On this day, Dai Yue and Amy came to a valley.

"We are in the Valley of Steel!"

Dai Yue looked at the four walls of the valley, which occasionally emitted silver light, which was the pure metallic luster.

Dai Yue came to the Valley of Steel for Daigo. Before Dai Yue left home to start his journey, he once asked Daigo which route he would take in the future. Daigo chose to specialize in steel without hesitation.

Dai Yue went to the Stone Cave to train the Water Leap Fish and find a suitable Pokémon for Daigo, but unfortunately he did not find a satisfactory one.

This time he came to the Valley of Steel to find a Pokémon for Daigo.

In order for Daigo to grow up as soon as possible, Dai Yue can be said to be worried to death.

Dai Yue took Amy into the Valley of Steel, and what came into view was a big Steel Snake with a group of steel Pokémon beating a Pokémon.

Pokémon: Steelix

Attribute: Steel/Ground

Feature: Hard Head

Qualification: Gym

Level: Gym Peak

Steelix's body is gray, its eyes are mainly red, and its tail is similar to a nail.

Pokémon: Bear Apprentice

Attribute: Fighting

Feature: Psychic Power

Qualification: Master

Level: Late Novice

Bear Apprentice looks like a little bear standing on two feet. Its hair is beige and its eyes look very determined. It has white patterns on its body, mainly concentrated on the head and the upper part of the chest. There is also white hair hanging behind the head, which makes Bear Apprentice look like he is wearing a white headscarf.

"That Pokémon is so pitiful!"

Amy looked at Bear Apprentice who was beaten up with sympathy.

"Swampert GO!"


Swampert appeared, and the Steelixes' eyes also moved away from Bear Apprentice and went towards Dai Yue and others.


Steelback roared at Daiyue and the others, signaling them to hurry up.

"You are so crazy! Swampert's Frozen Punch!"


Swampert quickly rushed towards Steelix and hit him in the face with his Frozen Punch. Most of Steelix's face was frozen.


The surrounding Armored Bird and Magneto saw their "boss" being hit, and they all launched their skills to hit Swampert.

But for the Quasi-King-level Swampert at this time, it was no different from tickling.

Swampert had already reached the Quasi-King level first, and the Booming Vortex was almost there, and the other main forces had also improved.


Swampert roared, and a huge column of water sprayed at the surrounding Steel Pokémon, and those Pokémon fell like raindrops.

Daiyue opened his small world and collected all the Steel Pokémon except the Bear Apprentice.

The small world has added Steelix × 1, Magnemon × 8, and Armored Bird × 2.

As soon as Dai Yue took out the wound medicine and wanted to treat the bear apprentice, the bear apprentice got up and ran away.

Dai Yue and Amy had to follow him.

The two followed the bear apprentice to the depths of the Steel Valley.

The bear apprentice walked into a cave, and Dai Yue and Amy followed him in.

The bear apprentice came to a mountain wall and began to climb. There were countless thorns on the mountain wall, and there was a huge nest on the thorns.

Two Pokémon stood by the nest, overlooking the bear apprentice.

Pokémon: Armored Bird

Attribute: Steel/Flying

Feature: Sharp Eyes

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early King

Pokémon: Armored Bird

Attribute: Steel/Flying

Feature: Strong

Qualification: Champion

Level: Mid-King

The whole body of the Armored Bird is covered with armor as hard as iron. Its solid steel body looks heavy, but it is actually light and thin. Its whole body is silver like it is covered with armor, and the inside of its wings is red. It also has sharp teeth.

"Oh my goodness!"

This made Da Yue numb. When Da Yue was surprised, the bear apprentice had already come to the side of the two armored birds.


An armored bird took off into the air, and then dived towards Da Yue and the other two.

"I'm discovered, Blood Wing Dragon GO!"

The Blood Wing Dragon appeared directly and blocked the swooping armored bird with a dragon claw.



"Blood Wing Dragon Sprays Flame!"

The flames sprayed on the armored bird, and the armored bird was directly burned red.

Seeing that its partner was injured, another armored bird in the thorn nest also flew away from the nest and came towards the Blood Wing Dragon.

The Blood Wing Dragon sprayed flames again, knocking down the other armored bird.

Da Yue collected twomore Pokémon, and then took Amy on the Bloodwing Dragon and headed towards the Thorn Nest.

Entering the nest, the bear apprentice was protecting a rusty-colored armored bird, and its feathers were not the usual red but green.

Pokémon: Armored Bird (Shiny)Attributes: Steel/Flying

Features: Shattered Armor

Qualifications: Master

Level: Beginner (Just Born)

Seeing this data, Dai Yue's eyes lit up.

"Daigo's Pokémon has been found!"

Dai Yue flew into the nest, and the bear apprentice looked at Dai Yue with a vigilant face.

"I just want to conquer you, my team needs you."

Dai Yue silently added in his heart that it was the second team that needed you.

That's right, it was the second team. Dai Yue has already started planning the second team. The current members are: Shiny Milotic, Overlord Venusaur, Blaziken, Golden Metagross, Silver Metagross.


After some coercion and inducement, the bear apprentice finally chose to follow his heart.

Dai Yue put him into the Poké Ball, and then Dai Yue walked to the newly born Shiny Armorbird.

"Little guy, your parents are here with me, do you want to go with me?"


Armorbird tilted its head and nodded again.

Dai Yue threw the Poké Ball again to capture Shiny Armored Bird.

At this time, the two king-level Armored Birds in the small world were trembling on the ground.

Opposite them was Dai Yue's ace "big brother" Metagross, who was staring at the two Armored Birds, and his momentum was booming.


"Okay Metagross, let them go!"

Metagross's momentum was restrained after hearing Dai Yue's voice, and the two Armored Birds breathed a sigh of relief.

Dai Yue released Shiny Armored Bird and Bear Apprentice.

As soon as the little guy came out, he flew to the side of the two Armored Birds and rubbed against them intimately. The two Armored Birds also spread their wings and hugged the little guy.

The Bear Apprentice on the side watched silently, and Dai Yue came to his side and pointed at the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and Machado in the distance.

"You will practice with them in the future. I believe you will gain something."

The bear apprentice looked at the Blue Blade Ghost and Machado, and after feeling their powerful strength, he nodded and ran towards them.

Da Yue looked at the bear apprentice who was going away, and then turned to look at the three armored birds.

"You can live here. There is enough food and a safe environment here. Don't destroy it, otherwise..."

At this point, Da Yue pointed at the giant gold monster with his finger, and then made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The two armored birds shrank their necks, and the little guy looked confused.

Just as he turned around, Da Yue added another sentence.

"The little guy will practice with my brother in a while."

After saying that, Da Yue left the small world, regardless of whether the two armored birds agreed or not.

Da Yue and Amy went around the Valley of Steel again, and found a master-level Kokodora, and Da Yuealso put him away.

After completing the purpose of this trip, Da Yue took Amy away from the Valley of Steel.

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