillars, 5 Sandshrews, 9 Pidgeots, and a Caterpie.

Amy's Eevee was also born.

Eevee's appearance looks like a fox, and most of its fur is brown. The fluffy butter-colored fur around the neck and tail is his characteristic. Eevee's legs are short and thin, each with three toes and pink paw pads. Eevee has brown eyes, long ears like a rabbit, and a small black nose.

Pokémon: Eevee

Attribute: General

Feature: Danger Prediction

Qualification: King

Level: Beginner

A new member has joined Amy's baby team.

After crossing the wilderness, the two finally arrived at Violet City.

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