After a night's rest, Da Yue and the other man were finally going to take a boat to Green Ridge City.

"Da Yue, hurry up, the boat is about to set sail."

Da Yue trained too late last night and overslept today.

When the two arrived at the dock, the boat had already left.

"It's all your fault. Who told you to oversleep?"

Amy looked at Da Yue who was running over angrily.

"I didn't want to either."

Just when the two were at a loss, a middle-aged man with a turban and a red beard came to them.

"What's wrong with you?"

"That uncle, we missed the boat to Green Ridge City."

Amy replied.

"My name is Drake, I am a navigator, everyone calls me Captain Redbeard. I happen to be going to Green Ridge City too, if you don't mind, I can take you with me."

Drake said sincerely.

"Great, thank you so much, my name is Amy, and he is Da Yue."

Amy hurriedly thanked Drake.

The two followed Captain Drake, the Red Beard, to his ship.

The ship was a bit old, with two cannons mounted on the fence. Some of the sailors on the ship wore eye patches, and some had wooden legs.

"Uncle, you are not pirates!"

Da Yue asked uncertainly.

"Hahaha, we used to be pirates. Pirates are also navigators. We have too many stories of battles, victories and failures. Our lives are full of drama and tragedy. Although we are no longer pirates, our sailing career is not over."

Captain Drake, the Red Beard, said passionately.

"Uncle, you are awesome!"

Amy gave Drake a thumbs up.

"No way!"

Drake said embarrassedly.

"Awesome! Awesome!"

Pokémon: Chatterbox

Attributes: General/Flying

Features: Strong chest muscles

Qualifications: Gym

Level: Elite Peak

Chatterbox looks like a parrot, with a musical note-like design on its head, yellow chest and claws, blue body and green belly.

"Dayue, this Pokémon is so amazing that it can speak human language!"

Amy said in surprise.

"This is Chatterbox. Chatterbox's tongue is very similar to that of humans, so it can imitate human language very skillfully. It is a performer who can imitate human language vividly. It learns human language to sing, and it will swing its tail feathers left and right like a metronome to beat the rhythm. When partners gather in the same place, everyone will learn the same vocabulary. By making the same call as the opponent, the opponent will be convinced that he is a companion and thus avoid being attacked. As it grows older and accumulates a lot of experience, it can even understand the meaning of the words."

Dayue's classroom is online again.

"Da Yue, you know a lot. This kind of Pokémon is rare in Hoenn!"

Drake said approvingly.

"Uncle, don't look at him like this. He is a genuine Alliance doctor."

Amy said directly.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Quackbird shouted again beside him.

Just as Quackbird shouted, a banana hit its head. Everyone looked up and saw a Pokémon hanging on the railing.

Pokémon: Longtailed Strange Hand

Attribute: General

Feature: Continuous Attack

Qualification: Elite

Level: Proficient Initial Stage

Most of Longtailed Strange Hand's body is purple, and the inside of the ears, face, abdomen, soles of the feet and the end of the tail are beige. There is a hair on its head.

Amy took out the illustrated book and pointed it at Longtailed Strange Hand, and the electronic mechanical sound rang out.

"Long-tailed Pokémon, a long-tailed Pokémon, can hang under branches with its powerful tail. It usually lives in trees."

"It's actually Long-tailed Pokémon."

Amy exclaimed.

The Dai Yue on the side was very complicated.

Can I say that it is really worthy of being a pirate, with a pirate ship, Captain Redbeard, one-eyed, wooden legs, leather boots, parrots and monkeys.

Everyone sat down, and Drake took the helm and set sail.

The sailors on the ship told Dai Yue and the others about their adventures in their youth, and the two listened with relish.

Just as the few people were talking, a large cloud gathered here.

The weather on the sea is really unpredictable. It was clear in the front foot, and it started to be covered with dark clouds in the back foot.

It didn't take long for the heavy rain to fall, and the strong wind swept the waves towards the big ship.

The old big ship was hit by the waves at this time and immediately began to leak.

"I can't be so unlucky!"

Da Yue released the Metagross directly.


"Metagross, open the telekinetic barrier to protect the ship."

The huge telekinetic barrier enveloped the ship, and the waves could no longerapproach.


Da Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and just hereDrake ran over.

"The power system of the ship was damaged by the waves. We can't control the ship's sailing now."

Da Yue and Amy turned bitter again.

After the last trip of the Breaking Wave, they will drift on the sea again this time.

Fortunately, the storm passed quickly, and the giant gold monster withdrew the telekinetic barrier.

Da Yue released the blood-winged flying dragon and asked him to help raise the wind and speed up the drifting speed of the ship.

Finally, on the third day, everyone saw a small island.

There are many houses and buildings on the island, and there are also some ships on the beach.

Soon everyone boarded the island. Because Drake and his team needed to repair the big ship, they stayed on the coast and waited for the maintenance personnel. Da Yue and the other two went to the center of the island.

From the uncle on the shore, I learned that this place is called the Southern Island, also called the Southern Lonely Island. There is only this island around, and the seafood here is very rich. If it were not at the edge of the Hoenn region, it would have developed into one of the best port cities.

But there is one thing that most islanders don't know. Latios and Latias live on this island.

Even those who know it think it's a legend.

"The seafood here in Daiyue is so delicious!"

Amy was tasting the grilled fish she just bought.

"Don't just eat, let's take a look at the centerof the island."

Daiyue said unhappily.

The two came to the center of the island, where there were two tall stone statues with a high platform in the middle of the statues.

"What kind of Pokémon are these two?"

Amy pointed to the two statues and asked Daiyue.

"Red and blue plane."

Daiyue answered casually.

"What is the red and blue plane?"

Amy continued to ask without giving up.

"The one on the left is Latios, and the one on the right is Latias. They are both legendary Pokémon, and they are a pair of siblings."

"Latios has a high IQ and can understand human language. It is a gentle Pokémon that hates fighting. It is only close to kind-hearted people and can show them what it sees and thinks through images. Even if it disappears without a trace, it still has telepathy, so it can know the location and mood of its partners. If it folds its wings and retracts its forelimbs to fly, it can reduce air resistance and its speed can exceed that of a jet plane."

"And Latias also has a high IQ and can understand human language. It communicates with humans through telepathy and can perceive people's hearts very keenly. It will form several groups to act together and rarely come into contact with humans or Pokémon. Once it senses hostility, it will erect its feathers, intimidate the opponent with fierce cries, and disappear without a trace. It will wrap its body with glass-like feathers to refract light to change its appearance, so that it can hide its body."

Da Yue Xiao Classroom is online.

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